There's also this strange assumption that Faye and Tai don't get along. This confuses me. I mean, okay, Tai made her feel awkward in
this comic, but ask yourself. Would Faye tolerate drunk Tai in her lap, for even a fraction of a second, if Faye honestly did not like Tai? Come on, this is Faye we're talking about. She'd reduce Tai to kibble.
Of course, Tai remains safely unkibbled until the boobsplosion on Friday, at which point Tai makes Faye feel uncomfortable for a second canonical time. Followed in
the very next strip by Faye clearly being given a lift by Tai somewhere, presumably either to CoD or back home. Y'know what that says to me? These two ladies are not mortal enemies. It'd suggest that Tai's skyclad shenanigans were not the actions of an evil lust-crazed lesbian attacking a poor straight girl, but more along the lines of Tai being goofy and teasing a friend who's more straight-laced than her.
As for giving Faye a lift? That's... probably the most screamingly obvious thing in the world. Tai was leaving, and noticed that car-less Faye would have to walk home from Dora's place, or catch a bus. Because Tai is not a horrible person, she promptly offered Faye a lift. And, because Faye is not an idiot and doesn't hate Tai, she accepted.
Where's the confusion?