I always thought "friend" refers to someone that you have a deeper relationship with than just hanging out sometimes and finding nice when talking to them. More like knowing them well, having them alongside you for important things in your life, trusting them to support you in difficult situations and also trusting them with more information than a simple acquaintance - discussing your emotions and what goes on inside you with them.
That's what I would call a
good friend, not just a friend. Perhaps some of the confusion here is that some people are using "friend" and "good friend" to mean what others would call "acquaintance" and "friend".
Naw, she was clearly going to say transformer!
So it's really Claire who's secretly a Volkswagen Beetle.
Well played!
No, Marten is Emily's superior.
Marten is a lowly unskilled helper at the library. Claire is on the career track to become a librarian. Her status is way higher than his.
No, Marten is paid staff, while Claire is an unpaid intern. At the moment, his status is definitely higher than hers, although she's on track to surpass him eventually.
Well, at least Emily isn't taller than most women, underdeveloped in the chest department, aspergic, socially withdrawn, and with a mysterious past, as are many Trans and Intersex gals her age.
Now, I took this as a gentle suggestion from Zoe that perhaps Emily is Trans or Intersex too and we just haven't found out yet. Because Emily
is all those things, pretty much, which would make Zoe's statement that she isn't those things either sarcasm or irony, I'm not sure which.
If that's actually what she was implying, anyway; if not, then maybe it was just... humor?
Speaking as a fellow North-East Asian, Emily does not seem undeveloped to me at all.
Good point.