Day 2
Another dawn has come, so the villagers ought to have rejoiced and been glad in it. However, the gladness was gone before it even began. The villagers had noticed it instantly.

Lying face down on the ground in a pool of his own blood on the steps of the Church was a man. His clothing was tattered, but his shield were still strong and his sword still sharp. His armor, however, had stood no chance against the strange blades that still pierced his back. The thin blades were too narrow to belong to a sword, yet too long to belong to a dagger. One of the villagers quietly noted that they seemed suited for throwing. Another found it odd how closely they resembled the cross. All felt there was something holy about them.
Finally, the dead man is turned over and is revealed as the traveler who had been staying at the inn. The villagers seek the man's identity and feel possessed by horror when they recognize the man as their overlord, henri beamis!
Thou art the Knight.
Thou hath heard the call of God and hath fought in the Holy Land against the heathens of Mahomet. Thou follow the path of chivalry and hath returned from crusade to discover thine lands in terror. Unrecognized, thou shall protect thine serfs from the evil that threatens thine lands.
Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Protect [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will protect the target from all murder attempts in that night. You cannot protect yourself.
You win if the Village is the last faction standing.
Battle: It is inevitable that you shall be targeted for death. As a trained warrior, you have a chance, however slight, of taking your assassin with you.
Against Dead Ancestor: 10%
Against Magus: 15%
Against ???: 5%
As grief and terror begins to make themselves the sole emotions of the crowd, someone screams and demands to know where Gareth is. Convinced they know the name of the killer of their overlord, the villagers break down the door to Gareth's house... and discover a new terror.

Gareth's body has been incinerated. Only his hands and feet are left intact in that pile of ashes. Strangely, nothing else in his home shows signs of ignition. It's almost as if he had somehow burst into intense flame and then faded into nothing. But how could a fire strong enough to turn the bones of a regular villager to ash not burn down a house?
Afraid, aggrieved, and anxious, the villagers appeal to their priest to properly bury their lord and to soothe their troubled souls.