Can us mods do that, or just you (and of course the other admins, should they return)?
Admins can do anything (there is no set of permissions for admins), though html can be turned off even for admins. Otherwise, BBCode is either allowed or not, with no distinctions between different levels of member.
However, it seems I was feeling generous when I went through the settings after becoming admin, because it turns out that the html tag
is allowed. You can't use html on its own - you have to put the [html]...[/html] tags round it. Only a few html tags are allowed, though, as otherwise the potential for users' own html to break the page created by the forum is too great:
<b>, <u>, <i>, <s>, <em>, <ins>, <del>
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="" title="" />
<br />,<hr />
(Note that just listing those without the code tags around them broke the layout comprehensively!)
There's virtually nothing there that can't be done in straight BBCode - the additional attributes of img is the biggest reason to use this, I think. The tag attributes in that list are not the only ones allowed, though.
Ooh! I've just realised that you can do this with straight BBCode anyway, using the [abbr] or [acronym] tag (they're the same)

[abbr=Abel and Steve would've been fine! I like Steve!][img][/img][/abbr]