Hence, a lot of Marigold's 'problems' are a thing of nature, whereas Faye's problem's are one of nurture. It is easier for Faye's problems to be dealt with professionally, but it'll be a lot harder for Marigold's 'problems' to be solved - and quite likely to a introvert's mindset, the 'problems' aren't really a problem.
Bleah. So introverts are born, not made? Sure, some personalities are more introverted than others by their nature, but the teasing Mari suffered is a positive reenforcement of introversion, sending her deeper into it. That's learned behaviour, "nurture", and can be ameliorated with help.
And what happened to Faye had little if anything to do with nurture. Her way of coping with it was self destructive, but based on her nature - outgoing, interactive with other people (even if that interaction frequently ended in punches).
It's just
not that cut and dried!
Oh, and QCfan, Mari has issues.
Everyone in this comic (and IRL) has issues. You may not see them for what you percieve as her awesomeness, but Mari thinks of herself in a negative light (fat, smelly, ugly, etc.), and that's wrong - as you well know!
Oh, Tova posted, and said much the same things about Marigold's issues. Oh, well.