Oh and I've never fully finished Diablo 2, though I'm not sure that's a reasonable goal single player. I think act 2 hell difficulty is as far as I've managed. I could have gone further but it gets to a point where it's 80% agro control, 15% trying to keep alive and 5% killing things that it gets to be incredibly heavy going.
I have gotten like halfway through act 3 before quitting a coupple of times. I think I've only been in Hell once.
i remembered another one - I've played Might and Magic 6-8, but never finished any of them, mostly due to it taking so god damned long. They are great, great, great games, though. You want interesting storyline and an open world RPG that gives exiting and challenging gameplay and new game experiences all through the game? This is the shit.
I especially love how the levelling system works - it's so slow that when you actually get a new level and can get one rank up in a skill and then get to where you need to train it and train it, it feels like a great accomplishment. Loved it every time my mages could use new spells, even more than in Baldur's Gate. I don't know why, it's probably the different gameplay each of them brought - think of water walk and fly, two spells that radically alters how you play the game.
Now I want to play them again. The sad thing is that I know I'll just end up sitting in taverns, playing that card game, since it's fucking magnificent.