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Author Topic: WCDT: 2796-2800 (22-26 September 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 171249 times)


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she's pretty much an adorably shy book-nerd who wears her heart on her sleeve (I don't know if that's the right saying, I'm talking about how she doesn't have a pokerface like at all) and makes amazing puns

Haha, The "Giving Peas a Chance" comic basically made me want to be her best friend forever!

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Mlle Germain

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Today's comic is just such a happy comic and put me into a really good mood.  :lol:
I'm looking forward to how this develops next week!

I am slightly sad that this sweet and emotional comic has prompted a very similar discussion to when Claire came out to Marten instead of people just being happy about it (obviously many people are new to the forum and didn't read the discussion at the time), but I hope that anyone who didn't read the first discussion will have a look at the many resources provided on the topic in the forum.
Props to Valdís et al. for explaining the same things they must already have said over and over again in - as far as I have seen in the part of this thread that I read - a reasonable but firm way.

Edit: Fixed typo.
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2014, 14:36 by Mlle Germain »


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Bottom line, I don't think there was anything inorganic (word I saw used above) about how Claire did it. Sometimes it happens that way. And I definitely don't agree with the idea that because it was abrupt means it was necessarily just to 'get it out of the way' so that QC could have a trans character, nor was it Jeph screaming anything about diversity or inclusiveness even.

He literally introduced three un-represented "token" characters in a single panel in the most out of fashion way that we're use to. He made it up for it by making Clare a good character but I think being someone skeptical of Jeph is fair.



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I personally hope Marten and Claire become a couple, 'cause I like them both and he's been alone too long and she will love him like no tomorrow if he gives her a chance, but if it turns out it was a dream and halfpint has been whispering redhead porn dialogue in his ear, okay.  Jeph's the storyteller, and I've spent five years loving his story.

Personally, I agree wholeheartedly.  Unfortunately, I can't remember where it was, or whether Jeph was was just trolling us but I remember that someone once linked to a comment by the writer (I think it was Formspring but it could have been Tumblr) where he said that Marten would never be lucky in love.


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Claire's coming out to Marten was very similar to how I came out to my best friend. It wasn't at a lakehouse, granted (god I wish one of my friends had a lakehouse, that'd be awesome), but I wasn't planning on telling him at all that night nor were we talking about anything remotely related to the subject. It was very out of the blue, and I'm still not sure why I decided at that moment to do it lol. But I did. Same thing happened with a few other people as well. For other people, like my parents, I did come up with a premeditated plan beforehand on where/when I wanted to tell them and what I wanted to say when I did.

Bottom line, I don't think there was anything inorganic (word I saw used above) about how Claire did it. Sometimes it happens that way. And I definitely don't agree with the idea that because it was abrupt means it was necessarily just to 'get it out of the way' so that QC could have a trans character, nor was it Jeph screaming anything about diversity or inclusiveness even.
One of my friends has a lakehouse and a speedboat.  =P
But yeah, it definitely seems out-of-the blue when I tell my friends something personal like that.  (I don't have stuff as personal as gender or sexuality figured out, but there have been times in my life like the ones you described and... now I don't know if any of this made sense.) :psyduck:


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Counter-point: Fuck entirely off with your transmisogyny.

I will, in fact, state that we are every bit as much women as anyone else and that is not up for "debate". I am not looking to "debate" my right to exist with you; I am telling you what is cissexist and what has underlying transmisogyny.

Gender and trans/cis/anywhere-in-between notwithstanding, your reactions to people making good-faith attempts to have a conversation are not productive.

Argh, I wrote a long post about this and then my phone deleted it! Suffice to say, trans people hear a lot of justifications from cis people about why, even though they're super supportive, we shouldn't be able to expect to date or compete in sports or use public restrooms or whatever, and if some of us don't take it easy when we hear another iteration of that same justification, it's pretty well justified.

But I'm not arguing that it's RIGHT for me or anyone to feel that way. I'm confessing that it's the case and (perhaps too presumptively) speaking for other privileged straight cis-guys, and trying to explain how it's possible both to be supportive and to experience anxiety - born of ignorance, I admit - with regard to hooking up. And that it's simply not possible for a lot of us to just erase the "Trans" part from trans woman.

Is there truly not a big difference between "You shouldn't expect to date" and "Look, this is something I'd have to come to terms with and would, like it or not, think about in a different way"?

There is a big difference-I concede that. I think part of it is that usually when people say things like "it's something society/men/whatever will have to get used to", most of the time they're using that to justify the status quo until some vague future point. It's generally not put the way you have done, where it's clear that you're talking about a change that men have to make.

In the context of the comic, though, I think People are using their own hang ups to try to predict the behavior or Marten, or justify why he shouldn't/couldn't be going in the direction that he is very clearly going. That, more than anything, is what rankles me: Claire is cute as the dickens, and I want this to work for her, dangit!


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Only thing I can say:



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I can't remember where it was, or whether Jeph was was just trolling us but I remember that someone once linked to a comment by the writer (I think it was Formspring but it could have been Tumblr) where he said that Marten would never be lucky in love.

Yes, he said that; yes, it was in a generally facetious context; yes, it was a long time ago and he's allowed to change his mind.
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I can't remember where it was, or whether Jeph was was just trolling us but I remember that someone once linked to a comment by the writer (I think it was Formspring but it could have been Tumblr) where he said that Marten would never be lucky in love.

Yes, he said that; yes, it was in a generally facetious context; yes, it was a long time ago and he's allowed to change his mind.

Sorry, I wasn't saying that he's not allowed to change his mind but, as one of those who squeeed when they first saw this page, I'm just reminding everyone (including myself) that it's too soon to get our hopes up.  That would be putting the cart before the horse.


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One of my friends has a lakehouse and a speedboat.  =P
But yeah, it definitely seems out-of-the blue when I tell my friends something personal like that.  (I don't have stuff as personal as gender or sexuality figured out, but there have been times in my life like the ones you described and... now I don't know if any of this made sense.) :psyduck:

All I saw was that your friend has a lakehouse and a speedboat and now I'm super jealous :-P


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Bottom line, I don't think there was anything inorganic (word I saw used above) about how Claire did it. Sometimes it happens that way. And I definitely don't agree with the idea that because it was abrupt means it was necessarily just to 'get it out of the way' so that QC could have a trans character, nor was it Jeph screaming anything about diversity or inclusiveness even.

He literally introduced three un-represented "token" characters in a single panel in the most out of fashion way that we're use to. He made it up for it by making Clare a good character but I think being someone skeptical of Jeph is fair.

So you'd rather, what, a set of blonde white triplets? Jeph stated somewhere that he'd thought for a long time about introducing a trans character, and had sketched Claire out far in advance before she even had a name or was a character. Anytime you're dealing with a story that unfolds over a decade, you're going to have some people who show up longer than others, or whose characters end up more developed. We don't know every CoD customer's backstory, nor do we need to, for instance. But when Dale was introduced, he may have just been another person passing through, only to be returned to later when the story needed him. I suspect the same was the case with the interns.

TL;DR version: sometimes characters are fleshed out in advance; sometimes the writer figures out who they are as he's writing them. A little variety doesn't hurt in the meantime.

[slightly edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2014, 15:05 by Aziraphale »
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One of my friends has a lakehouse and a speedboat.  =P
But yeah, it definitely seems out-of-the blue when I tell my friends something personal like that.  (I don't have stuff as personal as gender or sexuality figured out, but there have been times in my life like the ones you described and... now I don't know if any of this made sense.) :psyduck:

All I saw was that your friend has a lakehouse and a speedboat and now I'm super jealous :-P
Said lakehouse also has a TV room with the most comfortable couches I have ever slept on.
But why am I talking about this?  Clearly we must angst over imagined relationship drama between the main character of a story and his potential love interest, while simultaneously managing to feed the flamewar surrounding us.  :-D


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Flamewars will be instantly dealt with by the usual Mod Methods.
James The Kugai 

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I think it's very wrong to say that Claire's tran-ness isn't a part of her character

I'd agree with this. Like if you look at the first panel here. The comic doesn't TALK about it, but you look at her expression and realize that's probably the first time she really got to dress up like that, fitting room aside. And as the comic went on she's expressed herself a lot girlier, getting her ears pierced and being more likely to wear a dress over a shirt and shorts.

Of course, most girls go through that. But not when they're 24. And that's how I think being trans is relevant to Claire's character. She's a late bloomer and still finding herself.


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So how about them comics?

Loving the cuteness too :3 And while there is plenty of stuff that can go wrong I think that Jeph just wants some good things to happen now. Especially with Faye's issues going on that might blow up even worse. Personally I just love this. Their faces are full of emotion and I think both of them are kinda uncertain but still happy to keep going. And, while I can't speak for everyone, the snuggling is definitely flirty in nature. Esp since we're talking about Marten, who almost never does these things, even to closer friends. I mean, have Marten and Claire even touched much other than the Wedding snuggle? And I'd think they'd be less inclined to cuddle due to the anxiety and junk that stuff sparked. So yea, I see love in the air :3

I'm just hoping they're gonna touch butts. Everyone loves butts :D

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Marten and Claire don't seem to regard anything in their medical histories as an elephant in the room. It's entirely their place to decide.

Global Moderator Comment Anyone uncomfortable with trans people, please work it out somewhere else. New people: don't use this thread as an example of how to do things here. It's right on the edge of requiring major moderator intervention, in fact. Everyone: major moderator intervention starts any time now.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.

Knight of Cydonia

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I'm basically only here to say that I really hope this isn't going to be another bait-and-switch where nothing really happens and it either gets completely ignored or completely kills their friendship. Partly because I'm tired of how often this sort of thing seems to get dangled in front of our/Marten's nose then pulled away, and mostly because they are hella cute together regardless of any other shit.


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I'm basically only here to say that I really hope this isn't going to be another bait-and-switch where nothing really happens and it either gets completely ignored or completely kills their friendship. Partly because I'm tired of how often this sort of thing seems to get dangled in front of our/Marten's nose then pulled away, and mostly because they are hella cute together regardless of any other shit.

I might flip several tables if this leads to them ending their friendship. And because I'm not sure about what Jeph might do, I'm scared and confused now  :psyduck:
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I'm basically only here to say that I really hope this isn't going to be another bait-and-switch where nothing really happens and it either gets completely ignored or completely kills their friendship. Partly because I'm tired of how often this sort of thing seems to get dangled in front of our/Marten's nose then pulled away, and mostly because they are hella cute together regardless of any other shit.
Ya know, I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, he's had a couple instances of things not going long term.


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Can I just say that I'm incredibly jealous of both Marten and Claire, and what they're sharing, right now?

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Claire's extreme defensiveness regarding Faye's inquiry is something along the lines of anxiety about her feelings not being returned by Marten, and her coming up with excuses for why it'd be a bad idea anyway (and then she doesn't have to confront her anxiety, she can just avoid it). If that is what's going on... I think this is the moment where Claire's forced to admit to herself that she has a crush on Marten and that that's OK. I just hope it goes better for her than the last time that particular defense mechanism of mine failed...


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Marten and Claire don't seem to regard anything in their medical histories as an elephant in the room. It's entirely their place to decide.

Anyone uncomfortable with trans people, please work it out somewhere else.
New people: don't use this thread as an example of how to do things here. It's right on the edge of requiring major moderator intervention, in fact.
Everyone: major moderator intervention starts any time now.

I realize that, with fewer than 100 posts to my name, I'm in talking out of turn here, but please don't lock down the thread. This conversation is infinitely more interesting than 7 pages of "SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!", and the majority of people involved in it as discussing the topic sensitively and in earnest. Please don't let the smattering of dipshits ruin it.


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Of course, most girls go through that. But not when they're 24. And that's how I think being trans is relevant to Claire's character. She's a late bloomer and still finding herself.

Oh mah Gah yes! That's one part of transitioning that never really occurred to me before my own. I'm in my twenties and learning things/doing things that most women did in their teens-experimenting with my style of dress, getting my ears pierced, learning how to do makeup. It's sort of like a second puberty, not just in terms of the actual physiological changes, but the attendant "growing into an adult of $gender" rituals as well. Of course, this time I don't view it as irreversible changes that cause depression and isolation, so that's nice too.

I think that's a mark of how great off storyteller (not to mention a trans ally) Jeph is-he has created and grown Claire in a way where her trans-ness is apparent and realistic, but just like in reality it's not showcased or focused upon. It's just a thing that's there sometimes and sometimes colors her actions or experiences.


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I think that's a mark of how great off storyteller (not to mention a trans ally) Jeph is-he has created and grown Claire in a way where her trans-ness is apparent and realistic, but just like in reality it's not showcased or focused upon. It's just a thing that's there sometimes and sometimes colors her actions or experiences.

Not that anyone here needs my approval, but this.  Times about a thousand.  Good words.

Take care,

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I'm just hoping they're gonna touch butts. Everyone loves butts :D

(also hi, I'm new)

Hahaha... That reminded me of this:

Hi, New!
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I really don't know what to say to this. This weeks comics have made my heart smile and then to see the forums going in this direction, well it is heart breaking.


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Faye got lapbarfed after Marten got food poisoning.
All part of Pintsize's plan to make Marten associate barf to hot women.


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I really don't know what to say to this. This weeks comics have made my heart smile and then to see the forums going in this direction, well it is heart breaking.

Right there with you. I joined the forum (as, apparently,  did many others) because of the awesomeness of this week in QC. I started reading this thread, and... yeah. Wow.
All I'm going to say about the debate that's been going on is this: to me, the art of being human consists of treating other people as human beings, whether you understand them or not.
All I'm going to say about the comic (for now, at least) is, OMG that is about the cutest and sweetest thing ever.


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I really don't know what to say to this. This weeks comics have made my heart smile and then to see the forums going in this direction, well it is heart breaking.

Right there with you. I joined the forum (as, apparently,  did many others) because of the awesomeness of this week in QC. I started reading this thread, and... yeah. Wow.
All I'm going to say about the debate that's been going on is this: to me, the art of being human consists of treating other people as human beings, whether you understand them or not.
All I'm going to say about the comic (for now, at least) is, OMG that is about the cutest and sweetest thing ever.

I really don't understand this position. Except for a few shithead trolls who are obviously just trying to stir up trouble, I think everyone here is trying to have a rational conversation about a topic that's important both in the real world and (potentially, at least) in the comic. If that's not your bag, you've got a solid 6-7 pages of "OMG, Squeeeee!!!!" you can reread before the discussion on gender queerness, privilege, etc., even gets rolling.


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I'm just hoping they're gonna touch butts. Everyone loves butts :D

(also hi, I'm new)

Hahaha... That reminded me of this:

Hi, New!
this is the best thing.  I really need to get around to a marathon run of Bob's Burgers one of these days.


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I'm just hoping they're gonna touch butts. Everyone loves butts :D

(also hi, I'm new)

Hahaha... That reminded me of this:

Hi, New!
this is the best thing.  I really need to get around to a marathon run of Bob's Burgers one of these days.

Tina Belcher is my hero.

(hint: They have three seasons of Bobs Burgers on Netflix!)
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I really don't know what to say to this. This weeks comics have made my heart smile and then to see the forums going in this direction, well it is heart breaking.

Right there with you. I joined the forum (as, apparently,  did many others) because of the awesomeness of this week in QC. I started reading this thread, and... yeah. Wow.
All I'm going to say about the debate that's been going on is this: to me, the art of being human consists of treating other people as human beings, whether you understand them or not.
All I'm going to say about the comic (for now, at least) is, OMG that is about the cutest and sweetest thing ever.

I really don't understand this position. Except for a few shithead trolls who are obviously just trying to stir up trouble, I think everyone here is trying to have a rational conversation about a topic that's important both in the real world and (potentially, at least) in the comic. If that's not your bag, you've got a solid 6-7 pages of "OMG, Squeeeee!!!!" you can reread before the discussion on gender queerness, privilege, etc., even gets rolling.

True. I suppose it was my excitement about the strip meeting the reality of the internet (where drama is inevitable, if the thread reaches any real length) that soured my enthusiasm.

I've really liked Claire since the puns started; that's when her personality really gelled for me. The nonissue of her being trans, the wedding snuggles... I think she and Marten are gorgeous together, and this week really has an 'OMG SQUEEEE' quotient that's off the scale.

I also know that  Mr. Jacques is not above playing with our emotions, so I'm making no assumptions. I've been reading this strip for a little while now, though, so I'm confident it'll be handled well, whichever direction it goes.


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Tai, I expect, is going to cover for Marten and Claire until one of them (probably Marten) can find a new job and remove the ethical conflict. This may be exactly the kick in the pants Marten needs to get out of his rut and get his life moving forward.

I've said it before and I'll say it again until I'm blue in the face: pretty sure there is no ethical conflict, outside of their own messed up heads.

Marten is NOT part of Claire's command structure, outside the very vague idea of being an employee of the place she's interning at. He has no real say any more than any other employee to her hiring chances (if a possibility at all), wages, disciplinary actions, etc.

It *might* be something if Tai and Claire were an item. Maaaaaybe. But Marten and Claire are very close to being same-level employees, and it is rare for there to be any particular ethical considerations in those sorts of relationships.

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Global Moderator Comment The most recent posts that aren't specifically about the comic are split into a new thread in Discuss. Continue all discussions about minority relations, entrenched assumptions and so on there. I did my best to separate comic and non-comic things but there's some overlap and I'm afraid the conversational flow will seem disjoint in places.

(happy mod)We're getting some really cool new people! Please stay.(/)
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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He literally introduced three un-represented "token" characters in a single panel in the most out of fashion way that we're use to. He made it up for it by making Clare a good character but I think being someone skeptical of Jeph is fair.

How are they token characters, however? They are just bloody ordinary characters. Being black has never been Gabby's characterisation, nor has being Asian been Emily's, nor Claire's being trans.

Yes, they were all introduced in a single panel. But think of the context, it was right after the conclusion of the Padma arc. If one might have had the impression that they were token characters, then one might have considered them female token characters. One could argue that it seemed like Jeph introduced them as "potential love interests for Marten"; it's a good thing Jeph went greater lengths to reduce this.

Edit: Sorry IICIH, no "new posts" notification on Tapatalk, I didn't see that you moved posts.
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2014, 17:28 by ankhtahr »
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.

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Well, your post _is_ about the comic.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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I think it's very wrong to say that Claire's tran-ness isn't a part of her character

I'd agree with this. Like if you look at the first panel here. The comic doesn't TALK about it, but you look at her expression and realize that's probably the first time she really got to dress up like that, fitting room aside. And as the comic went on she's expressed herself a lot girlier, getting her ears pierced and being more likely to wear a dress over a shirt and shorts.

Of course, most girls go through that. But not when they're 24. And that's how I think being trans is relevant to Claire's character. She's a late bloomer and still finding herself.
I agree.  This also applies to her lack of romantic experience and her uncertainty around boys.  If I recall correctly, she more or less directly attributed the fact that she's never kissed anybody to being caught up in her own transition. 

We've also seen her discuss her coming to terms with safety issues because of being trans. This is an element in her relationship with Clinton, and has probably contributed to her general anxiety and tension.

Overall, I think it's been a great balance in which her trans-ness is is a part of her character but not her defining characteristic.  Nice work, Jeph.

As for the question of whether Marten wants to date a trans girl, why preemptively agonize over this if we're not also going to agonize over whether Marten wants to date a book geek, or a grad student, or someone who's inexperienced at dating, or someone who doesn't know s*** about indie music, or any of Claire's other characteristics that he could conceivably not desire in a partner?

And if this is a long term thing - "Don't ever stop." - whats Veronica's reaction going to be? There is plenty of scope for comedic confusion, as so many think they know more than they do, and some misconceptions are hilarious. She's likely to have more than most.
Haha, I forgot about how Veronica was already trying to get Marten and Claire together at the wedding.  I can imagine her inundating Claire with sex tips when she and Marten are still in the "holding hands" phase of a relationship.  :-D

The other thing: Marten is drunk, but he doesn't appear to be "accidentally eat an armadillo" drunk. I mean, he still seems reasonably in control of his faculties, and aware of what's going on around him. With that said, if a girl is nuzzling your neck and saying "don't ever stop", you would have to be Tequila Monster drunk, or worse, not to get that message.
Good point.  However oblivious he was to start with, he's got to be at least starting to catch on by now, and his reaction is all positive.

As for drunken Marten being "intimate" here with Claire, I have my own theories.  The drunken socializer.  When sober, I absolutely HATE being touched.  Major pet-peeve.  Also decently introverted.  Get me drunk though, and I schmooze.  And not just that, I get way super feely with people, even strangers, more so with friends.  I basically become the hugging panda bear.  Embarrassing really, but true.
Steve does that, but I don't think we've ever seen Marty do it, and we've seen him drunk quite a few times.

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Here's what I put together when Claire first confided in Marten, for all the new people who signed up then.

Quote from: Oldie but goodie

In another situation (involving a sexual minority, actually, though that wasn't the point), Jeph got tons of email about an individual decision the character was making, because the people emailing him thought it was a message about everyone in the same minority.

Unless Jeph makes an unprecedented change in how he writes, Claire is going to be an individual. (If I understand right, in fact, that's the part that is a breath of fresh air for trans people looking at portrayals in the media). The characters all screw up to the normal human extent, and a bit more so that funny situations come up.

When Claire does something stupid, be reassured in advance that it's NOT a reflection on other trans people.

If a character says something stupid or hostile to or about Claire, that character will be the opposite of speaking for the author. If nobody does, it's only because Jeph apparently doesn't enjoy writing nasty people.

If Claire's experiences don't match those of other trans people, same comment, she's an individual. For example, right now it looks like she has a supportive family. That doesn't mean Jeph is suppressing the reality of the reactions so many trans people get from those who most need to support them.

Quote from: Jeph
    ...if you're trying to divine some overarching moral standpoint from my comic: the moral of my comic is that people should try to be nice to each other."

(100% off topic, I like Claire. She reminds me of myself in several ways).

EDIT: The comic and the forum include large doses of silliness, even about the most serious of subjects. The Claire story line is going to remind many people of the worst experiences of their lives. Humor is consistent with respect for your experience. This next quote isn't official, but it's insightful:
Quote from: Dr. ROFLPWN
    I also think it's important to step back, take a breath, and recall that QC is at its heart a lighthearted situational comedy where perpetual hipsters, nerds and a mad scientist's daughter share lives with porn-obsessed robots and Yelling Birds, and that if you view everything in it through the lens of Really Serious Drama, you are inviting nothing but constant heartbreak. Like life, QC should be enjoyed, and laughed at, not just the source of bitten lips and pursed brows
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Can I just say that I'm incredibly jealous of both Marten and Claire, and what they're sharing, right now?

Srsly.  This comic is giving me some serious flashbacks (and some pangs) to a time when things were new and nervous and exciting.


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I might've been overly facile with my cute line earlier. But, it's my simplified read of what I think is a really well written positive moment of character development. Marten is being intimate in a surprisingly confident, but also nigh-platonic fashion. Even though he's drunk/tipsy, he asks for consent which shows he's not so far gone as to behave abnormally (like when Faye knocked him out) and also that he has a lot of care and concern for Claire. Claire is having what might be her first intimate/semi-intimate experience (outside of the wedding cuddle and Steve butt grab) and she's not only enjoying the hell out of it but appears completely at ease and safe. It's a beautiful moment not only for their relationship but for both of them as individuals. And while I think Marten's behaviour in these strips and Claire's interactions with Marten recently show that their relationship is going to another level, even if it doesn't this moment is still great.

So, yeah, applying questionable hangups to Marten based on nothing does kinda bum me out even if it did lead to some really important discussion, cause I think the text tells a much different story.


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Well it's not like Marten has to grade them, but it would different if they would be permanently joining the library staff. As the reason to not date coworkers is not because of whether your employer is cool with it but because you have to work with them if it didn't pan out well.


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I really feel like everyone (both in the forums and in the comic) is blowing the ethical dilemma WAY out of proportion.  There is definitely a standard of conduct between coworkers in the workplace, and this might be an issue between two people in a large corporation, if it were a supervisor/subordinate relationship that existed fairly high up the food chain. 

They're working at a university library.

Due to his lack of anything remotely resembling a Library Sciences degree, Marten is at best some sort of generic library assistant.  I'd posit there's a pretty good chance that his job duties involve little more than what he showed the interns in the montage - basic library and facility upkeep duties.  I seriously doubt he has ANY administrative duties at all, those would fall to Tai, especially anything involving hiring/firing or scheduling (if the interns are paid, I can guarantee that is controlled by someone above her, probably the HR unit of whatever department the library falls under).  If I had to guess, the interns are doing the exact same thing that Marten is, and he's only marginally "above" them because he's a permanent employee and has been there longer.  His actual degree of control over them is likely limited to having them run minor errands or something, and I really can't see how dating one of them could present any kind of conflict of interest.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


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So, yeah, applying questionable hangups to Marten based on nothing does kinda bum me out even if it did lead to some really important discussion, cause I think the text tells a much different story.

This is how I feel about it too. Marten is a pretty sensitive guy. He can be awkward, but he's pretty socially adept in the way he treats people with respect and all. I would think that if he did have any personal hang ups he'd be more careful with the perception of his actions even if he was a little tipsy.

Anyway... I'm super jealous and want back scratches now...
This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top.


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Just flipping in my pair o' pennies on the Claire/Emily/Gabby thing, I don't see any problem with their introduction, or how it's gone since. I mean, yes, this is a story, and stories are generally driven with a particular sort of context, in the sense that if someone is introduced quite noticeably into the fold, it means you'll be seeing more of them.

But in this case, and it's been this way for most of QC, too, it's more realistic. In real life, people come and go. Sometimes you'll meet a group of friends or co-workers, and only one will gel, if any. Not everyone enters our lives to be there permanently. So removing skin color/race from the equation (not as a form of erasure, but just to look at this picture in a more general perspective) I get what Jeph did with Gabby, even unintentionally. She might not have ingratiated herself into the complex web that is our long-beloved main characters, but that's absolutely more than likely because she's living her own life with friends, family, etc. off-panel.

As for Emily and her quote-unquote "weirdness", I think it's just a case of Flanderization more than anything else. But this happened with other characters briefly too; one could argue Faye's first punching of Marten, then leading to her being almost notoriously violent for a time, was a form of Flanderization, but that's since been long gone. Point being, if Jeph expands on Emily's character, he expands on her. If she doesn't, I don't think we should take it as a form of racism or tokenization or anything negative like that; we should just enjoy her for what she is, that being a weird, lovable gal who doesn't have a lot of hangups about how people see her, and just goes on her instinct, asking and doing things other people perhaps won't.


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Can I just say that I'm incredibly jealous of both Marten and Claire, and what they're sharing, right now?

Srsly.  This comic is giving me some serious flashbacks (and some pangs) to a time when things were new and nervous and exciting.
I keep getting this weird visceral feeling whenever I look at Claire's expression, like I've felt something like it before, but I've never been in a remotely similar situation.


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Marten hasn't shown anything either way. He's playing around with her like she's a cat or a little sister. The point is that people are setting themselves for a possible heart break.

Thank you, Alphawolf!  Those EXACT two images -- she's acting like a cat!  he's acting like a big brother! --occurred to me, and I've been reading the comments trying to see if someone will bring it up. 


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Marten hasn't shown anything either way. He's playing around with her like she's a cat or a little sister. The point is that people are setting themselves for a possible heart break.

Thank you, Alphawolf!  Those EXACT two images -- she's acting like a cat!  he's acting like a big brother! --occurred to me, and I've been reading the comments trying to see if someone will bring it up.
I totally agree with this, but... muh ship ;_;


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I'm gonna go off to work tonight, come back home, log in, and we'll be up to 15 pages, won't we?
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
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I'm gonna go off to work tonight, come back home, log in, and we'll be up to 15 pages, won't we?

Either that or the forum gets torched. We'll see what happens first.

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I'm gonna go off to work tonight, come back home, log in, and we'll be up to 15 pages, won't we?

Either that or the forum gets torched. We'll see what happens first.


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On the whole "acting like a cat" thing, it's amusing to note that Jeph's news post was: ":3 :3 :3". Cat faces!

I sincerely hope the forum doesn't have to get torched. The previous page had me thinking that I'd catch up and there'd be a big post explaining how we're all horrible and the thread had to be shut down because we don't deserve nice things.
Mistakes, ahoy!
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