So, as I couldn't find any threads about it, I figured a thread about Marvel's hugely successful cinematic universe was due.
I assume most people around here with any interest in Marvel and superheroes have seen Iron Man 3 by now, so what do you think? I liked it, but the plot was pretty underwhelming and underexplained. Also, movie kids; I hate movie kids..

Also, like any self-respecting geek, I love to speculate. One thing I like to speculate about, is BO numbers (gross cinema revenues, if you're not that into films, other than watching them

), and Iron Man 3 has made some pretty damn impressive numbers, crossing $1,1 billion world-wide. That's an increase of ~77% from Iron Man 2. With this kind of increase, likely much due to the massive success of The Avengers, do you think we can expect a proportional growth for Thor 2 and Captain America 2? Or even more, considering they have lower starting points? Anyways, an equal increases would mean a BO result of ~$796M for Thor 2 (from $449M) and ~$653M for Captain America 2 (from $369M).
Anyways, beyond those two, we have perhaps the most exciting film so far; Guardians of the Galaxy. I know nothing about the franchise, but the prospect of Avengers meets Star Wars + talking raccoon and tree gets the child in me excited. Mixed feelings about James Gunn (director), but we'll see!
After that is The Avengers 2, recently announced to feature mutants Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (son and daughter of Magneto), but obviously without any connection to mutants, Magneto and the X-Men (Fox' property).
Then, phase III starts out with Ant-Man, directed by Edgar Wright.
Detailed (current) release dates:
Thor: The Dark World - November 8, 2013
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - April 4, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy - August 1, 2014
The Avengers 2 - May 1, 2015
Ant-Man - November 6, 2015
After that, the properties that seems the most likely to make their way into the MCU, appears to be Black Panther, Dr. Strange and the Inhmans.
So, lots of listing and factual information here, but what are you looking the most forward to? What IPs do you hope to see in the big screen?
Oh, and there is now
a trailer for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the upcoming TV series by Joss Whedon. I'm almost looking more forward to that, than many of th movies

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the new IPs, starting with GotG. How about you?