Do people here think Wil is a blackmailer, a movie villain and regards Sven as his slave?
Except the recalled favours are not quite on the same plane. It would seem Wil got Sven out of some woman-related shenanigans, while Marigold is telling Momo she owes her her own existence. Quid pro quo. Although I agree in both cases it is quite immature (albeit understandable).
Except she really isn't. The favors aren't on the same plane, but Momo's existence isn't tied to her chassis--Momo exists independently thereof. Marigold is clumsily and insincerely implying that Momo owes her her current physical interaction platform. Which is actually quite true, but the fact that Marigold is trying to use it as emotional blackmail is fucked up and hurtful--it's on the level of buying a friend a house and then pressuring them to do things for you because you bought them this nice house--but it
isn't the same as claiming her as property.
She works for her dad. It's a real job. She pays taxes and everything.
Oh dear, I had a feeling.

So her financial security and capability to have a roof over her head are dependent on the whims of a capricious, violent-tempered old windbag.
This means if her dad decided to cut ties, Marigold could quite feasibly be out on the street, and before one pities Momo one should remember in the society Jeph has constructed, Momo can break contract, walk away, and AFAIK leave the parting gift of "hey be sure to keep up on payments for my chassis or I'll send you to collections~"
This is what I mean by the robots being freer than the humans. Even, in that situation, if Momo didn't keep Marigold on the financial leash of her chassis or it's all paid off, all Momo has to do to escape a bad situation is return to the network, become information-with-rights again. Marigold wouldn't have that ability, because she's human and no one gives a fuck.
It makes it very very hard for me to marshal sympathy for Momo even if her "existence" was supposedly just disrespected. It's like telling me I've hurt the feelings of a Greek god; they have Olympus to return to, they deal with the real world sheerly by choice.