Oh, QC has Padme now.
Very Star Wars-y.
(I'm planning to play Star Wars: The Old Republic so I'm phrone to noticing such things)
Yeah and the guys are called obi and anakin, second girl would be.......oh wait.....there is never more then one female character (with more then a minute of screentime) in any star wars trilogie, leia then
And dont mention TOR during weekdays, i try to refrain from obsessing about it till fridays, at least then there is usually some news on the site
The plot thickens, give a barista bitch-off
A competetive event to still the rivalry and bestow the title of best coffeeshop/drama factory in town

If COD loses we get a shift from the main hangout to TSB
This is a lot like when marten challenged angus to a slapfight at the start of their date, a test of resolve and hilarity ensues..
Hmm, could this secret bakery girl be Angus' ex?
I strongly doubt this is angus's ex, just look at him
No strong feeling at all, with the bad breakup and all you'd expect to see something different