So damn. Speaking of hangovers you probably do deserve, I certainly rate this one. My head feels like an axe got slammed into it. My blood brother (in the we cut palms, mixed blood and pledged brotherhood sense) came home yesterday, he's fresh out of the Marine Corps so we had something to celebrate.... and some old nightmares to revisit. Did some pretty decent drinking at the house, drank beer and moonshine, ran up a $40 bar tab, (a piece) then we went to hang out with people at a house for apparently 3 hours minus the time it took us to stagger home. I don't remember more then bits and pieces of that, but nice scotch was involved. No throwing up, but fucking hell... that was... more drinking then I've done in a long time or want to ever do again. I think I'm finally slowing down, that mess was called "friday" just a few years ago, I'd wake up and be fine... now... not so much.