Sorry for the length and double posting despite my general opposition to that, but I was worried about cutting quotes.
But your response was not even suited to the question they were asking. No amount of Google-searching would have answered their question, because it was not "what is a singularity" but "what was the specific event that Winslow and Pintsize are talking about, which happened yesterday, and qualified as the singularity?" So not only were you insulting, you were incorrect, because you were insulting them over asking a question they hadn't even asked.
In short you made a fool of yourself by making a big deal about a topic that no one else was even talking about at the time. That is another reason why one shouldn't resort to outbursts like that. If you don't accept politeness as a reason, at least you should accept self-interest.
There was nothing to indicate that was the question they were asking. It looked very much like they saw the first panel and ignored the rest, especially the third (which made it extremely clear that this was not the space-time type of singularity, by the way, which it is clear snub was still under the impression it was). The first panel said "The singularity happened" and snub promptly asked "
so what exactly is the singularity
that happened"- a direct response to the comic, not a real world event query.
You falsely accuse me of being a fool, so here's a corollary to the rule about lies (lies, damned lies, and statistics): there are fools, damn fools, and those who defend fools (did I just invent that?). Guess which you are in my estimation.
And I'm perfectly polite most of the time, so long as the individual has actually put in a modicum of thought. If they don't, I have no qualms about pointing it out.
Hannelore can't be the Cybernetic Princess Queen, that's Kimiko's job/destiny.
I forgot the exact quote, thanks for reminding me.
knew this was vaguely familiar! I wonder what we said last time, but I'm unwilling to wade through the old threads to find the one for that week.
I disagree. I don't find it annoying. In fact, I'd say it's a perfectly logical question to ask, considering this is a thread specifically designed for discussing the comic. I guarantee you that the people who posted those questions weren't the only ones who didn't get the comic. Someone has to be the first one to ask the question in order to get the ball rolling in terms of discussion. Why would you ridicule someone simply for being the first person to ask it? For that matter, why do you find the question so annoying?
Nope, because they weren't asking about the comic, they were asking about the idea mentioned in the comic and totally failing to understand or check it out, as discussed in the above response to Wanderer. They could easily have taken 30 seconds to find it, then said " I don't get it, is this some point where humans cease to exist?" or some such, and I would have been find with that. Ignorance I can be patient with, lack of any drive to correct that ignorance without being spoon fed I cannot (I just looked back and realized that this is remarkably similar to the comment I made that you responded to, but you clearly didn't get the point so I'll keep it.) Basically, they could have asked just about anything
except what they oh-so-lazily said and that would have been fine.
And I find it annoying because I deal with this (that is, delaying or forgoing actual conversation to give information the person can LOOK UP, and in fact has the means to do so literally right in front of them) all the damn time.
It did get people's attention, but useful for what exactly? It certainly created an air of irritation and discomfort as I indicated above, but it didn't answer the question or prove that you had the answer or means of finding it. The way I see it, all it did was insult people without contributing any useful information.
The way I see it, the plea to actually attempt, however feebly, to inform yourself before asking, is now burned into at least a couple memory cells so that at least a couple of those who read it will remember the concept next time they want to ask online "hey, what does imbecile mean?" I'll note that it's not my fault people quoted it biggie sized so it was said 3 times instead of once. I make every effort I can to keep quotes short. And that I wasn't answering the question
was the point. I checked to make sure it popped up when I googled 'singularity', it did, so they could achieve the same results by following my two word guide to enlightenment (and thus prove the last two in that second sentence). logical_singularity
Hey, I said no telling!
What a coincidence! I also made a request today that wasn't complied with. Life's unfair, eh? 
Yes, but I gave a reason for denying your request. What was his?