If someone thinks it is ok to "just say stuff like that" as a joke, or to get a rise out of people, you are racist as fuck and people are right to call you on it.
"I didn't mean it, look how upset you got, haha" is a weak ass defense and if you buy it you are a moron. Why, in a country where people are still
beaten ,
not offered jobs,
not offered housing , and
stopped and
searched based on the color of their skin, would it be ok to try an get a rise out of people by 'pretending' to be racist?
The only people I know who could think that was ok to do, or to tolerate, are people who are racists and think that racism is "not a real problem". Why would it being trolling, or hyperbole make it any less terrible? How would that make it less racist? What that reads like to me is "oh, it's not so bad, these are people who wouldn't admit they were racist in real life." Those are the worst kind of racists, because they get put in charge of things that matter. At least when someone is a KKK wizard he isn't (usually) going to be made police chief, or a TSA guard, or a teacher.