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What was.... THE... MOMENT... OF... THE WEEK?

Why didn't you just come back?  You LEFT ME HERE!
- 2 (5.1%)
I don't know him! He oculd be a KNIFE KILLER!
- 4 (10.3%)
I go fishing sometimes! It's more humane!
- 1 (2.6%)
Penelope Gaines meets PIZZA GIRL!
- 17 (43.6%)
Nice try, but yer not gonna throw me off your trail that easy.
- 0 (0%)
"We're throwing a big end-of-the-semester party. Wanna come?"
- 0 (0%)
I was gonna invite Dora too...
- 1 (2.6%)
If she's cool, I'm cool.
- 1 (2.6%)
Is this some kind of convoluted scheme to get us back together?
- 0 (0%)
Um, actually... kind of the exact opposite.
- 3 (7.7%)
Some kind of scheme to murder each other?
- 0 (0%)
Muffin delivery!
- 0 (0%)
Our, uh, our coffee beans. OH$#!+
- 0 (0%)
You must think I'm completely unprofessional.
- 0 (0%)
Here's what I had roasted for us. Take it.
- 0 (0%)
I can just roast more for us today.
- 0 (0%)
Oh, in that case I'll just come back...
- 0 (0%)
- 10 (25.6%)

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Author Topic: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)  (Read 92858 times)


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #250 on: 26 May 2011, 17:09 »

Stop making excuses for illiteracy!

If we put up with that crap we'll end up with leaders unable to refudiate the terriers that misunderestimate the need to put food on your family.

Helloooooooo George Dublya
James The Kugai 

You can never have too much Coffee.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #251 on: 26 May 2011, 17:10 »

It's entirely possible that she's just that scatterbrained before her morning espresso and has the beans ready but just totally blanked that she was supposed to fork 'em over now.

Oh, come on, now. How long have you been reading this comic?

It is obviously going to be the worst case scenario where she not only didn't roast beans for Jim, she didn't even roast beans for her own store that day.

Yep, I think that's exactly what's going on. Dora's reaction was too extreme for it to be as simple as her forgetting she needs to hand over the already roasted beans now. I don't think she roasted any either, or at least not enough for her and Jim. Looks it's it's time for mike837's emergency scenario (hand over what she has now and start roasting, deliver the rest later etc.) but she may not even work that out yet, seeing as how this whole partnership thing is so new to her.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #252 on: 26 May 2011, 19:21 »

Their business arrangement stated that the baked goods/bean exchange take place on Mondays. Presumably, this particular Monday is the Monday after the Smif party. Something is probably on Dora's mind...


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #253 on: 26 May 2011, 19:28 »

What if this is Tai exposing Marten to all those available Smifettes, like I hoped would happen by now?  The Dora angle just makes it more dramalicious; what if Dora sees him surrounded by eager beavers?  Maybe Tai thinks that would get her off the guilt hook... This party could have 13 kinds of drama, boosted and complicated by recreational substances.   :psyduck:

Tai ... is looking for approval from Marten, but doesn't realize that as a guy Marten is immune to nuance and needs to be asked simply and directly without any circumspection.

A two by four might help.  

Marten is a reasonably smart and sensitive guy, but guys get confused by circumlocutions and indirect questions - they know something else is going on, but have been burned enough times not to even try to guess, so they just go with the most literal interpretation.

This is retreading old forum ground, but many of us guys readily verify this;  it's SO nice  your  brains are at home processing devious, indirect, vague hints and concealed intents, but the genders really do think, feel, and talk differently.*  Just say what you mean, please??

* I could provide a bibliography if you care.

 Yes, it's true most girls do that vague/concealed intent thing.

 You know what happens when you finally meet a girl that doesn't?

 It doesn't matter.

 I'm female. I don't do the whole "devious undercover thing" except when I'm making a joke. When I need/want something. I'm pretty direct. See a cool present for my birthday? I point it out and politely ask for it for a birthday gift. No subtle hints or guessing games. Just: "I like *this*, if possible, I would like it as a birthday gift." That's it. Done.  

 General conversation? Same thing. Ask the direction question. Look for the direct answer. Build the conversation from there.

 Want to know why this fails so hard? Because guys have programmed themselves to expect devious indirect vague bs from their grandmas/moms/aunts/sisters/cousins girlfriends ect....who, being typical females, did stuff like this.  So when you actually speak directly they immediately think the opposite and try to figure out what your *real* intent is. Do you know how long it takes someone to unlearn that sort of training?


 Believe me, in a very strange way, I share your frustration!  :psyduck:



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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #254 on: 26 May 2011, 19:56 »

It's pretty frustrating to see the whole "exceptional woman" idea here (exceptional as in 'not in accordance with the rule', not 'amazing'- where we are to congratulate someone for not being like all *those* other women). Sure, women overall might be more periphrastic in their approach to things than men, but do you know what happens to little girls who ask for things? They get told that they shouldn't by parents and other figures of authority. And women who dare to say they want or don't want something? They get called "bitch" or are subject to a myriad of other negative responses, sometimes violent ones (and I am speaking entirely from my own experience and the experiences of women that I know). And how long does a lifetime of this kind of conditioning from all sides take to unlearn? Usually a whole lot longer than a couple of years.

But sure, we should blame women for their own subjugation.  :psyduck:

(I'm not trying to attack anyone here because, hell, I've done it too- the whole trying to avoid the oppression by making a deal with the dominant culture and trying so hard to not be the things I was told were "bad"; and while it can be a survival mechanism, it doesn't work, and I was never seen fully as a person. It's a pretty shitty way to feel. Anyway, I'm sorry to come off all ranty, but I feel this needs to be pointed out. It's not as simple as "Oh, those crazy wimmen, they are so strange and illogical.")


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #255 on: 26 May 2011, 20:17 »

So - what's going to happen at this party?

Dora stammers and flees. Tai is hurt.    - 0 (0%)
Dora lets Tai down gently, but Tai's still hurt.    - 11 (15.9%)
Dora ditches Tai for one of the guys at the party.    - 3 (4.3%)
Marten, being Marten, offers comfort to Tai.    - 1 (1.4%)
Marten, being Marten, offers comfort to Dora.    - 1 (1.4%)
Marten remains oblivious until Hannelore points it out a week later.    - 6 (8.7%)
We see next to none of it "on camera" - only the aftermath.    - 9 (13%)
Break out Dr. Corrine's colored strings and thumbtacks - this could get ugly.    - 6 (8.7%)
Cosette burns down the dorm building.    - 3 (4.3%)
Dora and Marten have awkward reconciliation sex.    - 0 (0%)
A week of Angus and Marigold discussing anime!    - 4 (5.8%)
Waffles and Steak are the food choices for this BYOB.    - 1 (1.4%)
JTV cancels the party.    - 4 (5.8%)
Shame Orb crashes the party.    - 4 (5.8%)
Shelby eats all the food.    - 4 (5.8%)
Something completely different will happen.    - 12 (17.4%)

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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #256 on: 26 May 2011, 21:59 »

Sure, women overall might be more periphrastic in their approach to things than men, but do you know what happens to little girls who ask for things? They get told that they shouldn't by parents and other figures of authority. And women who dare to say they want or don't want something? They get called "bitch" or are subject to a myriad of other negative responses, sometimes violent ones (and I am speaking entirely from my own experience and the experiences of women that I know).
I'm glad someone else said this, so I didn't have to. It's been eye-rollingly depressing to read the postings in this thread about how men feel entitled to demand that women communicate in a way they claim suits them (but which, in my experience, they never welcome if one actually does it), rather than making any effort themselves. Nearly as depressing as the postings telling us how to dress modestly enough to meet their requirements.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #257 on: 26 May 2011, 22:04 »

Elliot is big.

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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #258 on: 26 May 2011, 22:43 »

Her hair was apparently just as concerned as she, it jumped too. :P

And her neck smiled.


Elliot is big.

You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.

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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #259 on: 26 May 2011, 23:38 »

I just think we should treat people as individuals and attempt to communicate and understand them from the perspective of who they are as a person. That includes some people learning to occasionally try to read clues more, and some people maybe having to occasionally speak out more directly. Misunderstandings will happen, but it will always happen because we are humans and nothing will ever be communicated perfectly anyway.

Point is, why do we need to turn this into a gender war. I mean, just by having a gender I've already been accused of certain things in this thread, so why should I listen to the people who accusing me at all? Same goes for both sides.

Making the idea of communication about genders, instead of about INDIVIDUALS (because I've met people on either end of the spectrum both men and women) it turns into a clusterfuck of everyone yelling over each other.
« Last Edit: 26 May 2011, 23:40 by Emperor Norton »


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #260 on: 26 May 2011, 23:56 »

Quote from: T. S. Elliot
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the words in patterns on a screen:
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillowor throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window should say:
"That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all."
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #261 on: 27 May 2011, 00:16 »

Comic ! Yay !  :-)


I wished it would already be weekend ...
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #262 on: 27 May 2011, 00:36 »

Did I just notice that Dora has stretched ears for the first time? Wow, I am really not a visual person.

Also, Jim is hot. Love the gray. I'm hoping for an unexpected but pleasantly surprising questionable something going on between Dora and Jim! I know, I know. Sorry guys. We can't help ourselves, we have to imagine every possible hookup.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #263 on: 27 May 2011, 00:37 »

Me: "Honey, after 20 years you should know that I cannot pick up these hints. Just say what you want. Spell it for me, if you need to."
Wife: "Darling, after 20 years you should have learned to pick up at least the most obvious hints."
Unknown: "O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

QC  - entertaining you with regular shots in the butt since 2003.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #264 on: 27 May 2011, 00:39 »

Jim is Future Marten.

He is accommodating to fault - a business fault, in this case. He is slightly awkward around women - witness his odd aside about the lawyer and divorce. He is not inclined to confrontation - see his standing around waiting for Dora to remember that she forgot the coffee beans. Future Marten is not much more than current Marten.

But oh! say you. If Jim is Future Marten, and Marten has no goals or initiative, how does he come to own and manage The Secret Bakery? Stick that in your espresso and drink it.

It's very simple.

At Dora's request, she and Marten get back together. They marry and then divorce, and she leaves him with the coffee shop and he turns into Jim. -edit- the danger of dropped pronouns!
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 00:55 by LoveJaneAusten »


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #265 on: 27 May 2011, 00:44 »

Presumably, this particular Monday is the Monday after the Smif party. Something is probably on Dora's mind...

Why are some people assuming that the party is already over/will be a small deal/will only be played out on the Twitter feed? I suspect all of next week, if not the week after too, will be dedicated to the party.

Remember the party at Marten/Dora/Faye's place where Marigold found out about Fangus? That was three weeks worth of material, over something potentially much less damaging.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #266 on: 27 May 2011, 00:47 »

They marry and then divorce, and she leaves him with the coffee shop and he turns into Jim.

FYP.  I really don't seee Dora changing into Jim...

and the comic title had me chuckling.  

Dammit, Jim!

Of course, they should compromise.  Give him half the beans and get roasting - you'll both have enough for the morning rush, then you can send the afternoon batch over with Cosette.  After the resulting fire gets put out, you won't need to roast as many tmorrow...
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #267 on: 27 May 2011, 00:48 »

Jim is Future Marten.

He is accommodating to fault - a business fault, in this case. He is slightly awkward around women - witness his odd aside about the lawyer and divorce. He is not inclined to confrontation - see his standing around waiting for Dora to remember that she forgot the coffee beans. Future Marten is not much more than current Marten.

But oh! say you. If Jim is Future Marten, and Marten has no goals or initiative, how does he own and manage The Secret Bakery? Stick that in your espresso and drink it.

It's very simple.

At Dora's request, she and Marten get back together. They marry and then divorce, and she leaves him with the coffee shop and turns into Jim.

I like this theory, but you know it can mean only one thing...


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Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #268 on: 27 May 2011, 00:54 »

They marry and then divorce, and she leaves him with the coffee shop and he turns into Jim.

FYP.  I really don't seee Dora changing into Jim...
Thanks for catching that! The way I wrote it originally would be a little bit more awkward than even QC is used to.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #269 on: 27 May 2011, 01:02 »

Re the party, remember Jeph said in the interview that for a change he knew some things he wasn't telling.  Then we hear about this party.

Nice Star Trek reference today.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #270 on: 27 May 2011, 01:25 »

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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #271 on: 27 May 2011, 01:33 »

Quote from: J. Jacques
Cue 100 angry coffee roasters decrying Dora's storage methods

In Seattle, pretty much the best coffee roaster in town is Espresso Vivace - They keep their beans in plastic storage bins.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #272 on: 27 May 2011, 01:40 »

I'm sorry, but I can't see Dora leaving Marten a business she built from the ground up in a divorce, not with the divorce process being as adversarial as it is today, along with Marten being as passive as he is, and Dora as assertive as she is. She and her lawyer would swipe the business right out from under Marten and leave him out in the street paying her alimony.

The way Jim talks about his divorce, he's probably lucky that he still has tSB after the dust settled-he probably had to give up a lot to keep it-like their marital home possibly. No way was his divorce as cordial as Marten and Dora's would have to be for her to leave Marten her business.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #273 on: 27 May 2011, 02:53 »

I just think we should treat people as individuals and attempt to communicate and understand them from the perspective of who they are as a person. That includes some people learning to occasionally try to read clues more, and some people maybe having to occasionally speak out more directly. Misunderstandings will happen, but it will always happen because we are humans and nothing will ever be communicated perfectly anyway.

Point is, why do we need to turn this into a gender war. I mean, just by having a gender I've already been accused of certain things in this thread, so why should I listen to the people who accusing me at all? Same goes for both sides.

Making the idea of communication about genders, instead of about INDIVIDUALS (because I've met people on either end of the spectrum both men and women) it turns into a clusterfuck of everyone yelling over each other.

Exactly right.
for example in a past relationship (me female he male) I was forthright in what I wanted, what I needed and what I felt. It backfired horribly. I almost -had- to play cutesy cutesy passive-aggressive games, otherwise I'd be uncaring, callous and making him feel guilty (I usually got that when he did something that upset / hurt me and I went right up to him and said 'That thing you did upset / hurt me. Let's discuss it so I can get over it.' Well shit I guess I should have had a rageface on all day and given him the silent treatment. Would have been so much better.)

And he NEVER just came out with what he felt/thought, and never ever just said what was on his mind, he always made me jump through hoops to guess, and would get pissy with me when I ignored his obvious signals (out of spite I admit - if he's not going to say 'I'm mad at you' and just say 'I'm fine' when I ask, he don't get no satisfaction) Sufficed to say, communication took about 10xs longer than it needed to and was just a ball of fun all the time. And it had nothing to do with our genders but who he is and who I am. So. Yea.  :mrgreen: It's not everybody, it's just some of who you've happened to meet. Meet more!
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 02:59 by rje »
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #274 on: 27 May 2011, 03:46 »

I'm sorry, but I can't see Dora leaving Marten a business she built from the ground up in a divorce, not with the divorce process being as adversarial as it is today, along with Marten being as passive as he is, and Dora as assertive as she is. She and her lawyer would swipe the business right out from under Marten and leave him out in the street paying her alimony.

As much griping as Dora has done in the past about running the place, what makes you think she wouldn't dump it on Marten in a divorce as the ultimate punishment on a guy that already has a habit of needlessly punishing himself when he thinks he has a responsibility to take care of something?


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #275 on: 27 May 2011, 04:06 »

Can we all just agree that communication is good, mmmmkay? :)
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #276 on: 27 May 2011, 04:31 »

I'm sorry, but I can't see Dora leaving Marten a business she built from the ground up in a divorce, not with the divorce process being as adversarial as it is today, along with Marten being as passive as he is, and Dora as assertive as she is. She and her lawyer would swipe the business right out from under Marten and leave him out in the street paying her alimony.

As much griping as Dora has done in the past about running the place, what makes you think she wouldn't dump it on Marten in a divorce as the ultimate punishment on a guy that already has a habit of needlessly punishing himself when he thinks he has a responsibility to take care of something?

Not without a FAT cash settlement, methinks. Marten would have to pretty much mortgage his future. Not that I think Dora's normally that vindictive, but as I said before, the divorce process is adversarial and tends to bring out the worst in people, and Marten's the type who'd be taken to the cleaners unless he seriously manned up.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #277 on: 27 May 2011, 04:36 »

Sure, women overall might be more periphrastic in their approach to things than men, but do you know what happens to little girls who ask for things? They get told that they shouldn't by parents and other figures of authority. And women who dare to say they want or don't want something? They get called "bitch" or are subject to a myriad of other negative responses, sometimes violent ones (and I am speaking entirely from my own experience and the experiences of women that I know).
I'm glad someone else said this, so I didn't have to. It's been eye-rollingly depressing to read the postings in this thread about how men feel entitled to demand that women communicate in a way they claim suits them (but which, in my experience, they never welcome if one actually does it), rather than making any effort themselves. Nearly as depressing as the postings telling us how to dress modestly enough to meet their requirements.

I think the fundamental issue that men generally get the hump about is when we get blamed for making the wrong decision when the hint given is too subtle. I found out too many times that if my wife says she likes something, then it doesn't mean she actually wants to be bought it as a gift and yet if she wants something (such as for her birthday) then she'll *hint* at that desire by saying she likes something - never that she would like it bought. What I think most men would prefer it if really important things are said more direct so there is no confusion. If the other person (of whatever gender) gives a subtle hint but it isn't spotted, then don't blame me for that.

I've not known women to be condemned for speaking straight and to the point unless they are the sort who pretty much start every sentence with "I want.... I want.... I want..." but most of those women that I know who are like that tend to the high maintenance females who are good looking enough to easily find another boyfriend if they don't get what they demand.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #278 on: 27 May 2011, 04:36 »

Theory: Jim turns out to be a sober, AA'd Jimbo.

Unlikely, but maybe he's working on a romance novel and is the owner of TSB as well :D
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #279 on: 27 May 2011, 04:40 »

I'm sorry, but I can't see Dora leaving Marten a business she built from the ground up in a divorce, not with the divorce process being as adversarial as it is today, along with Marten being as passive as he is, and Dora as assertive as she is. She and her lawyer would swipe the business right out from under Marten and leave him out in the street paying her alimony.

As much griping as Dora has done in the past about running the place, what makes you think she wouldn't dump it on Marten in a divorce as the ultimate punishment on a guy that already has a habit of needlessly punishing himself when he thinks he has a responsibility to take care of something?

Not without a FAT cash settlement, methinks. Marten would have to pretty much mortgage his future. Not that I think Dora's normally that vindictive, but as I said before, the divorce process is adversarial and tends to bring out the worst in people, and Marten's the type who'd be taken to the cleaners unless he seriously manned up.

I have a feeling that if Dora and Martin did marry and then devorce, I suspect Martin's mother would get involved and we know she scares the hell out of Dora. Plus if Hanners decides that Martin is in the right, remember that Hanner's mother could also intervene (which she did before when Martin got food poisioning and bought out and shut down the offending place).


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #280 on: 27 May 2011, 04:49 »

Heehee :mrgreen: I'm starting to like Jim more and more, he knows what he's doing.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #281 on: 27 May 2011, 05:07 »


First it was the shippers making things that didn't exist.

Now we've got divorce speculation on a relationship that ALREADY broke up?

I know its just a comic, but GET REAL here, people.

Uh, please?
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #282 on: 27 May 2011, 05:20 »

<snip> but GET REAL here, people. <snip>


Seriously, can I get a pipe of whatever you're smoking? I could really use a pick-me-up. :psyduck:
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #283 on: 27 May 2011, 05:35 »

WHAT AKRONNICK SAID!!! Besides, LoveJaneAusten started it.

Seriously though (as serious as one can get when talking about a webcomic featuring mischievous little talking robots), we all know Jim's no future Marten. It is uncanny how accommodating he's trying to be though, just like Marten would in that situation. Still, it IS unlikely that Marten would have the initiative and drive to start and run a business- the closest he's come to that so far is involving himself with DeathMole and voicing wishes to to do more with it. But lately he's done nothing with it (that we can see anyway), so Jim's very different in that regard.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 05:41 by themacnut »
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #284 on: 27 May 2011, 05:35 »

Dear Dora,

Not only did you drop the ball - It bounce back and hit you in the face.

Dear Jim,

Your a gentleman.
Dear Forum,

Please leave the gender speculation alone - on the internets no one know's I am a dog and I would like it to stay that way. K TNX BOI!
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #285 on: 27 May 2011, 05:36 »

Her hair was apparently just as concerned as she, it jumped too. :P

She was so shocked she turned into Marten for a second.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #286 on: 27 May 2011, 05:37 »

Seriously, can I get a pipe of whatever you're smoking? I could really use a pick-me-up. :psyduck:

Last week's dirty socks. I prefer to let 'em ferment for a month, but I can never wait that long.....
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 05:41 by mike837go »
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #287 on: 27 May 2011, 05:42 »

Sure, women overall might be more periphrastic in their approach to things than men, but do you know what happens to little girls who ask for things? They get told that they shouldn't by parents and other figures of authority. And women who dare to say they want or don't want something? They get called "bitch" or are subject to a myriad of other negative responses, sometimes violent ones (and I am speaking entirely from my own experience and the experiences of women that I know).
I'm glad someone else said this, so I didn't have to. It's been eye-rollingly depressing to read the postings in this thread about how men feel entitled to demand that women communicate in a way they claim suits them (but which, in my experience, they never welcome if one actually does it), rather than making any effort themselves. Nearly as depressing as the postings telling us how to dress modestly enough to meet their requirements.

Hey, I'm not making excuses for 10k years of paternalistic suppression of women. I'm just saying that Marten isn't going to pick up on Tai's otherwise obvious cues unless someone gives him a clue - by 2x4 or otherwise.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #288 on: 27 May 2011, 05:45 »

<snip> unless someone gives [Marten] a clue - by 2x4 or otherwise.


It will be done in the funniest way Jeph can think of!
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #289 on: 27 May 2011, 05:52 »

To all those who are marrying off Dora and Marten, and then proceeding to divorce them someone has something very important to say about that.

And yes, I am aware of the irony of using him in a discussion about marriage and divorce.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #290 on: 27 May 2011, 05:57 »

Well played, sir. Well played!
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #291 on: 27 May 2011, 06:50 »

Well, I was gonna say something about how I sympathize with Dora, because it can be frustrating when you want to make something right and the other party won't have it, and how that's sometimes more frustrating than when each party is blatantly angling for the immediate advantage because you don't know whether the other party is genuinely trying to accommodate as well, or looking for some other advantage down the line, and how nicely subtle the expressions are in the last panel (Dora more baffled and frustrated than angry and Jim more bemused than anything by the whole thing) ... but daaaaaaang, y'all.

Edited to fix results of fat fingers typing on a touch screen.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 07:53 by DSL »
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #292 on: 27 May 2011, 06:55 »

Jim rocks. He's so chill that we need to take him to a bar.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #293 on: 27 May 2011, 07:45 »

Damn, this strip makes me like Jim a lot. I've been in both Jim and Dora's shoes with a particular friend because we're both those people who just want everything to be okay and be as accommodating as possible, to the frustration of ourselves and others.


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #294 on: 27 May 2011, 07:47 »

Unknown: "O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Not unknown: Reinhold Niebuhr. 
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #295 on: 27 May 2011, 07:59 »


First it was the shippers making things that didn't exist.

Now we've got divorce speculation on a relationship that ALREADY broke up?

I know its just a comic, but GET REAL here, people.

Uh, please?

I was about to say - for cryin' out loud, we're not just 'shipping, we're torpedo shipping? What are we trying to do, build a completely new section of TV Tropes?

EDIT: Nope. "Ship Sinking" is already there. But this is Shipping THEN Sinking... WTH?
« Last Edit: 27 May 2011, 08:03 by jwhouk »
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #296 on: 27 May 2011, 08:02 »

I was about to say - for cryin' out loud, we're not just 'shipping, we're torpedo shipping? What are we trying to do, build a completely new section of TV Tropes?

Did someone mention Tv Tropes?  :evil:


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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #297 on: 27 May 2011, 08:19 »

The more I look at today's comic I think there is something very real and natural about the exchange between Dora and Jim. But I think the shipping needs to stop. I really don't read anything in to their exchanges that could be considered notible in a potential relationship kind of way. 

I am suprised that Dora was so unprepared for this exchange. It is just so out of character after all. But again I do like the Trek referance.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #298 on: 27 May 2011, 08:20 »

Torpedo shipping? this is bombing the shipyard.
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Re: WCDT: 23-27 May 2011 (1931-1935)
« Reply #299 on: 27 May 2011, 08:54 »

So Dora is winded up juicily for Tai's party. Marten should wear a crosshair T-shirt, just an idea.
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