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Moment of the Week:

Sven's Foot In Mouth Disease
- 6 (10.3%)
The Oversized Hoodie!
- 9 (15.5%)
- 1 (1.7%)
- 2 (3.4%)
That wouldn't be Gentlemanly of me.
- 2 (3.4%)
Hanners waves hi to Dad!
- 4 (6.9%)
- 16 (27.6%)
Hee hee! I'm not even WEARING pants!
- 6 (10.3%)
Chaste Hugs!
- 3 (5.2%)
Can't you just be happy for me?
- 1 (1.7%)
She DID consider grabbing his butt one time.
- 8 (13.8%)

Total Members Voted: 52

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Author Topic: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010 (1766-70)  (Read 62276 times)


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #150 on: 08 Oct 2010, 01:01 »

Dang ! Week is over !

Hafta wait until monday for the next comic ...

*wait* *wait* *wait* Are we there yet ? *wait* *wait* *wait* ...
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #151 on: 08 Oct 2010, 01:23 »

In the mean time, if anyone is hungry, you can probably fry an egg on Dora's head right now!  :-o
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #152 on: 08 Oct 2010, 01:29 »

Sven is totally gonna steal Marten away from Dora!!!111
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #153 on: 08 Oct 2010, 02:03 »

For comic #1770...

1. Good epilogue to finally end the Hanners + Sven pretend-date story-arc.  Jeph really out-did himself with this story and artwork, particularly in Hannelore's case.  Looking forward to a new week and story.

2. Love how Hanners shuts down both Dora's and Faye's jumped conclusions.

3. Hannelore may not be "into" Sven, but she definitely has something "with" him.  And that is a good thing :-) .

4. Poor Dora, once again trying so hard not to have another emotional blow-up, she has been under so much stress of late.  Hopefully next story-arc or two will have Dora on the happy-side of the things.  [P.S. Edit ADD: Also, it is NOT healthy to try to suppress such things like she is doing, speaking from experience.]

5. Murlocs do make that sound, yes.  Perhaps because they have such stressful lives, having to bottle their frustrations and insecurites, run their independent businesses in the face of mega-corporate franchises, and keep a mentor's watch over their many friends is they wind up attacking all the player races.  In any case, keep murloc-Dora away from tauren-Marigold!  [Wonder what Dora would be as a player-character in World of Warcraft...?]

6. "...'Cause daaang, dude has a great butt."  Great punch-line, and only Marten could have delivered it, I think.  Of course he still needs to work upon his timing ( if Dora is making her frustrated murloc noise because of Marten's punch-line, it is hard to tell with all the other lines in the panel (or could be from the combination of all their lines).  [And is he coming in carrying groceries...?  Also hard to tell]

7. And as I said it before, I will probably never get tired of seeing a blushing Hanners.
« Last Edit: 08 Oct 2010, 13:44 by pendrake »


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #154 on: 08 Oct 2010, 04:09 »

Huh. Faye's reaction is the most interesting, I think; she seems genuinely surprised the Sven manage to make it through a whole 3-4 hours with a cute girl without trying to get into her panties, even by accident. More importantly she just accepts this based on Hanners' word, whereas Dora continues the silly inquisition. I think she might genuinely be over him, which is only going to depress Sven even more when he finds out.

Someone still needs to tell Hanners that being grilled about your date by your bestest girlfriends is perfectly normal behaviour, though usually with less of an accusatory tone. Usually.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #155 on: 08 Oct 2010, 04:27 »

Someone still needs to tell Hanners that being grilled about your date by your bestest girlfriends is perfectly normal behaviour, though usually with less of an accusatory tone. Usually.

Except they have a conflict of interest that disqualifies them from this role (i.e. both of them have a grudge against Sven personally), so they should have brought in an outside consultant to provide a more neutral perspective.

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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #156 on: 08 Oct 2010, 04:56 »

don't think they ned an outside consultant - Faye seems to be handling this best and will probably be the fastest to congradulate Hanners after Marten (Marigold would probably do so faster, but she's not in the apartment[or is she?]). 

This has been a fun arc -  excellent story writing, good artwork, etc.

And I will confirm at this point that my earlier call was off the mark, Jeph has done the better thing and went for decent character development for two characters instead of the cheap laughs and drama.  I can stand to be wrong like this more often.

and if anyone's interested - it never is too cold for ice cream.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #157 on: 08 Oct 2010, 05:42 »

Sven is totally gonna steal Marten away from Dora!!!111
Marten has a homosexual dad and a stripper mom, thats why he has no issues with admitting some other dude has a "cute ass".

I dont think he's any homosexual himself, though.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #158 on: 08 Oct 2010, 06:05 »

Very pleased that things went as well as I expected. Especially happy to see Jeph's art and writing has never been better.

Looking forward to the next arc.


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #159 on: 08 Oct 2010, 06:42 »

And Dora does a murlock impersonation
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #160 on: 08 Oct 2010, 07:10 »

Marten has a homosexual dad and a stripper mom, thats why he has no issues with admitting some other dude has a "cute ass".
Ms. Reed is not a stripper; she's a top drawer fetish model and possibly a burlesque artiste. Merely stripping is about five pay grades down from there.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #161 on: 08 Oct 2010, 07:16 »

Yep, Hanners is definitely on the right path to becoming a better person.  She handled herself well on this "pretend" date, and she even showed Dora and Faye that she could be the better person.  And it is healthy to admit that one is attracted to another person.  Of course she may be remembering her stash of fireman pics.   :wink:


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #162 on: 08 Oct 2010, 07:16 »

Marten has a homosexual dad and a stripper mom, thats why he has no issues with admitting some other dude has a "cute ass".
Ms. Reed is not a stripper; she's a top drawer fetish model and possibly a burlesque artiste. Merely stripping is about five pay grades down from there.
Err ok no idea about such things so you're probably right. Whatever you're right about. But you are. Maybe. :-D
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #163 on: 08 Oct 2010, 09:44 »

Ha!  And Marten grabs (heh) the best line of the week, awesome.   :mrgreen:  This was a fun arc, and it will be interesting to see how this affects the way the characters interact.  I'm looking forward to Hanners telling Marigold about all this for some reason.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #164 on: 08 Oct 2010, 09:47 »

Cue a jealous Marigold.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #165 on: 08 Oct 2010, 10:06 »

More importantly she just accepts this based on Hanners' word, whereas Dora continues the silly inquisition.
Nobody expects the silly inquisition!
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #166 on: 08 Oct 2010, 11:08 »

Hannelore: assertive without going into Beatrice mode. Healthy.

Yay Hanners!  So glad her date turned out well.
« Last Edit: 08 Oct 2010, 14:09 by tomart »
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #167 on: 08 Oct 2010, 13:24 »

Cue a jealous Marigold.

So, next week Marigold asks for a "practice" date from Sven?  I'm sure she's been wondering about him ever since the warnings Faye was spouting when they "bumped" into each other. 

Although she may want to practice something a little different...

But on the date, they find out they're in the same guild (!), hijinks ensue, and they wind up playing WoW instead of any of the activities Marigold had in mind. 

Never mind, I like whatever Jeph's going to do better. 
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #168 on: 08 Oct 2010, 13:45 »

More importantly she just accepts this based on Hanners' word, whereas Dora continues the silly inquisition.
Nobody expects the silly inquisition!

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Heh, I like how Hanners shuts the two of them down, and how she admits she almost grabbed his butt.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #169 on: 08 Oct 2010, 14:00 »

Marten has a homosexual dad and a stripper mom, thats why he has no issues with admitting some other dude has a "cute ass".

I dont think he's any homosexual himself, though.
I dunno.  I think Marten is pretty much a stereotypical bisexual.  That being said, I do not seriously see Jeph ever having Marten tested on that angle.


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #170 on: 08 Oct 2010, 17:13 »

For comic #1770...

6. "...'Cause daaang, dude has a great butt."  Great punch-line, and only Marten could have delivered it, I think.  Of course he still needs to work upon his timing ( if Dora is making her frustrated murloc noise because of Marten's punch-line, it is hard to tell with all the other lines in the panel (or could be from the combination of all their lines).  [And is he coming in carrying groceries...?  Also hard to tell]

Marten's the only one who could ever pull off this line; he's the Predator drone of jokes.


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #171 on: 08 Oct 2010, 18:26 »

Cue a jealous Marigold.

No fair, you watched the Ustream feed, didn't you?
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #172 on: 08 Oct 2010, 21:18 »

Can't do that at work.....
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #173 on: 08 Oct 2010, 23:05 »

For comic #1770...

6. "...'Cause daaang, dude has a great butt."  Great punch-line, and only Marten could have delivered it, I think.  Of course he still needs to work upon his timing ( if Dora is making her frustrated murloc noise because of Marten's punch-line, it is hard to tell with all the other lines in the panel (or could be from the combination of all their lines).  [And is he coming in carrying groceries...?  Also hard to tell]

Marten's the only one who could ever pull off this line; he's the Predator drone of jokes.

Predator Drone of Jokes...that would be a great T-shirt
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #174 on: 08 Oct 2010, 23:13 »

Marten has a homosexual dad and a stripper mom, thats why he has no issues with admitting some other dude has a "cute ass".

I dont think he's any homosexual himself, though.
I dunno.  I think Marten is pretty much a stereotypical bisexual.  That being said, I do not seriously see Jeph ever having Marten tested on that angle.



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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #175 on: 09 Oct 2010, 00:22 »

I thought the Murloc noise would have more rs and, auuuuuurrrrrrgrrllgrlgrlgrlgrluh


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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #176 on: 09 Oct 2010, 19:14 »

Moment of the Week:

Sven's Foot In Mouth Disease    - 4 (8%)
The Oversized Hoodie!    - 7 (14%)
That wouldn't be Gentlemanly of me.    - 2 (4%)
Hanners waves hi to Dad!    - 3 (6%)
Hee hee! I'm not even WEARING pants!    - 6 (12%)
Chaste Hugs!    - 2 (4%)
Can't you just be happy for me?    - 1 (2%)
She DID consider grabbing his butt one time.    - 8 (16%)

Total Voters: 50
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #177 on: 10 Oct 2010, 23:33 »

A late note on last comic: I like how Hanners states that Sven's been a "perfect gentleman". He's been quite gentlemanly, but his initial blunders makes the use of the word "perfect" a bit of a stretch. I think Hannelore deliberately avoids the matter of what amounts to minor lapses because she knows she's speaking to two persons who are most likely to accentuate the negative out of proportion when Sven is concerned.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #178 on: 11 Oct 2010, 09:17 »

Hannelore may be naive, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand how people think!  You're right, perfect is a stretch for the beginning of the date - discussing Faye's "assetts" and then blurting out that he'd "do" Hanners - but I think the rest of the date made up for that.  Ice cream and stargazing can make up for all sorts of things!

I also think that she doesn't want to burden Faye with the knowledge that Sven's pining for... parts of her.  Regardless of whether Faye would rejoice in making Sven miserable or feel bad about it, Hanners knows that it's not going to help anyone either way. 

She's remarkably tactful.  A perfect lady, really. 
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #179 on: 11 Oct 2010, 11:37 »

*Sigh* Headaches and what-not kept me off the forums for most of this—plus, after 'herp-derp' I really didn't have much to say, beyond various sounds from the nausea it induced*. I will say this—looks like Sven's having it easy. Again. Goes on a date with Hanners, freaks her out in the restaurant, then gets to 'redeem' himself by the astounding act of not killing her and knowing a meme she's fond of, and, of course, using the charm.

Hanners may be doing what you way, Carl, but she also strikes me as giving the answer to Dora that most parents have heard after their girl-child goes on a date with a guy who has an iffy reputation. Yeah, whoever said something about girlfriends picking Hanners brains after the date is far aff the mark. Dora and Faye are acting as Hanners in situ parents; nor can I say I blame them. Everyone wanting to fry Dora for being 'bitchy' needs to take a step back. She's been mothering Hanners for a while now, and seeing her 'little girl' going out with her brother the masher took some sitting on herself.

Plus, of course, Dora has to feel like everyone's turning on her. It's not true, sure, but she clearly feels that way, and I, for one, can't really blame her. One (non) fucking herpderp goddam date does not mean Sven's discarded his behavior with women (not particularly with Faye; that was mostly par for the course with him, save at the very end). For Hanners to turn up her nose at Dora tells me she knows that, and simply doesn't want to admit it, and perhaps not just to spare anyone's feelings.

Somebody on this thread quoted Jeph as saying none of his characters are ever completely right in an argument. I'd say that applies to Hannelore, too.

*or possibly disappointment. I expected Hanners to call Sven on his comments about his relationship with Faye, which might have started the real growth he needs to become the mensch someone said he could be. I agree that's possible (as I've said repeatedly, he showed ever sign of being so capable with Faye before their affair), but it's not going to be as easy as this. Being a mensch means being responsible—Sven's just started on that road.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #180 on: 13 Oct 2010, 03:30 »

Somebody on this thread quoted Jeph as saying none of his characters are ever completely right in an argument. I'd say that applies to Hannelore, too.

And to you, too. And therefore, by definition to me, too. Ideally, debates and arguments aren't about "being right", rather they are (or should be) about furthering understanding for all parties involved. While Hannelore may not be completely right about Sven, she IS helping Faye and Dora to take another look. Or at least she's trying to. Apparently, Faye takes that better than Doray does.

I appreciate your evaluation of the reason why Dora 'mothers' Hanners... but I don't agree with it. I think that her resentment stems mainly from her distrust of Sven. I can see where that comes from. In Dutch, there's a proverb that loosely translates as "trust comes on foot, but departs on horseback". In the relationship between Dora and Sven, this is painfully obvious.

We also need to consider that Hanners may have disabling quirks, but her track record when it comes to correctly reading people and situations between people is second to none. Dora still has a ways to go to get where Hanners has been comfortable for a long time.

And no, being a Mensch doesn't mean being responsible. Being a Mensch INCLUDES being responsible. It also includes being empathic.

Funny how the main cast characters being so multi-layered brings out individual likes and dislikes among the readers!

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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #181 on: 13 Oct 2010, 11:31 »

So, next week Marigold asks for a "practice" date from Sven?  I'm sure she's been wondering about him ever since the warnings Faye was spouting when they "bumped" into each other.  

Although she may want to practice something a little   different   more advanced...

"quoted Jeph as saying none of his characters are ever completely right" (or thus wrong)

i think this is a key to the veracity & reality of the strip; real life is usually like this, and then, too, there's no real villain...

Raoulle, you're still harsh on Sven? ...i guess i'm the fickle one, almost identifying with him now...
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2010, 11:35 by tomart »
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #182 on: 13 Oct 2010, 14:29 »

And no, being a Mensch doesn't mean being responsible. Being a Mensch INCLUDES being responsible. It also includes being empathic.
Sure, but Sven very clearly is empathic. Not only does he use it to make money (the songs) and get sex (that's more or less what he was talking about when he explained his 'powers') but he was empathic to Faye before sex entered the equation—afterwards, not so much.

And Tomart, I guess that's why I'm harsh on Sven. He seemed to stop being Faye's friend when he became her lover. I'd hoped that he would combine the two—that's what she needed, after all, even if, as I say, I'm sure Faye didn't know that, and told herself she was using Sven for gratiofication only.

I'll also remind anyone complaining about Faye not inviting Sven to social events with the group about his oh-so mature reaction to his sister. If he'd been responsible, no matter who had 'started' the sex between himself and Faye, he'd have gone to his sister and told her what was going on rather than go through the same old pattern.

Sven has empathy, intelligence and a host of other gifts. The thing I see missing is responsibility. I will grant he's on the right track with the Hanners 'date,' but I also wonder if he won't decide 'behaving' on it makes everything A-OK.
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #183 on: 13 Oct 2010, 14:51 »

And no, being a Mensch doesn't mean being responsible. Being a Mensch INCLUDES being responsible. It also includes being empathic.
Sure, but Sven very clearly is empathic. Not only does he use it to make money (the songs) and get sex (that's more or less what he was talking about when he explained his 'powers') but he was empathic to Faye before sex entered the equation—afterwards, not so much.

Could this possibly be because he was never ever granted the chance to be empathic afterwards?

And Tomart, I guess that's why I'm harsh on Sven. He seemed to stop being Faye's friend when he became her lover. I'd hoped that he would combine the two—that's what she needed, after all, even if, as I say, I'm sure Faye didn't know that, and told herself she was using Sven for gratiofication only.
The last sentence reinforces my question.
The question is: did he stop being Faye's friend when he became her lover? Or did he stop being her friend after he STOPPED being her lover (for the want of a spine)? Even when he and Faye were antagonists with benefits, he was still ready to be Faye's reality check whenever needed. And let's be honest, it was Faye who decided that she didn't need it. It wasn't Sven's fault  that it turned out that Faye was wrong about that.

Sven has empathy, intelligence and a host of other gifts. The thing I see missing is responsibility. I will grant he's on the right track with the Hanners 'date,' but I also wonder if he won't decide 'behaving' on it makes everything A-OK.

OK, I think we're on to something here. I, as a parent, am ready to recognize virtue as well as vice, and encourage Sven to pursue his virtues rather than criticize him on what he did wrong in the past. I  will not prevent him, or anyone, from falling flat on the face... but if he were my son, I'd be there to help him get up afterwards.

Jeez, Raoul, give the guy a break. We may differ on whether he deserves it, but I am telling you (and I AM rite, trust me on this) that he needs it. He's not going to develop a spine if he's not encouraged to do so.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2010, 14:57 by peterh »
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Re: Weekly Comic Thread 4-8 October 2010
« Reply #184 on: 13 Oct 2010, 19:09 »

Could this possibly be because he was never ever granted the chance to be empathic afterwards?

OK, he made an attempt once. 

But then he shut it down. 

Faye didn't help things. 

And after a while, he didn't even care enough to try. 

And on another note, more Dora insecurities

Well, that was fun! 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.
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