For comic #2042...
1. Yay for Hannelore going dancing in the "Flashdance" outfit. I think we will see quite a few guys drawn to her whilst dancing, and that will make for good comedy &/or drama. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the cast act to "protect" everyone's favorite nervous-breakdown-waiting-to-happen.
2. Poor Faye, our southern punching belle is finding out that size and mass do count against you in a fight, as much as being drunk. The way Faye was side-sneaking around Elliot in panel #2 in order to flank-attack him was pretty funny once I read the punchline panel and retroactively figured it out

3. Good for Elliot feeling better despite love-confession rejection. As I had said earlier, it may not have been the "best" thing to do, but it was the "
correct" thing to do. Elliot's look of relief was also well done.
4. Elliot should go to dancing too. Past the initial awkwardness, he should spend as much time with the girl he cares about so much before she is gone.
5. Regardless of how things turn out with Padma, I think Marten has definitely made a friend in Elliot. Which is also good, Marten could use more male friends at this time. Plus it keeps ties with The Secret Bakery too, once Padma moves away.
6. I admit that I did not know that "Pond" was a band, either. And also thought of Doctor Who (#11) companion Amy Pond ("Come along Pond(s)!").
"Flashdance" Hanners filler drawing is both cute
and sexy, in my opinion. Perhaps not simultaneously together, but definitely both
