The villagers locked themselves at sunset. It was going to be the last time they did so.
A hideous, familiar shriek shattered the night. It was the sound of death. Each villager waited for the dawn, the end of the full moon. When it came, it was time for the reckoning.
Day 7
When the last men standing met, they instantly saw that two of their number were missing. Now it was merely time to discover their final fates. The first place they go to is the house is Patrick's, somehow still intact despite the battle between J and GWF. The door was broken into pieces. Nerving themselves, they entered.

They find Patrick within. The poor fellow had suffered the same fate as Unicorn, though somehow, this time the killer had been far messier with its execution and feeding. It was almost as if an unspeakable hunger had driven the monster to act in greater haste. Unwilling to face what was left of Patrick, they left to find the other missing body.

Outside the remnants of the Church, they found Linds. The one-time priest, however, had obviously undergone severe changes during the night. Her fangs were long tools to pierce flesh, her eyes the blood red of evil. The priest's body bore obvious sign of battle, with marks of damage from fire and ice and wind and curses without names. One did not need to be a hunter to know that it had taken a lot of killing to end the priest's life for good.
Thou art the Executor.
Evil does exist, corrupting men and tainting the earth, producing gruesome tragedies surpassing human knowledge. Executor, thou carries out the will of God instead of spreading his word. Thou possess what should not exist, the 8th Sacrament, and purge all things that are not part of God's teachings. There is but one thing thou must protect: the great name of God.
Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Use the Black Keys on [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This will assuredly kill whatever you target. As you execute the will of God, you may judge one player a night for as long as you live.
As your public profession is that of a priest attending to the spiritual needs of your people, once a night, you may PM Black Sword a sermon, to be posted by him on your behalf. This sermon is your message to the villagers, to either build their spirits, damn them to hell, or simply express utter indifference to their fate.
You win if the Village is the last faction standing.
Battle: It is inevitable that you shall be targeted for death. As an Executor, you have a chance, however slight, of taking your assassin with you.
Against Dead Ancestor: 35%
Against Magus: 50%
It was a bitter battle within the Church, Linds, but you were no match for the Dead Apostle, J! However, unlike his previous victims, you were special. You survived the draining of your blood.... for a given value of survive.
Perhaps it was your strength of will. Perhaps there was something special about you, deep within your soul that made it possible. Or perhaps it was a secret, forbidden wish you denied even to yourself as you stubbornly pursued righteousness. But you have now been turned into a Dead familiar, one who can with time and blood grow to the level of a Dead Apostle.
For now, you are much weaker than your parent and master and obey his commands. Your power is at his disposal. As a faction, you can kill once a night. Your victory condition has also been changed. Now, you win if you and/or your master are the last ones standing.
Should your master die before you, you will be liberated from his control and gain certain powers in addition to those you already possess.
These include:
As a new blood drinker who has not yet learned to control the thirst, once a night you must PM Black Sword with the title being 'Feeding upon [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will either kill the player or convert them to your side as a Dead familiar. Converted players maintain the abilities they had whilst alive.
The Night of the Full Moon is Night 6. Under that moon, you can can choose to "feed" on two users instead of the usual one.
Conversion rate:
Magus: 10%
Villager: 5%
With that, there is only one villager left alive and no way for his village to win. Perhaps if he begged hard enough and swore his soul to them, he might live to see another dawn?
The Mages Win!