It's hard to get more bad ass then me.
Started working on my first gun today, refinishing the rifle I learned to shoot on, the first gun I ever fired, thousands of dollars of guns and ammo go started, a Marlin Model 81-DL tube fed bolt action rifle from roughly 1950. The stock looks better then I've ever seen it already, and the butt plate actually fits now, and I'm slowly working on the barrel and other metal pieces slowly.
However in the process of forcing the parts that hold the mag tube in place (the mag tube on a 81-DL is held in by two dove tailed rings) I snapped one of the rings. Thankfully the part's available and already on it's way, but I'm kinda relieved. Broke my first part. Now that's out of the way and I can get to fixing this thing.
Desired endstate is a 400 grit finish for barrel and receiver, the stock will be taken to a 400 grit, stained and finished with Tru Oil. Currently thinking a nice dark red stain, which will be further darkened by the oil finish.