Weird, for some reason the post where I weighed in on the torture mission is gone.
Oh well, it broke down to basically that I thought it was pointless and unnecessary. I can see what they were going for, as far as symbolism, but the game didn't need it. And Trevor was actually right, torture doesn't work.
Aside from that caveat, I'm having a lot of fun with the game, and I've gotten pretty good in online. I have a tendency these days to grab a helicopter, fly to a roof nearby where everyone else is killing each other, and then sniping the ever loving shit out of them with my silenced rifle. I've gotten a couple of achievements for headshots, and it opened up some tattoos - kind of cool.
There's one thing that bothers me in the online offering, and while a lot of people are bitching about the huge mounds of cash going around, it isn't that. The thing that bothers me is when people are playing with hacks and they cannot be killed. The money thing, the ultra level thing, meh whatever - doesn't affect me much. But when I can't kill you in a game where a lot of the point is to just indiscriminately kill whoever - yeah, that's frustrating. I tend to just switch to a new session once I see one of those running around.
And yes, I realize that last sentence is liable to get me on a watchlist somewhere. Meh, whatever.