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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #100 on: 10 Jan 2013, 11:16 »

This is completely out of character and only relates to gameplay: I don't like wanting to tie things up and just think it's silly, but people can vote however they want to vote. However, the point of these games is to kill people. Usually if you don't like pretend killing, you don't vote. It's ok to let people die in game, guys!

But back to the game: please stop saying I'm doing nothing. If I was doing "nothing" I wouldn't post. But I am doing something - my own version of things. de has her version of doing things, I have mine, the rest of you have yours.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #101 on: 10 Jan 2013, 11:31 »

OOC: The thing is, the more ties we have, the more of a chance the killer has to, you know, kill someone that evening. Is there a high risk of lynching an innocent person? Yes, definitely. But there is also the trade-off that you might just catch the killer. People might think they're helping the village by going for ties; they aren't, they're just getting the next victim ready for the killer.

IC: "Go away, there's nobody here."


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #102 on: 10 Jan 2013, 11:51 »

The risks outweigh the benefits. Letting the killers do all the innocent-killing they want, they're just going to give us more evidence.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #103 on: 10 Jan 2013, 12:02 »

Inaction is just as bad, if not worse than lynching. The risks are pretty heavy of course, but then the risk of being murdered increase.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #104 on: 10 Jan 2013, 12:14 »

Quote from: The Priest
People of the town - I have warned you about filling your heart with sin. We are in trouble - what needs to be done is not to turn against one another, it is to look within and pray to God for guidance and forgiveness! If you will not change your hearts, then it is my God-given duty to cut you down where you stand. I will not let evil take control! I will protect you! The only path towards salvation is to prostrate yourself before your Lord. Let us pray together!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #105 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:11 »

OOC: I voted 'to tie things up' once in the previous game, and that was actually deliberate bullshit to throw people off, as someone later on figured out. I am doing it here as the strategy of the character I've chosen to take on, namely the outlaw who is reluctant to see bloodshed unless absolutely necessary.


Dear Diary,

I've run out of cool-sounding stuff to write, so I'm just going to write the word 'FUCK' for a page.


I managed to keep the vote tied today. No one died. Yet. The night has just begun. Something tells me that when the dawn light breaks through, there'll be one more body added to the count.

And as I sit here polishing my gun, I start to wonder if it might be me.

I'm not a prayin' man, but I think it might be time to steeple my fingers.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #106 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:31 »

gah, if we kill someone we lose, if we don't kill someone we lose.... :(

*retreats to home, locks doors and windows and adds a strong draught of brandy to the tea.*


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #107 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:37 »

Dear Diary,

TRVA123 has a sweet ass. If only they were twelve years younger.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #108 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:37 »

I don't like this. I don't like this at all. We shouldn't have to kill people to do these sorts of things! Isn't there a way to tell if someone is a vampire without murdering them? Mirrors? Running water? ...Sunlight?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #109 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:44 »

bet that I'll lose a year with every drink you have!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #110 on: 10 Jan 2013, 15:47 »

I don't like this. I don't like this at all. We shouldn't have to kill people to do these sorts of things! Isn't there a way to tell if someone is a vampire without murdering them? Mirrors? Running water? ...Sunlight?
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #111 on: 10 Jan 2013, 17:05 »

I love garlic bread.  love it.

In and out of character.

I see where the anti-tie arguments are coming from, and I really do agree that after the first day or two it's not a good strategy.  But when our risk of killing someone innocent is so great, and we know that someone will be killed at night regardless of what we do, I think it still works out in our favor.  But only for the first day, and maybe the second, when our numbers are high and the risk so large.  As I said, as far as we know, our only chance of taking out the baddies is during the day, and we shouldn't waste that.

I think riccostar made a good point, too - we're all in the dark about what the roles are, and it's possible that at least some of the villains/vamps/evildoers (I'm still not convinced we know what they are yet) may not know each other.  I don't know if it's true, or if that helps us, but it's something we should keep in mind, I think.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #112 on: 10 Jan 2013, 18:03 »

The sound of glass bottles being clinked together rings out in the night, accompanied by a taunting voice.

"Murderers...come out and plaaaaaaaaay..."

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #113 on: 10 Jan 2013, 18:35 »

I want some fucking garlic bread now, dammit.

Also, I came to the realization that either these are not vampires OR they're fucking tough/non-stereotypical vampires...

Vampires cannot enter your house uninvited, right? Well, isn't the church considered to be the house of God? I highly doubt God invited whoever is in there, so they probably barged in. And if they can barge in against God's wishes....

That or God entrusted Barmymoo as the doorman and well... they should have been more selective about who gets let in.   :-\

Either way, I doubt something as simple as garlic or running water will stop them...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #114 on: 10 Jan 2013, 18:53 »

Alright, opinion on tying votes here.  If we strip the current issue in the town down to only daytime lynchings and night killings I believe that numerically, forfeiting the opportunity to lynch during the day would give the villainous camp the definite advantage.  However, there is a lot more to these situations than simple probability based off of these two actions.  In these situations everyone also has to take into account the duties of the active and passive roles, insight gained by analyzing rhetoric, and perceived intent based off the lynching vote records.  As this situation develops, we learn more and have more to base our decisions off of which has shown to be key to success.  Day lynchings without due grounds are certain to speed us along toward the end.  This means we have less substance to learn from and less time for our active role members to use their powers to guide us in this time of peril.  There is, for example, likely to be a villager with the role that is somewhat like the bailiff who inspects villagers to learn who they truly are.  The fewer days there are, the less people the bailiff gets to learn the role of which severely knocks the edge off of the advantage we could have gained from him.  The opposing villainous camp wants to guide this towards a swift and complete destruction of the innocent and we should not blindly assist them in this.  I encourage tying votes and non-action during daylight hours if there are no solid grounds to the accusations being put forward. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #115 on: 10 Jan 2013, 19:18 »

problem is that we don't even know what the odds are or what the rolls might be.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #116 on: 10 Jan 2013, 19:31 »

The sound of glass bottles being clinked together rings out in the night, accompanied by a taunting voice.

"Murderers...come out and plaaaaaaaaay..."

I can dig that.  *rollerskates around the village with a baseball bat*

I'm honestly glad neither of our two suspects got killed today.  Ties aren't viable in the long-run, but I'm not all that interested in helping the whateverevilfucks in their mission any more than we have to.  They will kill someone innocent every night, regardless of what we do during the day.  We will have to make judgements.  But I don't think it hurts us much that we didn't today.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #117 on: 11 Jan 2013, 06:48 »

Alright, opinion on tying votes here.

You put it really well, ricco. And I agree on some of your points. But let me put it this way... if you see de_la_Nae and Linds as potential lynch victims and feel neither is a good choice, instead of moving for a tie, why not do this:

1) State that neither is a good choice and why you feel this way
2a) State who you think is a better lynch target for the town and why OR
2b) State why you think it's a bad idea to lynch anyone and vote No Lynch

Either way, you can provide an argument, give us an idea of what's on your mind, and maybe sway the town to your cause. And if everyone trying to vote had agreed on a different target or No Lynch, I bet you that would have been what won out in the end, easily (and maybe with less confusion...).

It's too easy to just try to tie and not say anything else. We get so caught up trying to buy ourselves more time by tying votes that we don't make as great of use of the time we DO have as we could be with arguments over who is evil. 

And if de or Linds had died, despite your attempt to move the vote majority, then at least we have where you stood and have a clean list of people responsible for the death. 

I'm fully against tying votes between people just to block the lynch. I'm only against inaction (no lynch) if other options weren't considered. I hope that makes sense.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #118 on: 11 Jan 2013, 06:59 »

Plus if people are voting to tie, it can just take one person making a choice/miscounting to tip the scales. That wouldn't happen if there was a pile of No Lynch votes that have to be overcome to lynch someone.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #119 on: 11 Jan 2013, 15:30 »

Ricco nailed my view right on the head. We don't know what roles there are, or their powers. I don't think we can really afford to go about killing people willy-nilly if we don't know whether or not they're our saving grace. We can learn through the actions of our enemies, rest assured.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #120 on: 11 Jan 2013, 17:30 »

Out of character - you can't stop me voting to tie. It breaks no rules, it doesn't dick with the game too much. And if I was a character that wanted to stop people from getting lynched it would serve my cause. If we are going to stop deliberate tie voting, then make it a rule next time. I do it to fuck with people, and because I've chosen to play a character in these games because it's more fun. This time round I am playing a pacifist/pussy/weird war veteran/character who doesn't want anyone to die, so what he does is vote for ties, and yeah there are pros and cons on each side, and maybe my character will listen to them, maybe he won't. That was part of the long game I was going to play. Are making it a rule, or are we making it a rule?
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #121 on: 11 Jan 2013, 17:51 »

Out of character - you can't stop me voting to tie. It breaks no rules, it doesn't dick with the game too much. And if I was a character that wanted to stop people from getting lynched it would serve my cause. If we are going to stop deliberate tie voting, then make it a rule next time. I do it to fuck with people, and because I've chosen to play a character in these games because it's more fun. This time round I am playing a pacifist/pussy/weird war veteran/character who doesn't want anyone to die, so what he does is vote for ties, and yeah there are pros and cons on each side, and maybe my character will listen to them, maybe he won't. That was part of the long game I was going to play. Are making it a rule, or are we making it a rule?
As far as I know, nobody is saying that we should change the rules to prevent people from trying to tie the vote... but I also reserve the right to consider such votes suspicious and vote to lynch people who consistently try to tie the vote.  :roll:

edit - when I posted this, I got the following error message: "Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (quoteids)". Anyone seen this before?
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #122 on: 11 Jan 2013, 17:59 »

OOC:Almost constantly over the last few weeks. But it doesn't fuck up anything so far as I can tell, and I'm pretty sure people are aware of it so I just ignore it.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #123 on: 11 Jan 2013, 18:22 »

Yeah, I've gotten it several times before. I just think the redirect gets messed up is all. Doesn't hurt anything.

Gareth, you can vote however you want. But I reserve the right to be annoyed by it. :P
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #124 on: 11 Jan 2013, 18:30 »

Out of character - you can't stop me voting to tie. It breaks no rules, it doesn't dick with the game too much.

I can't force you to do anything and wouldn't want to. I'm just stating why it occurred to me that all the vote tying seemed inefficient and why it frustrates me. If that doesn't convince you, then carry on.

Are making it a rule, or are we making it a rule?

Like you said, it's perfectly within BSword's rules that you can use your vote that way (whether it was intended to have this affect, I can't say). I'm not advocating a rule change, nor would I really want it at this stage in the game. If I was hoping for anything, it'd be some sort of unwritten agreement that votes would be used for who we actually want lynched (or actual no lynch votes). But that's not going to happen, so I'll let that subject drop, though anyone else who wants to comment, definitely should! Knowing which camp everyone is on as far as this topic is concerned may be useful.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #125 on: 11 Jan 2013, 19:58 »

I say we don't make it a rule. This game mode especially. We have literally NO information other than the fact that May is dead.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #126 on: 11 Jan 2013, 20:57 »

there should definitely not be any kind of rule against tying a vote.

that said, i'm of two minds about whether or not we should be lynching someone every single turn. on the one hand it basically gives the mobsters/werewolves/vampires/whatevers free reign to do whatever they want. but on the other hand, i really hate making uninformed decisions, so i tend to be hesitant to vote for anyone unless i really think they're guilty.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #127 on: 11 Jan 2013, 21:28 »

I personally only vote for someone when 1) I'm playing a good role and I think someone is guilty or 2) I'm playing a bad role and I want to kill off more innocents (like in the werewolf game). If I don't know who to vote for, I don't vote. I also don't like changing my vote either. But these are personal preferences - I like to keep things easier for myself!
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #128 on: 11 Jan 2013, 21:45 »

Day 2

Another dawn has come, so the villagers ought to have rejoiced and been glad in it. However, the gladness was gone before it even began. The villagers had noticed it instantly.

Lying face down on the ground in a pool of his own blood on the steps of the Church was a man. His clothing was tattered, but his shield were still strong and his sword still sharp. His armor, however, had stood no chance against the strange blades that still pierced his back. The thin blades were too narrow to belong to a sword, yet too long to belong to a dagger. One of the villagers quietly noted that they seemed suited for throwing. Another found it odd how closely they resembled the cross. All felt there was something holy about them.

Finally, the dead man is turned over and is revealed as the traveler who had been staying at the inn. The villagers seek the man's identity and feel possessed by horror when they recognize the man as their overlord, henri beamis!

Thou art the Knight.

Thou hath heard the call of God and hath fought in the Holy Land against the heathens of Mahomet. Thou follow the path of chivalry and hath returned from crusade to discover thine lands in terror. Unrecognized, thou shall protect thine serfs from the evil that threatens thine lands.

Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Protect [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will protect the target from all murder attempts in that night. You cannot protect yourself.

You win if the Village is the last faction standing.

Battle: It is inevitable that you shall be targeted for death. As a trained warrior, you have a chance, however slight, of taking your assassin with you.
Against Dead Ancestor: 10%
Against Magus: 15%
Against ???: 5%

As grief and terror begins to make themselves the sole emotions of the crowd, someone screams and demands to know where Gareth is. Convinced they know the name of the killer of their overlord, the villagers break down the door to Gareth's house... and discover a new terror.

Gareth's body has been incinerated. Only his hands and feet are left intact in that pile of ashes. Strangely, nothing else in his home shows signs of ignition. It's almost as if he had somehow burst into intense flame and then faded into nothing. But how could a fire strong enough to turn the bones of a regular villager to ash not burn down a house?

Afraid, aggrieved, and anxious, the villagers appeal to their priest to properly bury their lord and to soothe their troubled souls.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #129 on: 11 Jan 2013, 22:32 »

I told Gareth to stop smoking, but nooooooo. Well, the poor bastard needs a service too.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #130 on: 11 Jan 2013, 22:37 »

It sounds like Gaz was a vampire who got staked ( :mrgreen: ) and henri got hit by the Jebus Brigade by mistake.

Well, 1:2 ain't bad.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #131 on: 11 Jan 2013, 22:47 »

But...but our lord!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #132 on: 11 Jan 2013, 22:55 »

Fuck fuck FUUUUUCK!

I don't get it, I checked Gareth out first fucking thing and he came up nil! Unless he had something covering for him he couldn't have been one of them...could he?

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #133 on: 11 Jan 2013, 23:08 »


Fuck fuck FUUUUUCK!

I don't get it, I checked Gareth out first fucking thing and he came up nil! Unless he had something covering for him he couldn't have been one of them...could he?

*throws a glass bottle against the wall, shattering it* Agh! *slumps into chair looking down at her feet in silence*

i don't think so. look at blacksword's first post again:

Strange happenings have occurred, night after night. Innocents have vanished, only to reappear feasting on their beloved families. Others have been discovered with horrific wounds on their bodies that indicate fire or water... or no wounds at all.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #134 on: 11 Jan 2013, 23:17 »

Such roles in past games have not had the power to nail top members of villainous factions, but BSword didn't make special mention of Gaz holding any particular status... Shumė ndėrsant.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #135 on: 12 Jan 2013, 00:25 »

edit - when I posted this, I got the following error message: "Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (quoteids)". Anyone seen this before?

The logs show me that this is caused by an error in the Tapatalk forum plugin; I'm hoping for a fix soon.  It doesn't appear to cause anything else to go wrong.  I haven't determined what triggers it, either.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #136 on: 12 Jan 2013, 02:54 »

[please take the tech discussions elsewhere, it's hard enough to stay in character already!]

Once again, everybody keep calm. Gareth was a vampire? If he really was he certainly didn't leave any clues.. I'm not absolutely convinced.

We're, once again, sitting ducks, folks. I urge you to focus on the right issues! The only thing we have achieved so far is a pointless discussion on whether we are allowed to tie votes, which we are, because this is a democratic village (at least when it comes to lynchings..) and we have no rules which state otherwise. Sigh... we really have no way of winning this, have we?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #137 on: 12 Jan 2013, 08:10 »

Wait, hold on, we learned so much!

We learned that we are up against at least:
Dead Ancestor
and that they all seem to attack separately but not necessarily in the same night (learned from the different fight percentages of the knight)

We also learned that we were allied with (but no longer):
Knight (we are likely no longer protected by anyone)

henri got hit by the Jebus Brigade by mistake.

it would also seem by the "holy" nature of this killer that it would be on our side and that the loss of henri was a mistake

I believe that Gareth was a villager.  The way his death was announced was solemn and without character reveal and his death itself was consistent with the fire and water injuries BS gave background about.  He could have easily been killed by the magus.  Also, assuming that the holy killer is on our side, Gareth being a vampire would mean that we have two night killers and the opponents decided not to kill last night.  I think last night was a big loss for us. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #138 on: 12 Jan 2013, 10:56 »

Or maybe he just spontaneously combusted? ...I mean, if weird stuff is happening, why not even more weird stuff?

...not that I actually think that happened...

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #139 on: 12 Jan 2013, 11:00 »

Gareth's body has been incinerated. Only his hands and feet are left intact in that pile of ashes. Strangely, nothing else in his home shows signs of ignition. It's almost as if he had somehow burst into intense flame and then faded into nothing. But how could a fire strong enough to turn the bones of a regular villager to ash not burn down a house?

Ricco's correct. Gareth was a villager, not a vampire.

So we have vampires and magi... are they working together? Are they two separate groups that agreed to kill on different nights? Regardless, they both need to die... I'm just wondering how much time we truly have... I'm not 100% sure our holy warrior friend is even our friend... I mean, I'm not sure what henri could have done to arouse suspicion.

Fuck fuck FUUUUUCK!

I don't get it, I checked Gareth out first fucking thing and he came up nil! Unless he had something covering for him he couldn't have been one of them...could he?

*throws a glass bottle against the wall, shattering it* Agh! *slumps into chair looking down at her feet in silence*

You were right about Gareth. No need to doubt yourself, unless you're lying about the whole thing. With henri gone, I'm unsure there's anyone left to protect us, so you could be in huge danger. What do you have for night 1? That could be a good jumping point for Day 2 discussion.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #140 on: 12 Jan 2013, 16:02 »

Yeah yeah, okay...okay. Maybe I do get what's up.

Doc Nervioso isn't one of the enemy. I'll tell you that right now. All this is fucked anyway, knew I should have just taken off for the hills when I had the chance.

I'm gonna find as many of these shits as I can and put 'em back down, damnit! Not just gonna lay it all down and out and die, and I know just who's suspicious as all get out.

So who knows anything about our friendly little town priest?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #141 on: 12 Jan 2013, 16:40 »

I don't know her.

Then again, I don't know anyone around here. She makes me kind of scared, though. Anyone who starts yelling about killing people usually has that effect, though.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #142 on: 12 Jan 2013, 17:22 »

Personally, I think I'm more worried about the person setting people on fire than the priest. Even though they were horribly wrong, they at least seem to be trying to help.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #143 on: 12 Jan 2013, 17:23 »

Because intent matters when people are getting killed? Whether they meant well or not, there's still people dead!


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #144 on: 12 Jan 2013, 17:42 »

Although people are dying anyways, intent matters because if they intended to kill the knight (or another villager) they are against us and they will only target and kill innocents however if killing the knight was just a terrible accident they are on our side and there is a chance of them killing a baddie at night. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #145 on: 12 Jan 2013, 21:25 »

What ricco said. There are too many unknown roles to know what is going on. I think the priest needs to pray for better guidance...
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #146 on: 13 Jan 2013, 00:41 »

Quote from: The Priest
People of the town - I have warned you about filling your heart with sin. We are in trouble - what needs to be done is not to turn against one another, it is to look within and pray to God for guidance and forgiveness! If you will not change your hearts, then it is my God-given duty to cut you down where you stand. I will not let evil take control! I will protect you! The only path towards salvation is to prostrate yourself before your Lord. Let us pray together!

This priest is who I'm talkin' about, not the shit who *may* be a priest trying to vanquish evil and instead knifing our own!

((Because no one suspects the NPC of being the head killer! :O))


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #147 on: 13 Jan 2013, 05:27 »

I just noticed that you have a great Modest Mouse quote in your signature.
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #148 on: 13 Jan 2013, 15:37 »

If anyone wants me, I'm going to hide in that UV filled sealed emergency fallout bunker.

And no. No one else can use it.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #149 on: 13 Jan 2013, 17:28 »

Quote from: The Priest
People of the town - I have warned you about filling your heart with sin. We are in trouble - what needs to be done is not to turn against one another, it is to look within and pray to God for guidance and forgiveness! If you will not change your hearts, then it is my God-given duty to cut you down where you stand. I will not let evil take control! I will protect you! The only path towards salvation is to prostrate yourself before your Lord. Let us pray together!

so, you're saying we should lynch the npc then?

This priest is who I'm talkin' about, not the shit who *may* be a priest trying to vanquish evil and instead knifing our own!

((Because no one suspects the NPC of being the head killer! :O))
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