So we have two different offices that handle money issues for students. The Financial Aid office that gives you money through scholarships, grants, loans, etc., and the Student Accounts office, which exists for the purpose of taking your money through collecting tuition, fees, parking tickets (a typical student will accumulate a LOT of those of the course of their time here), library fines, and anything else they can think of.
They really are the opposite of each other. Everyone who works at Financial Aid is really nice and willing to go out of their way to help you, everyone who works at Student Accounts is a curt asshole who seems to loathe every second they are forced to spend speaking with you. These people make DMV look like the pinnacle of customer service. As I just discovered, even the answering machine is extremely rude.
"You have reached the Student Accounts office, please listen to the following options and make your selection carefully..." It then spends the next minute and a half listing the names and extensions of nine other offices your problem might be related to instead of theirs before it actually starts telling you the extensions of student accounts staff members.