More likely, if Marten keeps drinking, that Faye will come home to find him passed out on the couch face down in his own vomit. Can't fight with an unconscious person now can you? Thus her Mama Bear instinct will kick in and she'll feel compelled to take care of Marten-which he will hear about in the morning, especially if Faye has to clean up his puke.
Actually, I see the possibility of a wonderful piece of turnabout in this. Here's hoping…
I don't see that ("Marten's tendency to go after women that treat him like shit") as a realistic judgement based on what we actually know, though. He and Vicky were fine for a while, but then grew apart and ended unsatisfactorily, which is not an uncommon stage in life; Faye he hankered after, but she didn't treat him like shit (play-punching and being unavailable aren't enough to qualify); and Dora, well, she chased him, and didn't treat him like shit until sometime after they were together.
As I've said before, Marten seems to prefer
strong women women who appear to be strong. I have to agree with Odin on Vicky—that was a mistake on Marten's part. However, Dora would have been a Good Move had it not been for her hidden alternate self—Marten got sucked in by Business Dora and Social Dora, and only got to meet screwed-up Relationship Dora after he'd already
committed (oh, yeah, still bridling at that) himself. As for Faye, I've a quibble—are we now calling knocking Marten on the floor a 'play punch'? Yes, that one still bothers me, too. I know it was over-done for comedic effect, but it still troubles me. Other than that, though, I agree, seeing that she A) came clean and B) didn't really resent that Marten moved on. Regretted, maybe, but never resented Marten for it. That's class.
What it boils down to, I think, is that Marten needs to find a woman who is what she seems to be. (Cynical me says 'Good Luck with that one!" After all, is anyone these days? Or ever?)
You know, looking at his experiences with a critical eye, I'd say Marten's real problem is he can only focus on one girl at a time—Sara comes to mind. Poor girl never had a chance, I suspect—Marten was already set on Faye. Really…
(Oh god. Oh, no, not that, anythin—OH GOD!
Blargh! Arrhhgg! Bleeaah!)
<applies cold compress to forehead>
Sigh. Really, maybe Marten needs to hang around with Sven a little and learn how not to have quite so much tunnel vision. At the same time, perhaps Sven-boy could learn that at some point one must stop and consider the possibilities of the One, rather than How Many one can, er, bag.
That was rather painful on several levels. Okay. Let the scorning begin.