Well, I am the celticgeek, registered in September, 2006.
The CelticgeekProfessional old fogey and technocrat
Former professional student
Drinker of Laphroaig
Linux Geek
Fan of Celtic music
Fan of old-time folk music
Fan of bluegrass and old time string band music
Fan of bagpipe music
(201 GBytes total of music related stuff on my harddrive)
Outstandingly mediocre guitar player
Husband of a retired librarian, and father to another librarian
Former alpha geek of a library software consulting business
Retired aerospace engineer (nondestructive evaluation)
Retired instructor (physics, math, databases, Gnu-Linux)
Other stuff that I will remember pretty soon, and edit into this post.
And, yes, I was here during some of the bad times, and I think the
moderators have done a truly outstanding job of making this one of
the nicest forums on the internet.