Day 3
Last night, the mood of the village was somber. The people gathered in the Church to bid their onetime overlord henri beamis farewell. He had died as he had lived, with his sword in his hand, fighting against the enemies of God. The priest was sorrowful above all others, weeping as he spoke of the paradise that surely waited for henri beamis. At the end of the Mass, the priest sequestered himself and spoke to no one. The villagers fled to their homes and locked their doors, tearful and afraid.
When the sun rose, the villagers gathered in front of the Church, noting a strange and acrid smell in the air. They quickly realized that de_la_Nae was missing. The motion that the foul-mouthed woman had simply abandoned the town never even occurred to the villagers. Instead, they went to her room at the inn, only to discover a new horror.

The door to de_la_Nae's room is frozen solid. One unfortunate villager touched the door and had to be pulled off, tearing the flesh off his poor fingers. Even as he is treated, the other villagers tackle the problem of breaking down the door by deploying axes and fire. Once it finally falls, they discover de_la_Nae, a statue of ice when once she was flesh and blood.
The room itself is lightly coated with snow and ice. The strange tools and items de_la_Nae possessed take a while to identify, but eventually, the villagers figure it out.
Thou art the Rogue.
Thou art a man of many faces, none of great honor. A bandit, a charlatan, a scoundrel, a swindler, a crossdresser, thou have acquired much knowledge and are skilled in acquiring more.
Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Sneaking around [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will reveal to you the role of the target.
You also hold a smokescreen. Should you be marked for death and have no one protecting you, you will use your smokescreen and escape. The smokescreen can only be used once, and it only works for one kill attempt.
You win if the Village is the last faction standing.
The villagers retreat from the unnatural room of death and gather about to discuss what to do next.