Could be worse. The Team Riker poster could have been this pic:
*obligatory righteous indignation that a young woman can't enjoy sex without being a slut*
When I was in grad school, I lived in co-ed grad student housing. We just had carved slivvers of metal, laughingly referred to as keys, to check our comings* and goings. (Everyone knows real keys are 4096-bits.) In theory, if we had a guest for a week or more, we were supposed to pay a "rent" fee.
I remember one late-night winter fire alarm that had a bunch of young men and women milling around in their PJs outside. One guy who rolled his own cigarettes from pouch tobacco started rolling one right there in front of the campus mall cops. I gleaned copious entertainment from watching their eyes light up, but there wasn't the first thing they could do about it.
It's been mentioned, but, Steve... digging the fuscia briefs, dude.
* Write your own joke here.