But I feel compelled to point out that my post did not speculate about genitalia or even use the word. Rather, I was pointing out in a much broader sense that while Claire might rightly consider herself a woman, and it is (I believe) the obligation of society to therefore also consider her that way, it could be a tough hurdle to get past for a heterosexual guy who's only been with cis-women. For a lot of reasons. The genital-compatibility question is by no means the most important aspect.
We acknowledge and respect your intentions and thank you for them.
Let's put the topic on the shelf until and unless Marten and Claire actually do become a couple, and then only if the discussion won't pour acid on wounds for the trans people here.
That rather patronizing first line notwithstanding, I don't want to be the pourer of figurative acid, so yes, fine, I'll stop trying to pursue that line of thought, interesting and worthwhile as I might think it would be to discuss.
But let me add that the Draconian defensiveness toward my initial post is baffling and alarming. This talk of what's "acceptable" and "dangerous" as topics of discussion is something I've never really seen on this board. Surely, people don't get shut down for alluding to Faye's "hella issues" out of concern for those whose parents have killed themselves or who have problems with anxiety. Ditto the literally thousands of times, in-comic and on the forum, that Hanners' OCD is ridiculed.
And I don't mean to suggest that Claire's trans identity is, like Faye's and Hanners' issues, some sort of psychopathology. That wasn't the point of the comparison; the point was that, in both cases, the characters has some important trait that, to one extent or another, defines their interactions with others. Again: Jeph has gone to great effort to introduce a trans character and to make her a rounded, complex character. To ignore that aspect of her character (even if it is by no means her DEFINING aspect) and how it might color her interactions with others seems to me MORE offensive and hurtful than anything I've said here or would go on to say.