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Tai couldn't sleep with Dora
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Author Topic: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010 (1776-1780)  (Read 93481 times)

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #100 on: 20 Oct 2010, 00:37 »

:-o Really, anything that isn't far future (or past) with spaceships is "hardcore scifi?" Much scifi dealing with near future changes brings up the singularity, if often not by name.

Ummm, I dunno.  I'm constantly being told by people who are into Asimov and such that Star Wars and Star Trek aren't "real" sci-fi (which i disapree with, but whatever), so I've taken to calling it sci-fi melodrama.  What constitutes "hardcore" sci-fi is up to someone else to define. 

The only "real" sci-fi book I've read was Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, which is friggin' a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #101 on: 20 Oct 2010, 00:38 »

[insert deity here]DAMMIT JEPH! The comic was bad enough, but did that really have to be the title text. I was eating a bagel with cream cheese!

I just caught that!!!!!

I swear, sometimes I miss stuff that's so obvious that even Hanners would have trouble keeping a straight face!
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #102 on: 20 Oct 2010, 00:49 »

For comic #1778...

1. Punchline of comic: eeeww...

2. Upon reflection of comic title after punchline: EEEWW...

3. Yet somehow, I doubt such thoughts of awkwardness &/or weirdness would stop Tai from sleeping with Dora (or vice-versa, for that matter) if the oppurtunity presented itself between the two :evil: .
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 02:37 by pendrake »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #103 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:17 »

 Sorry for the length and double posting despite my general opposition to that, but I was worried about cutting quotes.

But your response was not even suited to the question they were asking. No amount of Google-searching would have answered their question, because it was not "what is a singularity" but "what was the specific event that Winslow and Pintsize are talking about, which happened yesterday, and qualified as the singularity?" So not only were you insulting, you were incorrect, because you were insulting them over asking a question they hadn't even asked.
In short you made a fool of yourself by making a big deal about a topic that no one else was even talking about at the time. That is another reason why one shouldn't resort to outbursts like that. If you don't accept politeness as a reason, at least you should accept self-interest.

There was nothing to indicate that was the question they were asking. It looked very much like they saw the first panel and ignored the rest, especially the third (which made it extremely clear that this was not the space-time type of singularity, by the way, which it is clear snub was still under the impression it was). The first panel said "The singularity happened" and snub promptly asked "so what exactly is the singularity that happened"- a direct response to the comic, not a real world event query.

You falsely accuse me of being a fool, so here's a corollary to the rule about lies (lies, damned lies, and statistics): there are fools, damn fools, and those who defend fools (did I just invent that?). Guess which you are in my estimation.

And I'm perfectly polite most of the time, so long as the individual has actually put in a modicum of thought. If they don't, I have no qualms about pointing it out.

Hannelore can't be the Cybernetic Princess Queen, that's Kimiko's job/destiny.
I forgot the exact quote, thanks for reminding me.
I knew this was vaguely familiar! I wonder what we said last time, but I'm unwilling to wade through the old threads to find the one for that week.

I disagree.  I don't find it annoying.  In fact, I'd say it's a perfectly logical question to ask, considering this is a thread specifically designed for discussing the comic.  I guarantee you that the people who posted those questions weren't the only ones who didn't get the comic.  Someone has to be the first one to ask the question in order to get the ball rolling in terms of discussion.  Why would you ridicule someone simply for being the first person to ask it?  For that matter, why do you find the question so annoying?

Nope, because they weren't asking about the comic, they were asking about the idea mentioned in the comic and totally failing to understand or check it out, as discussed in the above response to Wanderer. They could easily have taken 30 seconds to find it, then said " I don't get it, is this some point where humans cease to exist?" or some such, and I would have been find with that. Ignorance I can be patient with, lack of any drive to correct that ignorance without being spoon fed I cannot (I just looked back and realized that this is remarkably similar to the comment I made that you responded to, but you clearly didn't get the point so I'll keep it.) Basically, they could have asked just about anything except what they oh-so-lazily said and that would have been fine.

And I find it annoying because I deal with this (that is, delaying or forgoing actual conversation to give information the person can LOOK UP, and in fact has the means to do so literally right in front of them) all the damn time.

It did get people's attention, but useful for what exactly?  It certainly created an air of irritation and discomfort as I indicated above, but it didn't answer the question or prove that you had the answer or means of finding it.  The way I see it, all it did was insult people without contributing any useful information.
The way I see it, the plea to actually attempt, however feebly, to inform yourself before asking, is now burned into at least a couple memory cells so that at least a couple of those who read it will remember the concept next time they want to ask online "hey, what does imbecile mean?" I'll note that it's not my fault people quoted it biggie sized so it was said 3 times instead of once. I make every effort I can to keep quotes short. And that I wasn't answering the question was the point. I checked to make sure it popped up when I googled 'singularity', it did, so they could achieve the same results by following my two word guide to enlightenment (and thus prove the last two in that second sentence). logical_singularity
Hey, I said no telling!
What a coincidence!  I also made a request today that wasn't complied with.  Life's unfair, eh?   :lol:
Yes, but I gave a reason for denying your request. What was his?  :wink:

« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 02:06 by westrim »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #104 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:21 »

[insert deity here]DAMMIT JEPH! The comic was bad enough, but did that really have to be the title text. I was eating a bagel with cream cheese!
Ninja'd, but here's my response, which I typed entirely before reading yours, and am posting before I get further behind:

Aw, dammit Jeph! The comic was fine, but then I saw the title and-  :psyduck:  :x (for those perplexed at my reaction, yes, it's another innocent term co-opted as slang for a sexual act.)

I dunno why Marten's so worried, though. I mean, it's his semen, so what's the big deal?

my, how crude the comic today, eh?  :lol:
I'm a little surprised at Tai's comment; I mean, Dora wouldn't be the first bi or straight woman she'd go down on, would she?
(Also surprised Marten hadn't thought of it before. Has any guy not thought of that? And why is it / should it be a problem?)
If you're going to be haunted by the ghosts of jizzes past, you're in for a difficult sex life.  :-D
Yeah, but right now he's in the moment so it's hitting harder than it will later. And I'm not sure that Tai's had this close a friendship with a guy before, so maybe that's part of her deal.

There must be a reason why Tai is the character that I like least. She does seem to be rather self-centered. Today's comic doesn't make it any easier to think otherwise.
Well, she's thoughtless. She's the youngest regular in the strip I think (not counting girlfriends, Steve!), and I recall that being Jeph's thoughts on younger folk sometimes. Or I could be completely ass-wrong.

:-o Really, anything that isn't far future (or past) with spaceships is "hardcore scifi?" Much scifi dealing with near future changes brings up the singularity, if often not by name.
Ummm, I dunno.  I'm constantly being told by people who are into Asimov and such that Star Wars and Star Trek aren't "real" sci-fi (which i disagree with, but whatever), so I've taken to calling it sci-fi melodrama.  What constitutes "hardcore" sci-fi is up to someone else to define.  
The only "real" sci-fi book I've read was Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, which is friggin' a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
Well, those people are snobs. There is a range with the extremes being soft (like star wars) and hard scifi, but neither side is more valid than the other. The singularity has been touched on before in popular media, though often not by name- as mentioned several times before in this thread, Instrumentality from Evangelion was a singularity.

Solaris is indeed amazing, but also depressing to those who hope to find other life beyond our lonely ball of rock to chat with.

[insert deity here]DAMMIT JEPH! The comic was bad enough, but did that really have to be the title text. I was eating a bagel with cream cheese!
I just caught that!!!!!
I swear, sometimes I miss stuff that's so obvious that even Hanners would have trouble keeping a straight face!

This is the point where I'm hoping to see a post from someone saying "what are you all talking abou-*googles snowball sex* oh, damn it Jeph!" Pretty please?  :angel:

I just noticed how many commas I used. My English teacher would kill me.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 01:24 by westrim »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #105 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:22 »


I cant believe it.

This is the most purest macho logic ... I wont marry anything but a virgin, because I dont use what others have used.

Thats what she is saying.

We get that from a lesbian.

Yeah lesbians are humans too, but still its shocking.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #106 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:27 »

What OTHER things should you not mix?

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I am surprised people oppose mixing Sven with a blonde with a skirt.

He seems to enjoy that mixture ... doesnt he ?
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #107 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:30 »

Okay, can I request that we stop directing such hostility at people who ask questions?  Especially since the knowledge of what a singularity is doesn't invalidate the question of what "the" singularity is in this case.  The above-quoted posts are just mean-spirited, uncalled-for, and make for an uncomfortable atmosphere on the forum.

Even with the help of Google, the meaning of today's comic is unclear and even if it wasn't, there's no reason to belittle people for stating that they don't get it.  I don't come on this forum very often, but it would be nice if I could visit without fear of being insulted for asking what I consider to be innocuous questions.

Google is an excellent resource for knowledge of anything and everything you can imagine, (and some things you'd rather not imagine)  ;)  but there's no reason this forum can't be treated as a resource for knowledge about the comic.  I mean why wouldn't it be?
Thanks a lot !
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #108 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:40 »

This is the most purest macho logic ... I wont marry anything but a virgin, because I dont use what others have used.
Thats what she is saying.

I don't think that is what she is saying.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #109 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:52 »

Yeah well, it is often best not to think too carefully about lots of sex things. Or digestion things. But Marten's boss should Tai a knot in it.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #110 on: 20 Oct 2010, 01:57 »

I dunno why Marten's so worried, though. I mean, it's his semen, so what's the big deal?

From what I understand (being a girl I cannot be in this situation), I think some dudes get curious and taste it maybe at ONE point, but after that it is just weird. I mean, I hate the idea of anyone kissing me after having gone down there, and yet I enjoy other lady bits quite a lot.

I think for dudes it is like a weird thing, almost among the realm of autofellatio (I cannot find a corresponding term for those females but the same concept applies).

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #111 on: 20 Oct 2010, 02:04 »

Yeah well, it is often best not to think too carefully about lots of sex things.
No kidding. I try really hard not to think too carefully about it, because besides being disgusting, it's weird.
Well I thought it was funny.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #112 on: 20 Oct 2010, 02:28 »

And yet no one mentions anything about the "special surprise" he mentioned in his Twitter feed and in the news post...

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #113 on: 20 Oct 2010, 02:58 »

This is the most purest macho logic ... I wont marry anything but a virgin, because I dont use what others have used.
Thats what she is saying.

I don't think that is what she is saying.

No it isnt, but its the same kind of logic: I dont "use" what other people "used" before.

As if a lady was a thing, not a person.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #114 on: 20 Oct 2010, 03:02 »

Reminds me of a comedian (I forget who) that used the same idea as an argument against intelligent design. 

I mean, if you design a park or something, who in their right mind puts the recreation area in the same place as the waste dump? 

Face it, sex is gross.  Fun, but gross.  best never to think too hard about what you're doing!
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #115 on: 20 Oct 2010, 03:10 »

This is the most purest macho logic ... I wont marry anything but a virgin, because I dont use what others have used.
Thats what she is saying.

I don't think that is what she is saying.

No it isnt, but its the same kind of logic: I dont "use" what other people "used" before.

As if a lady was a thing, not a person.

It's not about the "used" part, it's about the jizz.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #116 on: 20 Oct 2010, 03:20 »

You know what else is fun to overanalyze? Supersoldiers. They gotta retire sometime...

they never really retire

Reminds me of a comedian (I forget who) that used the same idea as an argument against intelligent design. 

I mean, if you design a park or something, who in their right mind puts the recreation area in the same place as the waste dump? 

george carlin unless i am mistaken. though i think robin williams uses that one sometimes too.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #117 on: 20 Oct 2010, 03:39 »

Recreation area, waste dump, production line and water treatment plant.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #118 on: 20 Oct 2010, 03:54 »

Aaaand the mental image is now complete.  :-D
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #119 on: 20 Oct 2010, 04:40 »

You falsely accuse me of being a fool, so here's a corollary to the rule about lies (lies, damned lies, and statistics): there are fools, damn fools, and those who defend fools (did I just invent that?). Guess which you are in my estimation.
Everyone acts foolish sometimes. That is what I mean when I say someone has "made a fool of themselves." That doesn't mean I think they ARE a fool in any larger sense.

The rest of this was not my argument to begin with, so I'm not going to push it any further. Better to let it go than to make a fool of myself by arguing something that no longer needs to be discussed.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #120 on: 20 Oct 2010, 05:11 »

You falsely accuse me of being a fool
I don't think he/she accused you of being a fool. I do think he/she accused you of foolish behaviour, which is not the same.
While I sympathise with your initial suggestion ("Google it"), I also sympathise with his/her assertion that the way in which you, er, phrased your suggestion (in 65535 point orange) was a bit condescending, and arguably foolish.
And I find it annoying because I deal with this (that is, delaying or forgoing actual conversation to give information the person can LOOK UP, and in fact has the means to do so literally right in front of them) all the damn time.
Nobody asks you to deal with that on this forum.
You could've done the same as I did.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 06:38 by peterh »
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #121 on: 20 Oct 2010, 06:06 »

Everyone acts foolish sometimes. That is what I mean when I say someone has "made a fool of themselves." That doesn't mean I think they ARE a fool in any larger sense.

The rest of this was not my argument to begin with, so I'm not going to push it any further. Better to let it go than to make a fool of myself by arguing something that no longer needs to be discussed.

I think Jeph put it best way back here:

Quote from: Dora
Maturity is knowing that you were an idiot in the past.
Quote from: Marten
If that's true, then wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
Quote from: Faye
And common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot NOW.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #122 on: 20 Oct 2010, 06:25 »

Isn't this forum supposed to be moderated or something? Someone shut this westrim person up already!


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #123 on: 20 Oct 2010, 06:51 »

Isn't this forum supposed to be moderated or something? Someone shut this westrim person up already!

I am not sure if it is supposed to be "moderated or something". If it would be, I would hope dearly that this "moderated or something" concept you are referring to would NOT extend to simply shutting up everyone I, or you, or the moderator, would not agree with.

I may not agree with "this westrim person" (in fact, I do not), but I do consider your above demand way out of line, way out of proportion, and just *wrong*.

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #124 on: 20 Oct 2010, 07:05 »

I don't think Tai is stating that she can only be with a virgin or with someone who has never been with a dude before. I think it's the fact that it's Marten's jizz that bothers her. I always say that there is knowing and then there is KNOWING. I know a person may have had sex before and that is fine because it is knowledge in the abstract. Now I have to think about a specific person's baby juice all up in that? A friend no less? No thank you. That knowledge is far too concrete to be comfortable.

I'm going to also throw out that everyone seems really hard on Tai. Maybe I'm closer to the immaturity of youth, but I don't think her behavior is that outrageous. This comic, for instance, should be read in the context of her current relationships with the girls on her floor. We know that most of the girls are actively poly and that mate swapping is common and expected. Tai's biggest growth has been her realization that she is not cut out for the poly life, but it is to be expected that her experiences will leave her with less qualms about dating a friends ex.

I think the poor reaction to Tai's not considering Marten's feelings is somewhat old fashioned. Does Marten now have ownership rights in Dora's future relationships? The right to determine who is and is not allowed to date her? I was never so insulted as when a guy asked my ex if it would "be ok" for him to ask me out. I ended up marrying the guy, so maybe I'm particularly sensitive knowing that a guy I dated had the power to stop us from meeting even after the relationship had come to an amicable end. In a world of plutonic friendships where people often date within their social circle it shouldn't be too large a surprise if a friend ends up dating your ex who also happens to be a friend.

Sorry about the text wall...
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 08:56 by Coco »
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #125 on: 20 Oct 2010, 08:01 »

There must be a reason why Tai is the character that I like least. She does seem to be rather self-centered. Today's comic doesn't make it any easier to think otherwise.
Besides the fact she has all the tact, sensitivity, and ability to relate to others of a hormone-crazed, caffeine-amped squirrel*? I realize Tai's supposed to be younger than the other cast members, but her level of maturity (which, I'll admit, isn't consistent) seems much out of sync even with a twenty-year old.

Ummm, I dunno.  I'm constantly being told by people who are into Asimov and such that Star Wars and Star Trek aren't "real" sci-fi (which i disapree with, but whatever), so I've taken to calling it sci-fi melodrama.  What constitutes "hardcore" sci-fi is up to someone else to define.  

The term is 'space-opera.'** I admit that Trek has, to some extent, tried to go beyond that and incorporate real science amid all the Trek-bible jive. But when you get down to it, there's not much difference between Star Wars tech and magic; it's all how you dress it up. Of course, I like them both and other such fiction, too, but I recognize that they're more intent on the interactions between people (beings; droids; large, slobbery worms; what have you) than exploring where science itself is taking us. That's the difference. Neither is intrinsically 'better' or 'worse'; they simply have different goals or, sometimes, merely use different routes to arrive at the same place.

I am surprised people oppose mixing Sven with a blonde with a skirt.

He seems to enjoy that mixture ... doesnt he ?
The point seems to be that we don't. <leaps upon and starts jumping on the lid of the largish can of worms threatening to explode> Okay, crisis averted until Sven actually shows in the comic again.

*or thirteen-year-old boy. Probably not much difference, except the kind of nuts each is fixated on, and what they wish to do with them.

**I want credit for not linking space-opera to TVtropes and therefore not sucking away minutes to hours of your lives that you'll never get back again.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 08:06 by raoullefere »
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #126 on: 20 Oct 2010, 08:28 »

There must be a reason why Tai is the character that I like least. She does seem to be rather self-centered. Today's comic doesn't make it any easier to think otherwise.
Besides the fact she has all the tact, sensitivity, and ability to relate to others of a hormone-crazed, caffeine-amped squirrel*? I realize Tai's supposed to be younger than the other cast members, but her level of maturity (which, I'll admit, isn't consistent) seems much out of sync even with a twenty-year old.

I would not say it is THAT out of sync with a twenty-year-old, it is just that Tai is not generally self-reflective, so for those who would analyse her behaviour it is a little difficult to relate to. She seems to still be in that stage where everything is about having a good time and to hell with the consequences because "you just wouldn't understand". You know, the stage where you can wake up naked except for a pair of panties on your head, not remembering anything about the night before or who is in your bed and call that a night well spent*.

*Then again some people still do this well beyond their early twenties. I just do not understand people any more, and I am only 22 :?

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #127 on: 20 Oct 2010, 08:37 »

Mixing Sven with a blonde in a skirt has often worked out badly for the blonde, and Sven himself was no longer finding it satisfying as early as comic 793.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #128 on: 20 Oct 2010, 08:47 »

There must be a reason why Tai is the character that I like least. She does seem to be rather self-centered. Today's comic doesn't make it any easier to think otherwise.
Besides the fact she has all the tact, sensitivity, and ability to relate to others of a hormone-crazed, caffeine-amped squirrel*? I realize Tai's supposed to be younger than the other cast members, but her level of maturity (which, I'll admit, isn't consistent) seems much out of sync even with a twenty-year old.

I would not say it is THAT out of sync with a twenty-year-old, it is just that Tai is not generally self-reflective, so for those who would analyse her behaviour it is a little difficult to relate to. She seems to still be in that stage where everything is about having a good time and to hell with the consequences because "you just wouldn't understand".

Untill 6 years ago, we had two daughters around that age. And while one of them was arguably somewhat self-centered until she was, say, 18, neither of them were *THAT* self-centered. Hence, I stand flummoxed, and as per Carl-E's and Raoul's advice, I now sit down.

In other news, @Tinkerbell: your avatar so much resembles my cat, who jumped on my desk just as I was reading this, that it is nothing short of unsettling.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #129 on: 20 Oct 2010, 08:53 »

**I want credit for not linking space-opera to TVtropes and therefore not sucking away minutes to hours of your lives that you'll never get back again.
Thank you. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #130 on: 20 Oct 2010, 09:18 »

Too many people.
:? I try so hard to avoid misunderstandings and put so many qualifiers in what I say, but I thought I could get away with not making a couple sentences even more unwieldy. I guess not. Query; did any of you consider that perhaps I meant it as a reference to someones activities, not their core being, as well? Yes i didn't say so explicitly and some of what I said could be read otherwise, but I hoped what I was responding to and that I was modifying another non blanket statement would suffice.

Yeah well, it is often best not to think too carefully about lots of sex things. Or digestion things. But Marten's boss should Tai a knot in it.

Marten's already done that for her a couple times.  :-)

I dunno why Marten's so worried, though. I mean, it's his semen, so what's the big deal?
From what I understand (being a girl I cannot be in this situation), I think some dudes get curious and taste it maybe at ONE point, but after that it is just weird. I mean, I hate the idea of anyone kissing me after having gone down there, and yet I enjoy other lady bits quite a lot.
I think for dudes it is like a weird thing, almost among the realm of autofellatio (I cannot find a corresponding term for those females but the same concept applies).
I dunno, I think most guys would use the self service station if they were flexible enough.  :-D

Better to let it go than to make a fool of myself by arguing something that no longer needs to be discussed.
Hey, as soon as people stop talking about it I'll be glad to stop answering them. I made my point a long time ago.

While I sympathise with your initial suggestion ("Google it"), I also sympathise with his/her assertion that the way in which you, er, phrased your suggestion (in 65535 point orange) was a bit condescending, and arguably foolish.
And I find it annoying because I deal with this (that is, delaying or forgoing actual conversation to give information the person can LOOK UP, and in fact has the means to do so literally right in front of them) all the damn time.
Nobody asks you to deal with that on this forum.
You could've done the same as I did.
As I said earlier in other words, it was meant to be condescending. I'm not sure why pointing out foolishness is foolish, though. I don't wish to deal with it, but it's annoying on sight and I try not to look away from problems.

And what did you do?

Isn't this forum supposed to be moderated or something? Someone shut this westrim person up already!
I'm not sure whether to  :laugh: or  :cry: . On what basis should I be "shut up", netizen?

I want credit for not linking space-opera to TVtropes and therefore not sucking away minutes to hours of your lives that you'll never get back again.
And we all thank you for that.

Then again some people still do this well beyond their early twenties. I just do not understand people any more, and I am only 22 :?
You understood people in the first place?
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 09:21 by westrim »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #131 on: 20 Oct 2010, 09:41 »

And what did you do?
Did you look back to see what I did?

I could do two things at this point. One is to, very condescendingly, in a very large font size and a very offending colour, encourage you to actually look back.
The other is, I could just tell you.

I choose to take the third route.

If you don't get it now, I think you are as much of a fool as those you choose to condescend.

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #132 on: 20 Oct 2010, 09:55 »

I think Tai is just messing with Marten.  If she's serious then what's she's saying is completely without logic.  Not that she has to be bound by logic... but there's plenty aspects of sex that are nasty.  I find it hard to believe she would be so fixated on one little aspect.
I don't think Tai is stating that she can only be with a virgin or with someone who has never been with a dude before. I think it's the fact that it's Marten's jizz that bothers her. I always say that there is knowing and then there is KNOWING.
I don't see why.  It's not like she went and had sex with Marten and knows first-hand what his jizz is like.  Jizz is jizz is jizz.  Marten's a cool guy, and if anything, I'd be more worried about the jizz of past sleazebags that she might've dated before Marten.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #133 on: 20 Oct 2010, 10:03 »

Isn't this forum supposed to be moderated or something? Someone shut this westrim person up already!

I am not sure if it is supposed to be "moderated or something". If it would be, I would hope dearly that this "moderated or something" concept you are referring to would NOT extend to simply shutting up everyone I, or you, or the moderator, would not agree with.

I may not agree with "this westrim person" (in fact, I do not), but I do consider your above demand way out of line, way out of proportion, and just *wrong*.

All I know is that when westrim started up with his "LOL YUR STOOPID" shit in huge letters because someone asked a fucking question, and then when others called him on it he refused to either apologize or admit he'd done anything wrong, I hit the "Report to moderator" button. That was over twelve hours ago, and nothing happened. So I thought a more public calling out would be in order.

But apparently not only Jeph but est and the other folks who used to impose some measure of civilization here have decided to abandon this place to the westrims of this world. As for me, I come here to read what people have to say about the comic and not "LOL YUR STOOPID" in huge coloured letters. So if no one's putting a stop to it, then fine. Have fun acting all superior to each other, and be sure to have Nanny change your diapers when you're done.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #134 on: 20 Oct 2010, 10:27 »

I don't see why.  It's not like she went and had sex with Marten and knows first-hand what his jizz is like.  Jizz is jizz is jizz.  Marten's a cool guy, and if anything, I'd be more worried about the jizz of past sleazebags that she might've dated before Marten.

It's one thing to know some random dude came in there at some point and another to have a face, especially one you know well in a platonic way, pop in to your head when you try to go down there.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #135 on: 20 Oct 2010, 10:32 »


excuse me


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #136 on: 20 Oct 2010, 10:50 »

It's not like she went and had sex with Marten and knows first-hand what his jizz is like.  Jizz is jizz is jizz.  Marten's a cool guy, and if anything, I'd be more worried about the jizz of past sleazebags that she might've dated before Marten.

You know your parents have/had sex because you and your siblings exist and because that is what adults do together. This is different than listening to your dad talk about the kinky thing your mom did last night with the cucumber over breakfast. That, my friend, is KNOWING that your parents have sex. Anonymous jizz can be ignored. Marten's jizz would be staring her in the face everytime she went down there.

Wow, all this talk about jizz has made me eager to get back to the work where there is no and has never been any jizz. Thanks QC!
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #137 on: 20 Oct 2010, 11:00 »

I don't think Tai is stating that she can only be with a virgin or with someone who has never been with a dude before. I think it's the fact that it's Marten's jizz that bothers her. I always say that there is knowing and then there is KNOWING.
I don't see why.  It's not like she went and had sex with Marten and knows first-hand what his jizz is like.  Jizz is jizz is jizz.

People often make irrational decisions based on unrelated emotional and mental associations. That the whole basis of people buying brand-name products as opposed to essentially identical (and much cheaper) off-brand items.

And while jizz may be fungible to the taste, it certainly isn't to the imagination. I'm sure most people would feel really funny about going down on a woman that their father spunked into the day before.  :-P

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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #138 on: 20 Oct 2010, 11:14 »

I was never so insulted as when a guy asked my ex if it would "be ok" for him to ask me out.
That's generally got nothing to do with "ownership rights" as much as it does with not wanting to make your friend uncomfortable. A lot of people don't want to risk an established friendship for a relationship that might not work out in the end, so if the friend says it's not OK, they don't pursue it in order to maintain their friendship, not because their friend is allowed to decide who his ex dates in the future.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #139 on: 20 Oct 2010, 11:26 »

Isn't this forum supposed to be moderated or something? Someone shut this westrim person up already!
I am not sure if it is supposed to be "moderated or something". If it would be, I would hope dearly that this "moderated or something" concept you are referring to would NOT extend to simply shutting up everyone I, or you, or the moderator, would not agree with.
I may not agree with "this westrim person" (in fact, I do not), but I do consider your above demand way out of line, way out of proportion, and just *wrong*.
All I know is that when westrim started up with his "LOL YUR STOOPID" shit in huge letters
There was no "LOL YUR STOOPID" shit in huge letters in this thread.
And if I would spit my pacifier out of my pram and hit the "Report to moderator" button on any post that offended me, I would've done it now. I will have you know that you offended me more than I think WestRim offended SnubNose, and with less reason.
You obviously don't care about that. Funny to see how both you and WestRim don't seem to be getting the point. Which is precisely why I will leave it at this. God, why do I even bother?
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #140 on: 20 Oct 2010, 11:38 »

And what did you do?
Did you look back to see what I did?
I could do two things at this point. One is to, very condescendingly, in a very large font size and a very offending colour, encourage you to actually look back.
The other is, I could just tell you.
I choose to take the third route.
If you don't get it now, I think you are as much of a fool as those you choose to condescend.
Indeed I did, and none of your posts had anything to do with the discussion that I could see. Two were about the previous strip, one about Tai, and and a couple others also not involved, so the query stands. Now you're talking about taking the third route when you only mentioned two. Did you mean perhaps a third, as yet undescribed route? There's nothing foolish in not understanding what someone is not saying. I won't make fun of you for not liking Fitzgerald, don't ridicule me for not liking Hemingway (briefly, that Fitz is seen as verbose but bad with dialogue and Hem as iceberging and assuming the audience will figure what his dialogue means).

All I know is that when westrim started up with his "LOL YUR STOOPID" shit in huge letters because someone asked a fucking question, and then when others called him on it he refused to either apologize or admit he'd done anything wrong, I hit the "Report to moderator" button. That was over twelve hours ago, and nothing happened. So I thought a more public calling out would be in order.

But apparently not only Jeph but est and the other folks who used to impose some measure of civilization here have decided to abandon this place to the westrims of this world. As for me, I come here to read what people have to say about the comic and not "LOL YUR STOOPID" in huge coloured letters. So if no one's putting a stop to it, then fine. Have fun acting all superior to each other, and be sure to have Nanny change your diapers when you're done.

Why do I have to keep correcting the same misunderstanding? I did NOT get annoyed because he asked a question. I got annoyed because he DID put zero effort into finding the answer; he did not mull it over, he did not check any other resources, he didn't even fully read the strip, he just automatically went to the forums. And this is not the first time. You can look at my post history, this is far from the first time that I've dealt with snub's stunning lack of self motivation to learn. Note that this is distinct from his intelligence, which I do not have enough info to speculate on and so assume to be high, at least, high enough that I don't have to use simple words. So no, "lol yur stoopid" was in no way my message. More like "for the fifth time, look it up before asking us, especially when it's a one or two word term that's the second entry in a google search." Or, more simply, "google it", rendered as large and distinctly as possible in the hope that the message might finally be received. I will not apologize for stating my opinion in, however large and vibrant, still civil terms. I haven't sworn, and I've tried not to insult or misrepresent people's views. Again, I'd be happy to end this discussion here and return to our regularly scheduled banter about jizz and secondhand vaginas.

Wow, all this talk about jizz has made me eager to get back to the work where there is no and has never been any jizz. Thanks QC!
You sure about that? Aerith and Bob took quite a while in the copy room last week, didn't they?
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 12:01 by westrim »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #141 on: 20 Oct 2010, 12:32 »

Too much whine, not enough jizz in this thread.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #142 on: 20 Oct 2010, 12:36 »

We also need more cheese.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #143 on: 20 Oct 2010, 12:58 »

I don't want no cheese anywhere near my jizz.


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #144 on: 20 Oct 2010, 13:51 »

But some of these recipes call for cheese!

Also, many people like cheese with their whine.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #145 on: 20 Oct 2010, 13:55 »

Why does Tai assume they're not using condoms?
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #146 on: 20 Oct 2010, 14:01 »

Because Pintsize stole them!

Canon issues aside, I hope they are. Otherwise, *shudder*
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2010, 14:08 by AndyWan »


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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #147 on: 20 Oct 2010, 14:10 »

You sure about that? Aerith and Bob took quite a while in the copy room last week, didn't they?
Our office is made up of five women and one man, and he ain't exactly Don Draper. Also, I see what you did there!

A lot of people don't want to risk an established friendship for a relationship that might not work out in the end, so if the friend says it's not OK, they don't pursue it in order to maintain their friendship, not because their friend is allowed to decide who his ex dates in the future.

I guess in my mind, when two people end a relationship they are, for lack of a better term, done with the other. You've gotten all there is to get out of the prior relationship, and that's why it is over. Therefore, unless I am actively trying to get back with my ex or there is some other big reason, I don't see what right I would have to be upset with my friend over her desire for the ex. Of course one should always respect the grieving period. I am also not against giving fair warning but "I'm going to ask out X" is far from "I'd like to ask out X, but only if it's ok with you."
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #148 on: 20 Oct 2010, 14:23 »

If you're not the one who initiated the break-up there might be lingering feelings on your part even if you won't be getting back together and having the ex hanging around because he's dating your friend could be awkward or even painful for you. Even if you aren't upset with your friend about it, it could put a strain on the friendship. Especially if you stop hanging out much with your friend just to avoid any chance of running in to the ex.
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Re: WCDT: 18-22 Oct 2010
« Reply #149 on: 20 Oct 2010, 14:26 »

It's not like she went and had sex with Marten and knows first-hand what his jizz is like.  Jizz is jizz is jizz.  Marten's a cool guy, and if anything, I'd be more worried about the jizz of past sleazebags that she might've dated before Marten.

You know your parents have/had sex because you and your siblings exist and because that is what adults do together. This is different than listening to your dad talk about the kinky thing your mom did last night with the cucumber over breakfast. That, my friend, is KNOWING that your parents have sex. Anonymous jizz can be ignored. Marten's jizz would be staring her in the face everytime she went down there.
So Marten is Tai's father-figure?  Somehow I don't think she's that close to him. : P
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