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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #200 on: 21 Sep 2011, 16:10 »

Nah, she most likely snapped it's spine. It's dead Jim.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #201 on: 21 Sep 2011, 16:15 »

She fell ~10 feet onto a jutted rock, hitting her square in the back, then another ~6 feet afterward.  The fact she isn't seriously injured annoys me; I don't like when comics that exist on the plane of reality bend the laws of physics for comedy.  The robots and dinensional portals are one thing, but humans, gravity, and rock faces are another.

At the very least the hiking trip should be over, you can't take a kid hiking if they're flinging themselves off cliffs.

Considering that I had similar fall (fell on back, bounced off, then went forearms first into the ground) when I was about 10 years old and came away with just bruises...yeah, it can happen. My little sister also fell down two flights of concrete steps and survived without anything broken. The thing is tend to get less seriously injured than adults because they don't think (i.e., prepare themselves mentally for) about is to happen, so they don't tense up, which highly increases the likelihood of broken bones. The same reason why drunk people have a habit of walking away unscathed from car wrecks.

I'm annoyed when people think they understand reality, but it's really just their perception of it.

I'm annoyed when people give outliers and try to say that they understand reality better than others.  Throw a 100 kids down concrete stairs or 20 ft rock faces and see how many walk away perfectly fine.  While your muscle statement may be true, kids get less injured because they weigh less and their bones are much softer.  They still get injured and they most definitely cry.  The only reason why none of this is happening is because it's not funny that way, and that's what Jeph was going for.  Works for most people, but not for everyone.

No, Scott Pilgrim quickly labeled itself as a video game crossover in the first volume.  If Marten started battling people in video game duels and they exploded into coins, then I would have a problem with it after 2000+ strips of establishing a physics-based world.

Perfectly fine with the robots being established as comic relief since it was established that way by day 1.  I've only had a problem with it lately when Momo became a major character and we had to discuss things like robot's rights.  They became more than comic relief and I wouldn't feel the same now if Pintsize shot a deadly laser at wouldn't be seen as slapstick, somewhat non-canon humor but a very deadly act that almost murdered him.

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #202 on: 21 Sep 2011, 16:44 »

It's apparently something Jeph has had in mind all along: on Tumblr he said of AnthroPCs "I had always expected to develop their role in society more".
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #203 on: 21 Sep 2011, 16:49 »

Perfectly fine with the robots being established as comic relief since it was established that way by day 1.  I've only had a problem with it lately when Momo became a major character and we had to discuss things like robot's rights.  They became more than comic relief and I wouldn't feel the same now if Pintsize shot a deadly laser at wouldn't be seen as slapstick, somewhat non-canon humor but a very deadly act that almost murdered him.

The violence has all been slapstick from the beginning, human or otherwise.

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #204 on: 21 Sep 2011, 16:53 »

Throw a 100 kids down concrete stairs or 20 ft rock faces and see how many walk away perfectly fine.
I don't think I'd get past five or six without being arrested.  I'm not a very fast thrower.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #205 on: 21 Sep 2011, 17:07 »

We don't know yet how extensive her injuries are... the fall panel ends with her hitting the ground, ostensibly happy about catching the snake but not necessarily fully processing all the owwies yet.

That said, based on my own understanding of Jeph's style having read the comic, I seriously doubt that Jeph's going to have any major physical consequences happen to Sam. Comics wouldn't be interesting if they always showed the most probable outcome from a given setup.

Just saying we don't know yet. If there were going to be Serious Consequences, I doubt Jeph would represent them with Xes for eyes on Sam after a fall.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #206 on: 21 Sep 2011, 17:29 »

My money is that Elliott is the one who goes hysterical, while Padma remains calm and serene.

... though the reverse would be hilarious, and probably more in character.
I'm expecting Momo to walk up to Samantha, say "I'm sorry", and then electrocutes Samantha as punishment. Followed by Elliot and Padma attempting to complain about Momo's actions, only to say "Yeah. I'd do that if I had that ability."
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #207 on: 21 Sep 2011, 17:47 »

The truth is, Sam is secretly a ROBOT, and Jim is a MAD SCIENTIST using the coffee shop to fund his EXPERIMENTS!

Her passion for snake hunting and her apparent wounds? Merely tests of her durability and ability to pass as human!


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #208 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:24 »

As I think at least one other poster has said:  if I was that snake, I would probably bite the big scary monster that chased/threw me down a cliff, even if I wasn't venomous.  Just because I'm that freaked out and pissed off.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #209 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:33 »

I hope that Jeph continues to incorporate slapstick into his comic. It just adds some variety and comedy into the mix, thus making the comic that much more fun to read.

That said, I didn't think that this instance was *that* outrageous.

And the expressions on her face as she went down really were priceless. I love the action girl kind of pose at the top, too.

As for the captions I mentioned earlier:

1. Gotcha, you little...!
2. OK, didn't think that through.
3. This is gonna sting...
4. YES! The snake is OK!

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #210 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:38 »

I love this strip because this happened at my kids' elementary school last week -- someone yelled "snake" and a crowd of little girls (average age: 6) dashed toward the speaker. At least there was a knowledgeable mom on hand to identify the snake a harmless garden snake. The girls who didn't get to hold it before we decided the poor snake had had enough were crushed. This is the new breed of girl, people. Running towards snakes.
I love it.

I think you're right. I work at a preschool and over the summer we had a professional reptile handler (mostly bringing snakes) come in. My two-year-old girls were, for the most part, more excited than the boys. One of them tried to grab the snake right from the guy, and it was pretty big. She also squashes bugs and tries to kill spiders if she sees them. At the same time, she  loves Disney princesses and dress-up. I think typical stereotypes are definitely changing, and I love it, too.

Although, I really have to DISCOURAGE them from going after snakes and unknown insects... 

(Note: I just bring up my preschoolers every chance I get. I apologize.  :roll: )


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #211 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:53 »

Perfectly fine with the robots being established as comic relief since it was established that way by day 1.  I've only had a problem with it lately when Momo became a major character and we had to discuss things like robot's rights.  They became more than comic relief and I wouldn't feel the same now if Pintsize shot a deadly laser at wouldn't be seen as slapstick, somewhat non-canon humor but a very deadly act that almost murdered him.

Personally, I feel the same way.  I don't really like the robots-as-major-characters storylines, because QC has, up until this point, been largely realistic.  While there are always exceptions (Pizza Girl (but we don't even know if she's real), The VespAvenger, etc.), this is sort of a whole new dimension.  I don't really have much interest in the Momo/Pintsize/Winslow-based storylines and only come back every few days to see what's up in the comic.  That's just my personal preference, though.  Other people seem to really like these storylines, and the author himself seems to enjoy them, so I just kind of ignore them and read more thoroughly when it focuses on arcs I like more.

I am sort of hoping that Samantha/Sam doesn't become a major character, though.  I liked QC as a primarily-adult world, and she feels a little shoehorned in to make stuff happen.  Most of the characters now are somewhat passive and pretty reasonable people, and she really isn't.  I tend not to like kid characters, because they often make every situation about themselves, and people's reactions and stresses have to revolve around whatever half-baked idea they have in their heads.  That's not a criticism of writing, necessarily; that's frequently how kids are in the real world, too (again, not their fault, but I do find it frustrating).

I do like QC - some storylines I like a lot better than others.  This is one of the arcs I have very little interest in.  Not a criticism of the author - his fans seem to like them just fine, as does he.  But I tend to be a little more vocal about the things I don't like, because they're easier to pinpoint.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #212 on: 21 Sep 2011, 20:00 »

It is completely realistic. It just happens to be a different reality. I remember reading something once where Jeph expressed surprise at people not realizing it was science fiction despite the "little robots running around" and other stuff that is my our standards fantastical. The comic has always been in a world with that stuff going on, and to get all picky and annoyed that it's not focusing on the human relationships quite as much at this point in time is a bit pedantic. Also, passive and reasonable describes exactly one character on a consistent basis, and that's Marten.
« Last Edit: 21 Sep 2011, 20:13 by westrim »

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #213 on: 21 Sep 2011, 20:40 »

Your memory is correct. You're thinking of

"Someone[sic] people do not often realize is that the world in which QC takes place is considerably stranger than our own. You'd think that with all the little talking robots running around everywhere that this would be obvious, but I am consistently surprised at how often people take it for granted." (Jeph Jacques, Strip 399 newspost)
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #214 on: 21 Sep 2011, 22:57 »

So, 2d10 fall damage for Samantha translates into several cuts, a few bruises (both bone and skin) and mild concussion.
Well you can roll as little as 2 with 2d10 after all (probability of 0.01). Sam plainly has that quality Napoleon is supposed to have valued highly in his marshals; luck.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #215 on: 21 Sep 2011, 23:19 »

It is completely realistic. It just happens to be a different reality. I remember reading something once where Jeph expressed surprise at people not realizing it was science fiction despite the "little robots running around" and other stuff that is my our standards fantastical. The comic has always been in a world with that stuff going on, and to get all picky and annoyed that it's not focusing on the human relationships quite as much at this point in time is a bit pedantic. Also, passive and reasonable describes exactly one character on a consistent basis, and that's Marten.

Agree to disagree, I suppose.  I know it's a science-fiction reality, but it's just not my style of science-fiction.  I just don't particularly care for those aspects of the story, because they feel... underdeveloped, I guess?  Lots of comics have various non-realistic aspects to them, and you sort of just suspend disbelief because they're not engaged or something.  I felt that was about the AnthroPCs in QC.  They were just sort of ancillary things that didn't change the fundamental nature of the world - just sort of a reinterpretation of the actual world with talking personal robots.  I don't feel that I'm being particularly pedantic here, because I'm not saying these things don't belong or that they're terrible and should be removed forever, just that I find them less interesting and I have a harder time suspending my disbelief when Momo moved from a little personal computer to basically a human-sized doll.  Part of this is probably that the AnthroPCs often don't interact with anyone outside of their homes and don't have a lot of character development.  They seem like wacky side-kicks, not actual characters?  I'm not sure why I don't appreciate them, exactly.

I said "somewhat" passive and reasonable - most of the characters at this point have expected reactions and don't seem to be there just to stir up drama.  Tai, maybe, doesn't fall into this category (and it's one of the reasons I don't often like her character, but I feel she's mostly believable).  Pretty much everyone else, in my opinion, does do things that are reasonable.  I mean, they make mistakes, but they rarely do anything as brash as leaping off of a cliff.  Faye might rudely snark at someone, or Hannelore might have a strange reaction to something, but we understand why that happens.  Maybe with more development, I'll like Samantha/Sam more.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #216 on: 21 Sep 2011, 23:55 »



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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #217 on: 21 Sep 2011, 23:57 »

I sympathise with Marten.  When I trekked up Mount Kenya (in 1989), one of our camps was on a plateau at 14,000ft.  The edge of the plateau had a sheer drop to the valley below of over a kilometre - I did look over the edge (at the tops of the clouds in the valley), but I crawled to it...

And I see Sam got grazes on both arms and legs from bumping down that cliff.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #218 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:00 »

This is evidence in favor of the belief that Padma is clueless.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #219 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:04 »

This is evidence in favor of the belief that Padma is clueless.

Bachi. Bachi for Padma.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #220 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:04 »

And that lack of clue could have been the end of her-unless that was the same cliff Sam just fell down. Somehow I doubt it though.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #221 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:11 »

Re: yesterday's comic - I have this daughter?  She has done nearly exactly the same thing (though she was oly about 10 at the time), and several other things as well. 

But not always without injury.  The emergency room admissions officer at the small hospital near our home used to joke that we needed a frequent flyer system for her...  after a while we stopped telling the doctors what happened and made her  explain it herself.  It never sounded believable when we said it, and my wife was sure that child protective services would be all over us at some point!

No kitchen fires, though.  That's my other daughter...
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #222 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:41 »

Carl, those daughters of yours sound like the kind of kids that age a parent well before their time (I know, I've got a stepson like that). Bet you look about 20 years older than you really are thanks to them. I'll also bet that when each of them reached their 18th birthday you were thanking your lucky stars you actually got them that far (I was certainly thinking that with my stepson).
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #223 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:43 »

One wonders what would have happened if she'd had Sally Field's headgear from The Flying Nun.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #224 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:53 »


No, really, they do. Serious kudos to Jeph for having the patience to make them ... and make them well.
The cartoon-y leaves add a nice touch as well. :D

As for the rest of the bushwalk... well, the mood for whacky hijinks has certainly been set. It'll probably get even whackier from here... especially if Pintsize shows up. Oh man, if Pintsize shows up... :psyduck:


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #225 on: 22 Sep 2011, 00:59 »

Oh man, if Pintsize shows up... :psyduck:

Gods, I hope not!

I wonder what happens next. This COULD lead to a tender moment between Padma and Marten, but, of course, most likely it won't.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #226 on: 22 Sep 2011, 01:00 »

Let the drama commence! :psyduck:

In other news: Elliot looks like a Park ranger :D
Plus I can probably could connect with Padma, having nearly been run down by traffic and other things in the past few weeks alone :|

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #227 on: 22 Sep 2011, 01:10 »

I sense a trend. Who's going to have a cliff-related problem next?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #228 on: 22 Sep 2011, 01:41 »

Maybe Dora will meet her new hot neighbour "Cliff" :-D


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #229 on: 22 Sep 2011, 01:50 »

Maybe Dora will meet her new hot neighbour "Cliff" :-D

I think I just invented a new emoticon! :-D


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #230 on: 22 Sep 2011, 01:52 »

whoa... forgot the *badum-tss* there  :psyduck:


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #231 on: 22 Sep 2011, 02:08 »

Maybe Dora will meet her new hot neighbour "Cliff" :-D

Who's gay!! Nonono, wait....."Cliff" was originally "Clara!!"


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #232 on: 22 Sep 2011, 02:51 »

Maybe Dora will meet her new hot neighbour "Cliff" :-D


I'd really love to turn Padma's face into an emoticon... but then I would be obliged to do all the other characters' faces as well.

Marten would be reluctant
Pintsize would be perverted
Faye would be sassy
Dora would be... er... I'll come back to that one.
Hannelore would be worried
Winslow would be... suspicious (he's the one who talks about robots taking over the world, right?)
Marigold would be self-deprecating
Momo would be timid
Steve would be chilled
Cosette would be clumsy
Raven would be ditzy
Tai would be flirty
Jim I would dress up in one of those fancy "Defeat Awkwardness" oufits and call him a fancy British gentleman.
Samantha would be eager
Renee would be foul-mouthed
PT410X would be grumpy
and Padma would be easily amused

(Angus doesn't get one because 'sassy' is already taken :P )


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #233 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:12 »

Angus could be snarky.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #234 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:17 »

Dora could be aloof. Or maybe mildly annoyed.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #235 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:22 »

Heh, imho Dora does a pretty good contempt/haughty expression, amirite?


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #236 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:28 »

Yes, exactly! That's the right role for Dora.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #237 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:47 »

Pizza girl would be AAAAAA
and Bros would be Bros



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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #238 on: 22 Sep 2011, 03:58 »

I think Padma may feel something for Marten as:

  • It's Marten Padma wants to share the view with (although that could be because he's new) and
  • It's Marten that Padma uses to steady herself.

{edit} On yesterday's mishap, I've always viewed QC as a sitcom (or "black comedy" at the very least) so I don't worry too much about it.

{edit 2} Given what Sam said when they arranged the walk it's not surprising that she acted the way she did.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2011, 04:27 by HiFranc »

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #239 on: 22 Sep 2011, 05:49 »

I did look over the edge (at the tops of the clouds in the valley), but I crawled to it...

Well, at least you looked over the edge. It would take me a long time to get my courage up to do that.  :-P

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #240 on: 22 Sep 2011, 06:25 »

Is it just me or are the ladies of tSB all crazy?


Okay, crazier than the ladies of CoD.

At this point, Sam and Padma make Hanners and Faye look mundane.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2011, 06:32 by Mad Cat »
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #241 on: 22 Sep 2011, 06:26 »

I doubt Padma has any feelings for Martin.  More than likely she used Martin to steady herself with simply because he was the closest.  However, the look on Elliot's face is priceless there: is it because one of his friends almost went over a cliff, or because that friend is now holding onto someone other than him for dear life?  Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #242 on: 22 Sep 2011, 06:31 »

So now what?

Cut scene to the emergency room and a hysterical Jim.    - 1 (1.6%)
Are you kidding? She dusts herself off and holds the (very dazed) snake in TRIUMPH!    - 23 (37.7%)
Cut to the ER, but she's only got a few stitches.    - 1 (1.6%)
The fall wasn't that bad. Only a few meters down.    - 0 (0%)
She's done this before. The ER doctor tells Marten so.    - 10 (16.4%)
It's worse than that she's DEAD JIM!    - 7 (11.5%)
Cut scene to Jim visiting CoD and gushing about his smart little girl.    - 2 (3.3%)
She's okay, they check on her, she shows them the snake... and it bites Momo.    - 3 (4.9%)
...and it bites Marten.    - 4 (6.6%)
...and it bites Padma.    - 0 (0%)
Waffles will make it all better.    - 2 (3.3%)
I just LOVE the backgrounds! (Forget the storyline right now.)    - 8 (13.1%)

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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #243 on: 22 Sep 2011, 06:46 »

Jeph, if you want to keep drawing outdoor scenes you need to update your characters' colors a bit.

Their coloring remains city-moody, which makes them appear like carton cut-outs when contrasted to the nature around them.

I propose you introduce some single cell highlights on their darker parts of skin and clothes to accompany the single cell shadows.

Not forever, just for the nature scenes. That way you won't have to draw highlights in every comic.

Here's what I mean, I threw this in literally 3 minutes 45 seconds. Select the highlight areas, Hue/Saturation, up the brightness by 20%, up the saturation by 5%. I also added an extra sky blue layer set in normal mode but only at 5% to produce a more uniform color palette all around.

I think It would really compliment the outdoors scenes.

Just a friendly suggestion, keep up the good work!


-edit- no, not as much brightness as 20%. Try it at 10-15%, in retrospect it works better.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #244 on: 22 Sep 2011, 06:59 »

Note that Jeph does not read the forums these days (or at least only very occasionally).  If you want to contact him, I suggest putting a question on his Tumblr - he responds there from time to time.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2011, 07:04 by pwhodges »
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #245 on: 22 Sep 2011, 07:12 »

Is it just me or are the ladies of tSB all crazy?


Okay, crazier than the ladies of CoD.

At this point, Sam and Padma make Hanners and Faye look mundane.

But as I said upthread we really haven't seen what Renee's personality is like.  And has Padma really done anything yet that Raven hasn't already done or would do given the chance?  She hasn't flashed anyone in a crowded bar, or turned soimeone's coffee brewing sculpture into a space-time travel machine.

Given the amount of effort that's gone into the backgrounds this week we'll probably end up with a whole week of Yelling Bird strips next week.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #246 on: 22 Sep 2011, 07:38 »

The truth is, Sam is secretly a ROBOT, and Jim is a MAD SCIENTIST using the coffee shop to fund his EXPERIMENTS!
Jim owns a backery, not a coffee shop ...
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #247 on: 22 Sep 2011, 07:46 »

His bakery sells and serves coffee, which makes it also a coffee shop in my book.
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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #248 on: 22 Sep 2011, 08:16 »

Aw, I wanted to see if Padma would fall.

Not that I actually want her hurt, mind, but that without her actually falling, this one seemed to not have much of a point. Plus I think it would have fit her personality, to not fully pay attention and thus fall because of it.


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Re: WCDT: 2016-2020 (19-23 Sep 2011)
« Reply #249 on: 22 Sep 2011, 09:03 »

Heh, imho Dora does a pretty good contempt/haughty expression, amirite?

Not as haughty as Hanners.
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