I've never understood why many women get so upset about strip clubs.
Cool Story Bro mode: engage!
A few decades back, I had a part time job as a chauffeur for a stripper agency.
Basically drive the girls (and male strippers too) between bars on weekends and evenings.
Their opinion was that they were exploiting the customers much more than they were being exploited. They were in control of the interaction with the customers, not the other way around.
Customer: drunk, horny, throwing money (literally) at the stripper. Yelling "you're beautiiifulll". Not getting laid at the end of the night.
Stripper: getting paid well, able to get random people to buy them drinks and throw cash at them, able to go home with anyone in they bar they choose, or not. Basically being paid to be the life of the party.
And, the crowds at the male stripper gigs were wayyy wilder than the guys ever got watching "random titties".
The women in the crowd were loud, and active. Out for a party night.
The guys were polite applause, and try not to look like a total perv... until they got slobbering drunk.