So, I feel that I should reintroduce myself, although if you take a look at my most recent posts, you'll see that I had intended to be a better forumite nearly two years ago, so we'll see how it goes.
I'm Edith, a 39-year-old librarian. I used to be called pinkgrrlygeek and am still called Eed. I love this forum and its current and former members, even when I don't come around much. I live close to Redball and CRAP I NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHEN BOB IS COMING TO MY HOUSE... Bob, are you coming tomorrow? When do you leave? Call me!
I live close to Redball when he isn't being a snowbird and flying south for the winter, and I visit him much too occasionally. I receive drunken snapchats from Papersatan on a regular basis, and they always make me smile.
When I first joined here, in 2006, I had just lost about 50 lbs. Since then, I've gained it all back and added some extra padding, and my joints hurt and I can't reach my shoelaces comfortably, so I am gathering my application materials to go on "The Smallest Winner" which is a local version of "The Biggest Loser." If I get accepted into the program, I'll work out with a personal trainer for an hour per day, 4 days per week, for 15 weeks, and then train on my own for a half-marathon in September.
I work in a library, and actually work there more than I used to do back when I forumed a lot. I also don't have the internet at my house, and I'm happier for it. I value the connections I've made here at the QC forums, but I am a natural extrovert and very much need physical and verbal interactions with others in order to be emotionally whole.
Someday I would like to take a world tour and visit all the forumites I hosted during Chicagocon, and any other neat folks I have met along the way. I am currently saving money so I can make a career change *with* a safety net. I'd like to run a tater-tot food truck, or maybe a resale shop, or work for an auctioneer. Anything with a better career outlook than public libraries!
Glad to see you all.