I got another look at the two trailers, and I remembered that it works with a class system. "Brick - as himself!" Haha. If it gathers up a crowd, I think I might buy it.
The setting looks somewhat like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect combined. I like the look of that skill tree, too; nothing too complicated. I don't usually care much for class-based games, though. It always feels a bit restrictive to me. I think it was Red Faction Guerillia that had a class-based multiplayer where the type of equipment you picked up determined your class. This appealed more to me than the conventional system.
Is it just me, or do many of these class-based multiplayer games try to be a bit too much like Team Fortress 2? I mean, there's obviously HAVE online, which blatantly copies everything they do, but also Battlefield Heroes, and it seems like they're all trying to create their own atmosphere of 'fun and games'. The classes have, aside from playstyle, radically diverse and exaggarated personalities, and they feel just a bit zany. That's just the impression I'm getting.