I always think it's funny that their style changes so rapidly and when I saw Dora's hair change from the last time I saw her, I thought it would be funny if every time we had a new comic, she did her hair a different way. Ya know, like black chicks.
I'm not black and my I change my hair up all the time. Case in point, I'm getting it colored a plummy purple shortly. I usually fuss with my hair so often that it is rarely past my shoulders for long. Might also cut it this weekend, not sure. It's summer and getting hotter and my hair is this thick, heavy curling mass, but I've never let it grow this long before, it's down to my ass, and I'm reluctant to cut it. I've forced myself not to cut it, though it has been dyed a few times, because I want to see how long I can grow it before it drives me utterly insane. We're getting there.
I think it's more to do with fashion trends in certain areas/cultures than race.
They were just doing typical white male stuff like A) assuming you're also a white male and B) paranoid-ly distancing themselves from anything they think "smells like" racism (such as mentioning race in any context)
A) You're assuming they're both white males and B) if someone makes a comment where they are saying that someone does something just like (insert race or minority) do and and all you have to go on is text, you can't always tell how they might mean it. Especially when it's something of a stereotypical nature.
Darn it! I got all caught up in that stuff and forgot that I originally came in here to sqwee about the return of Wil! Yay, Wil! Now someone give that poor boy a muffin? It looks like he's missed a few meals.