Maaaan, what a downer..
Complaining about that free webcomic you enjoy completely free (did I mention that you don't pay for it) 5 days a week not being there on time...
I think it depends on the situation. I don't mind when comics are late usually, but Rich Burlew (Guy who does order of the stick) actually annoys me with how he takes it. Anyone making any comment, including one person on the forums asking if Burlew was sick because he has mentioned medical problems in the past and hasn't updated for 6 months, was banned for 'bothering the creator about updates'.
Not saying that everyone does that, but yeah. I also take issues with guys like Gallagher who does Megatokyo and all of his 'I'll get to this when I feel like it' on his website when his comic is his main source of income and gives snide answers when people ask when he will feel like it. Not to mention the fact that he's frequently so far behind on updates... But rant mode off.
I like Jephs work and when it is late or there are problems he will usually say such, thus I don't mind at all. The whole webcomic thing with creator vs. readers for update schedules and the like...well it's sort of a weird area for me, but meh.
On a different note, giant frogs are amusing but I fear what pintsize would do if he realized he had a potential mount.