I think the Dora-bashing would mostly go away if there was any sense she felt guilty. As it is, the consequences of her actions to other people barely seem to blip occasionally, let alone factor into her future decisions.
Aside from a brief moment of crying when Faye confronted her, she's had nothing but love and sympathy from the rest of the cast (including Marten's own mother), good things keep happening to her despite her screwups, and she is, by most measures, happier now that she's dumped Marten.
That seems wrong, somehow. I don't wish a lifetime of pain and suffering, but her current situation makes me envious more than it arouses sympathy.
What the hell. Dora has not done anything over which she needs to feel GUILTY. Not far as the breakup goes anyway.
She was turning into a shitty girlfriend to Marten due to her insecurity, and constantly going off on him for no reason. While she was still dating him,
that she should have felt bad about. But she didn't do anything wrong far as the actual break-up. She didn't cheat on Marten. She didn't dump him and then immediately hook up with Steve instead. She didn't dump him out of the blue and refuse to give him any explanation. She didn't break up with him via text message, or actively tried to treat him badly so that he had to break up with her. All she did was realize that the relationship wasn't working--for either of them--and ended it.
That is not something she needs to feel "guilty" about.
Yes, her issues were what mostly lead it to not working, although with another person they may not have manifested in the same way. But once she realized the relationship wasn't working because she was taking her issues out on Marten and ended the relationship, she doesn't owe anything more to him. Once she stopped inflicting her issues on Marten, that's it. She's done. She doesn't OWE it to Marten to be in a relationship with him, or to get herself into shape until she
could be in a relationship with him. Would it be nice if she got her issues resolved? Sure. But it's not something she owes anyone but herself.
I am really confused by this idea that one isn't allowed to call off a relationship that they no longer feel is satisfying, or that they should feel like a horrible person for doing so. I still feel that if anything, Dora did Marten a favor by cutting the cord, because he wasn't going to do it himself, and he would have just let things deteriorate until it was absolutely miserable for everyone.