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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #150 on: 13 Jan 2013, 18:03 »

Quote from: The Priest
People of the town - I have warned you about filling your heart with sin. We are in trouble - what needs to be done is not to turn against one another, it is to look within and pray to God for guidance and forgiveness! If you will not change your hearts, then it is my God-given duty to cut you down where you stand. I will not let evil take control! I will protect you! The only path towards salvation is to prostrate yourself before your Lord. Let us pray together!

This priest is who I'm talkin' about, not the shit who *may* be a priest trying to vanquish evil and instead knifing our own!

((Because no one suspects the NPC of being the head killer! :O))
Are we sure the priest is an NPC?
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #151 on: 13 Jan 2013, 19:08 »

I doubt that an NPC is part of the killing faction(s?) Idk, there are so many x-factors in the game at the moment that we could be concentrating on, so I think that this line of reasoning is leading us nowhere...

unless we want to kill the priest in lieu of killing no one... which I guess might be interesting. But to suggest killing the priest instead of a suspect seems a but counter productive.

although the priest is about as suspicious as anyone else, given what we are currently going on...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #152 on: 13 Jan 2013, 19:22 »

I'm almost willing to accept the priest as being on our side just by the name of the role...

How would we lynch him anyways?  I thought it was a secret as to who he is.  Am I missing something? :psyduck:
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #153 on: 13 Jan 2013, 20:59 »

This is a guess, but the priest seems to be a role and we'd have to know who the priest is in order to kill them.

But because I have no idea what is going on and I don't think I'll have much time tomorrow to check on the forums, I vote no lynch.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #154 on: 14 Jan 2013, 00:04 »

((Funny story, I didn't realize that was a quote from anything but the comic I link to. I'll check it out!

That didn't occur to me, that 'The Priest' might be a player-role instead of an NPC. BSword, could we get clarification on this?))


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #155 on: 14 Jan 2013, 01:44 »

...because I have no idea what is going on... I vote no lynch.

Same. Indicating interest in finding out the roles also doesn't make for painting a good picture for yourself, since I assume that the 'villain' factions all know each other (as they have in previous games), so pointing out that you don't know what's up when the enemy probably knows who their allies are... Gathering intel is going to be a bitch. I vote no lynch.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #156 on: 14 Jan 2013, 06:09 »

I think you all have enough information to pull together some interesting theories.

Since I did end up delaying the update by 12 hours on Friday due to the work monster, I'm pushing the cycle change to tomorrow morning. Aren't I generous? You have a whole extra 36 hours to quake with fear and accuse each other of perfidy in!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #157 on: 14 Jan 2013, 09:52 »

*stares at sky* Dear god, the celestial bodies have been moving awfully slow lately.  :-D

Theory 1: The Priest and the holy killer are one and the same. They have access to an intercom so they can send messages to us anonymously (or BSword just wanted to be dramatic and make us aware of their presence) and kill at night like a vigilante.

Theory 2: They are different people, with the priest being an NPC... or at least the priest should be considered an NPC for our purposes, becuase if they are able to do more than talk at us for our benefit, I'd rather not discuss and risk blowing their cover.

Theory 3: Who the hell cares, we need to figure out who's a vampire and/or magus! Unless the priest is a closet vampire/magus or a sympathiser, they're not worth killing. Unless they can't keep their weapons in their pants long enough to spare non-guilty parties.

One more thing, de_la_Nae... why would you check nervioso over linds, the person you doubted most yesterday and got half the village votes? I want to believe you and I feel like I almost do... but that little fact keeps me from doing so.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #158 on: 14 Jan 2013, 10:59 »

Indeed, your third theory appeals to me the most. Nothing so far indicated that we should focus on the priest. If he is a two-faced heretic, then it is under that face we will know him, and we can act in accordance.

I side with the others and vote No lynching today because I honestly have no idea what's going on and we need at least to stick together and not throw accusations around!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #159 on: 14 Jan 2013, 11:01 »

I also agree with theory 3.

Also de_la_Nae, feel free to check me out. I'm not a bad guy.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #160 on: 14 Jan 2013, 12:12 »

Honestly? I took a gamble and figured that either I or Linds would be shanked to implicate the other one (assuming for a second neither of us are in on it), and I didn't want to waste my time if they chose her instead of me.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #161 on: 14 Jan 2013, 13:12 »

...That actually makes a lot of sense... okay, I'm willing to run with you being innocent... and nervioso by extension.

Sadly I'm out of ideas on where to run with any of this next... guess I'll have to review our meeting logs again and see if anything stands out.

By the way, Linds... You offering to let corrupt people "check you out" sounds an awful lot like sin to me.  :-D


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #162 on: 14 Jan 2013, 16:13 »

That's because you have a dirty mind. You should do something about that... :-P
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #163 on: 14 Jan 2013, 18:22 »

Take me out to the black, tell 'em I ain't coming back...

Cause you are all freaking me out.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #164 on: 15 Jan 2013, 05:56 »

The fall of henri beamis, their overlord who had gone on Crusade and returned to protect them, seems to have drained the villagers of purpose. They gathered listlessly, trying to decide the nature of their enemies, or at least to figure out what to do next. Confusion, fear, and sorrow left them unwilling to risk lynching another innocent, so they chose not to act. What consequences will their inaction have in the morning? No one knows. They only know that even the house of God is no refuge, but at least the priest may uplift their troubled hearts as with his eulogy for henri beamis... and perhaps he will also perform the Last Rites for all of them. It is merely a precaution, for no one knows if they shall greet the dawn.

Night 2
Nights left until the full moon: 4


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #165 on: 15 Jan 2013, 06:27 »

Is it too late to get out of town? Or has the only bridge/road/ferry/canoe been destroyed?

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #166 on: 15 Jan 2013, 06:49 »

We're probably in the eye of some sinful storm that is choosing not to move anywhere....

That's because you have a dirty mind. You should do something about that... :-P

Guilty as charged. I tried researching a cure, but MedMD says there's is none! So I just have to live with my "condition." :-\


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #167 on: 15 Jan 2013, 09:21 »

Nothing a good dunk in a tub of holy water can't fix, or so my grandmother used to say. Of course, she also used to say that carrying a dead toad around would cure epilepsy, so make of that what you will.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #168 on: 15 Jan 2013, 09:31 »

I just searched "dead toad epilepsy" and was one of the first results. Interesting in a sinful way.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #169 on: 15 Jan 2013, 14:21 »

Is it too late to get out of town? Or has the only bridge/road/ferry/canoe been destroyed?

I have a confession... Since we've never been a big boating town I kinda sorta may have decided a few years back that we didn't really need that canoe and I could have possibly inadvertently taken it and accidentally dismantled it and turned it into a dining table for my kitchen...

I suppose I should probably offer up my table now for the escape effort  :oops:
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #170 on: 16 Jan 2013, 06:24 »

See?! THIS is why we can't have nice things!

Well... that and the fact that we have evil mages, vampires, and holy warriors killing us... but also because of things like THAT!  :x


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #171 on: 16 Jan 2013, 06:49 »

Quick! Grab whats left of the dead and we can make a raft to escape!

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #172 on: 16 Jan 2013, 08:20 »

Day 3
Last night, the mood of the village was somber. The people gathered in the Church to bid their onetime overlord henri beamis farewell. He had died as he had lived, with his sword in his hand, fighting against the enemies of God. The priest was sorrowful above all others, weeping as he spoke of the paradise that surely waited for henri beamis. At the end of the Mass, the priest sequestered himself and spoke to no one. The villagers fled to their homes and locked their doors, tearful and afraid.

When the sun rose, the villagers gathered in front of the Church, noting a strange and acrid smell in the air. They quickly realized that de_la_Nae was missing. The motion that the foul-mouthed woman had simply abandoned the town never even occurred to the villagers. Instead, they went to her room at the inn, only to discover a new horror.

The door to de_la_Nae's room is frozen solid. One unfortunate villager touched the door and had to be pulled off, tearing the flesh off his poor fingers. Even as he is treated, the other villagers tackle the problem of breaking down the door by deploying axes and fire. Once it finally falls, they discover de_la_Nae, a statue of ice when once she was flesh and blood.

The room itself is lightly coated with snow and ice. The strange tools and items de_la_Nae possessed take a while to identify, but eventually, the villagers figure it out.

Thou art the Rogue.

Thou art a man of many faces, none of great honor. A bandit, a charlatan, a scoundrel, a swindler, a crossdresser, thou have acquired much knowledge and are skilled in acquiring more.

Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Sneaking around [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will reveal to you the role of the target.

You also hold a smokescreen. Should you be marked for death and have no one protecting you, you will use your smokescreen and escape. The smokescreen can only be used once, and it only works for one kill attempt.

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The villagers retreat from the unnatural room of death and gather about to discuss what to do next.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #173 on: 16 Jan 2013, 10:31 »

I told you guys they were watching. Fuck. And we got no useful info out of her...
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #174 on: 16 Jan 2013, 10:50 »

Ice floats! Quickly, lets throw her body in the water and get the fuck out of town while we still can!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #175 on: 16 Jan 2013, 11:35 »

For once, TheEvilDog speaks some sense.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #176 on: 16 Jan 2013, 18:25 »

See?! THIS is why we can't have nice things!

Well... that and the fact that we have evil mages, vampires, and holy warriors killing us... but also because of things like THAT!  :x

I'm really really sorry guys  :-(  if it helps at all, I did a great job on the table! Also, why would we need the canoe when we have great minds at work:
Ice floats! Quickly, lets throw her body in the water and get the fuck out of town while we still can!

Can't argue with that logic!
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #177 on: 17 Jan 2013, 06:12 »

24 hours to go before nightfall, folks! Start voting on who you're going string up. Otherwise, the actors in the night make the decisions for you. Those may be more painful than not.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #178 on: 17 Jan 2013, 07:05 »

I get a feeling we are supposed to lose our minds and start lynching each other. But we don't have a single clue to go on. At least the way I see it. We don't know how many they are, what they are, what we should look for. Or do we? Anyone?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #179 on: 17 Jan 2013, 07:06 »



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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #180 on: 17 Jan 2013, 07:26 »

Well, we've got deaths by fire and ice, which may be by the same person or not. And a priest who can kill people, but apparently they feel bad about killing the wrong person. And possibly a vampire? (There was a death by biting, right?)

So...other than that...I got nothing.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #181 on: 17 Jan 2013, 07:39 »

I know what we have; a cheesy fantasy story!

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #182 on: 17 Jan 2013, 07:40 »

I can hazard a guess as to how many they are. Assuming (what I consider) a conventional ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 villains to villagers, rounded up...

We have 5 to 6 people among us that need to be killed. Good news is that nervioso appeared innocent to de... that's 12 people alive that we don't have a confirmed status on, meaning 11 people for each of us to choose (if nervioso is actually king vampire; magic godfather... whatever, we can deal with that later; there's still 4-5 killers left in my theory).

Also, assuming I'm right on the number of killers, it also means we are way closer to losing than some of us might realize.

The point is this: the odds of us lynching a baddie, even randomly, have gone up A LOT (and we're smarter than a random number generator, so don't think of it as actually being random). I do plan on voting before the day is over, but I want to weigh a few options before doing so.

On an unrelated note... Patrick, you've been saying the more the killers kill, the more evidence stacks up even without us lynching. What have you learned if that's the case? All I've got is that they've been remarkably good at getting our best people.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #183 on: 17 Jan 2013, 08:48 »

Aw, hell with it all. I said I'd vote to lynch the survivor of de_ and Linds, so I vote to lynch Linds.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #184 on: 17 Jan 2013, 08:58 »

Are you volunteering your tree for this, cesium?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #185 on: 17 Jan 2013, 09:01 »

Are you volunteering your tree for this, cesium?
No, unfortunately, my tree caught on fire the last time it rained. I'm not entirely sure how a tree made of cesium managed to grow there to begin with.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #186 on: 17 Jan 2013, 09:27 »

I am not one of the bad people. Why do you think I asked de to inquire about my role? Although it's convenient that I asked her to do that but now she's dead, because now I'm the perfect scapegoat. The only reason I was against her at first was because she was being overly aggressive and accusing people right and left. It looked suspicious at the time. If I'd really been dead set against her, I would have accused her again last round. So how about instead of voting out of convenience, we actually try to figure out who the killer is?

And because I basically want to save my own ass, I vote to lynch Cesium, only to negate his vote.
« Last Edit: 17 Jan 2013, 12:26 by Linds »
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #187 on: 17 Jan 2013, 09:47 »

And because I basically want to save my own ass,I vote to lynch Cesium, only to negate his vote.

(I'm removing the formatting so there's less confusion or risk of a vote getting counted twice)

So... is this a third way you vote? Because you're not outright saying you think cesium is guilty and well...

I personally only vote for someone when 1) I'm playing a good role and I think someone is guilty or 2) I'm playing a bad role and I want to kill off more innocents (like in the werewolf game). If I don't know who to vote for, I don't vote. I also don't like changing my vote either. But these are personal preferences - I like to keep things easier for myself!

Just sayin'.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #188 on: 17 Jan 2013, 10:16 »

You're going to use something against me that was in a debate about how people vote? Yes, this would be the odd circumstance, then, because 1) before this batch of games, I've never played a game where people try to balance out votes and 2) I think I have the right to try to save myself and personally I'd rather do it that way for now - negating the one vote against me.

Honestly, I think you're just grasping at straws, looking for reasons to kill me without looking bad. Just sayin'.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #189 on: 17 Jan 2013, 11:15 »

I vote for Idontunderstand

Standing there, looking all shifty, with that hat...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #190 on: 17 Jan 2013, 11:34 »

Linds, I really want to trust you but the way you just shift the blame is really...uh. Remindful of really bad things, I guess, and it makes me really really suspicious of you.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #191 on: 17 Jan 2013, 11:43 »

You're going to use something against me that was in a debate about how people vote?

Is the problem that I'm using the voting discussion to possibly make an argument (I don't even think I made an argument... I asked for clarrification)? Because that discussion we had was huge and was participated in by several people. It'd be bad NOT to use it if it might help.

Or is the problem that it's being used against you in particular? Because it's pretty much unwritten law around here that what you say can haunt you later.

Yes, this would be the odd circumstance, then, because 1) before this batch of games, I've never played a game where people try to balance out votes and 2) I think I have the right to try to save myself and personally I'd rather do it that way for now - negating the one vote against me.

And that's pretty much what I figured your reasoning was. I just wanted you to verify and maybe get a reaction. I got both.

Honestly, I think you're just grasping at straws, looking for reasons to kill me without looking bad. Just sayin'.

Honestly, I think you're paranoid and have every right to be considering how day 1 went for you. Perhaps I was a bit snarky, but if I wanted you killed, I would have thrown a vote your way. What I said alone is not enough reason for me to vote to lynch you, though you did give me more to think about.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #192 on: 17 Jan 2013, 11:44 »



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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #193 on: 17 Jan 2013, 12:06 »

On an unrelated note... Patrick, you've been saying the more the killers kill, the more evidence stacks up even without us lynching. What have you learned if that's the case? All I've got is that they've been remarkably good at getting our best people.

I've learned that this world is a cruel place and that God is testing our faith by making it damn near impossible to have any.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #194 on: 17 Jan 2013, 12:25 »

Linds, I really want to trust you but the way you just shift the blame is really...uh. Remindful of really bad things, I guess, and it makes me really really suspicious of you.

I'm confused. Shifting blame for what and to where/whom? Cesium isn't blaming me for anything, Games really just was asking a question/trying to get a rise out of me, but neither of them really seem to be blaming me for anything.

Is the problem that I'm using the voting discussion to possibly make an argument (I don't even think I made an argument... I asked for clarrification)? Because that discussion we had was huge and was participated in by several people. It'd be bad NOT to use it if it might help.

Or is the problem that it's being used against you in particular? Because it's pretty much unwritten law around here that what you say can haunt you later.
Honestly, I think you're paranoid and have every right to be considering how day 1 went for you. Perhaps I was a bit snarky, but if I wanted you killed, I would have thrown a vote your way. What I said alone is not enough reason for me to vote to lynch you, though you did give me more to think about.

I was annoyed because that whole discussion wasn't necessarily in game, which is why I don't think it's really fair. Does that make sense? Like, it's something that should have been in the sign-up thread, but wasn't, and therefore I don't feel it's really fair game. It was about mechanics and didn't have much to do with this scenario.

And yes, I was being defensive because you were being snarky and it felt like an attack and, sorry, but a rather flippant one.

Also, since someone has made an accusation against someone else, I retract my vote against cesium. There's no point in keeping it up since it was purely to balance scales and I don't think he's guilty of anything. Yet, at least. (Note to Black Sword: I'm adding the strikes to my last post so it doesn't accidentally get counted.)
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #195 on: 17 Jan 2013, 13:19 »

Why do you think I asked de to inquire about my role? Although it's convenient that I asked her to do that but now she's dead, because now I'm the perfect scapegoat.

that is convenient.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #196 on: 17 Jan 2013, 16:22 »

I was annoyed because that whole discussion wasn't necessarily in game, which is why I don't think it's really fair. Does that make sense? Like, it's something that should have been in the sign-up thread, but wasn't, and therefore I don't feel it's really fair game. It was about mechanics and didn't have much to do with this scenario.

Looking back, I think other people were seeing that debate the same way you are. I wasn't, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted to continue that discussion in this thread (and would have liked it continued in the sign up thread). Wish I had realized it so I could make my intentions clear. To me, it wasn't so much a mechanics discussion as it was a 'where should we go collectively as a village' discussion, which would be fair game. But since it apparently wasn't clear and I don't think anyone playing would be the type to weasel out of a lynching through those sort of means, I'll try to not let that debate color my opinions too much.

And since the source of your reaction was mainly due to a communication gap between us, I'll have to toss it aside as well. So I think we're squared away there?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #197 on: 17 Jan 2013, 17:23 »

:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #198 on: 17 Jan 2013, 18:56 »

The point is this: the odds of us lynching a baddie, even randomly, have gone up A LOT (and we're smarter than a random number generator, so don't think of it as actually being random). I do plan on voting before the day is over, but I want to weigh a few options before doing so.

Blech  :-\  I think you're right here about the growing urgency and probability.  I have no idea where I'd cast a vote though. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #199 on: 17 Jan 2013, 20:09 »

I feel that we have to lynch someone if we even stand a chance of winning... so I'm going to vote nikolai because he has been suspiciously quiet.

vote to lynch Nikolai
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