Man, not as much love for Adultswim on here as I thought.

Yeah, yeah, alot of the shows are pretty stupid. But to be fair, after wokring a double hour shift and coming home at midnight, and your brain is just a little too fried to apperciate complex plots and 3-demesional characters, those shows kickass. Or additonal, if you made the tragic mistake of smoking too much pot late in the day, and in typical stoner fashion, failed to make any plans. Adultswim rock for that too.
Though to be fair, there are some truly entertaining and smart shows on that block. Venture Brothers gets mentioned alot here with reason. If you're even an 8th a nerd, watch it now. And I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet but Metalocalypse is another awesome show. A cartoon about a sociopathic death metal band, who may or may not be part of a prohpecy to end the world. Did I mention that the show band "Dethklok" is in fact a real band? And did I mention that all the music ( a new song per episode) is performed and wrritten by one very talented Brendon Small? And that he voices three of the five band members writes and produces the show? And was invited to perform at one very special Golden Gods Award ceromony? Yeah, if you love metal, comedy, and brutality, check the show out.
DIE FOR DETHKLOK! (throws horns)