I did not. That looks bloody terrible. So terrible I can't even make a joke. I'm not even mad. Just disappointed.
It blows my mind how "national costume" can be so widely interpreted. Love the ladies who actually showed up in relatively unmodified traditional clothing. Shit managed to still be pretty sexy.
@Akima, there is a small group of relatively minor models in the United States who have selected military service, usually in the reserves or national guard of a nation's military. The theory is because it lets them work that angle when competing for contracts. This criticism originates in the military's active duty female components. While the males are a little too distracted for such high minded thoughts.
However if our theoretical mechanic joined ONLY to get job training and he was in my squadron? He'd probably not be very popular. I can't speak for the other service branches who tend to work the job training angle fairly hard, but the Marine Corps perception is that type of crap is a benefit. You can take benefit of it, but showing up for "just" the benefits gets the stink eye from a large portion of our population. For example service personnel who enlisted or went through ROTC "just for the college benefits" which would also be comparable, are ostracized from the normal community if they vocally express that, especially in the transition from peace time to time of war. Many people take it rather personally as a form of betrayal against the bonds of our oaths and our es spirit de corps.
Now I happen to know Shannon, and know she joined to serve, she's on the bounce and good Marine to boot, but if she or someone like her, male or female said to me "I only joined to use the name and title to my own benefit" ...my response would be the same "Fuck you, go stand on someone else's back"