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Barroom Blitz

Pugnacious Peach Pugilistic Punchout
Claire Crimson Cheek Continuation
Marten Mainly Mumbles Methodiclly
Steve Swallows Serially
Battling Bianchi Battlezone
Tai Terrorizes Tall Twin
Jeph Jacques Japes
Waffling Waffles Wander Wonderingly

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2796-2800 (22-26 September 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 182060 times)


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I rather think in the lines of the wedding cuddle, or Faye trying to get those two over their "professional relationship" inhibitions, either failing miserably or successfully, and we don't know which of those it'll be until next Tuesday, because Monday will be Steve's adventures with his year's free worth of cereal.
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Maybe they'll both puke on him this time.

"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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What, we're done with the bar -already-? I was expecting a  lot more...

What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.


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The crazier antics always happen at the after-party anyhow.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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Done with the bar, but not the drunken drama!

Also can I say just how cute Dora and Tai look here. ^_^


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Uhoh, they're about to uncork The Emergency Bourbon

This will not end well.
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The Emergency Bourbon is what they have at CoD for emergencies. This is probably more of a Secret Bourbon.
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Maybe they'll both puke on him this time.
Everything that happened so far is all part of a complex plan made by pintsize to see if he can give Marten a puke fetish.


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Now I wanna write a story where people can only exist if they've been drinking. Or perhaps drinking sends people to an alternate universe, I dunno.
My buddy ran a game a little bit like that.  It was set in a city you could only enter by staying away long enough and wanting something enough to do anything to get it.  It was a surreal nightmarish place, where everyone had at least mild sleep-deprivation madness.

Don't Rest Your Head, I suppose.

What made it better was that we played it at 2:30 AM. 


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Hmmmmmmmmmmm.  Judging by the lack of "drunk bubbles", both Dora and Claire are sober.  Don't know if this is significant or not. 
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Maybe they'll both puke on him this time.
Claire is not drunk. No drunk bubbles. Claire should be wary of Faye by now, so I do not really expect her to come along.

Faye has been really adorable in this bar sequence. Reminds me of good old days. Perhaps a bit direct towards Claire, but I guess she has a plan. She is tired of all the hidden feelings, and wants to shake up things. For better or worse. I guess she is going to succeed spectacularly.

There will also be confession time, I guess. Faye will let out all her anxieties regarding her relationship with Angus. Marten will tell about his lack of success in life. Both will get spectacularly drunk.

Fortunately, Sven did not appear :mrgreen:


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Hmmmmmmmmmmm.  Judging by the lack of "drunk bubbles", both Dora and Claire are sober.  Don't know if this is significant or not.
Dora may have to open the shop, which IIRC, is around 0700, so she'd probably need to be there a half hour earlier.  More than that if she has to do some roasting in the Spider Zone.  And Claire has either been taking it easy (thus far), or truly *has* Awakened into boozing.  She looks like the sort who might have a hollow leg to put the stuff in.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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I noticed that, but Claire already felt safe enough around Marten to drink a little bit if you remember the wedding, so maybe she'll drink some of the secret bourbon. From what we've seen she doesn't drink normally, so she probably doesn't have much tolerance. So lap barfing might still be a possibility.

I have no idea why I wrote all this, because that lap barfing reference was just a joke.

And yes, Faye was absolutely great in her happy moments ("I like this bar!").

Hedgie: If you remember Clinton's reaction, I'd say it's pretty sure that Claire isn't the person to drink. Definitely not in a bar. Maybe she's more willing at Marten and Faye's place.

Edit: And I just realised how incredibly creepy that sounds. It sounds like I would want Claire to get drunk and do something stupid. Please note that that is not what I meant.
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Claire should be wary of Faye by now, so I do not really expect her to come along.

After being accused of following Marten around like a puppy it'd make sense for her not to.

But if she doesn't I'll be pretty disappointed because that would be the most anticlimactic thing ever.


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Faye is my spirit animal.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.

Is it cold in here?

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Maybe they'll both puke on him this time.
Everything that happened so far is all part of a complex plan made by pintsize to see if he can give Marten a puke fetish.

What's disturbing about that idea is how much sense it makes.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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So...are the comics not showing up for anyone else? Specifically any comic before today's? I just get blank blue pages or constant loading tabs. >.>

Edit: nevermind, apparently they're just loading really, really slowly for some reason. Strange.
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Cake batter seems more likely.


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Hedgie: If you remember Clinton's reaction, I'd say it's pretty sure that Claire isn't the person to drink. Definitely not in a bar. Maybe she's more willing at Marten and Faye's place.

Edit: And I just realised how incredibly creepy that sounds. It sounds like I would want Claire to get drunk and do something stupid. Please note that that is not what I meant.
Well, maybe *that* bar.  If the kind of place where stools had to be fastened down, I'd have to have someone like Faye for backup, myself, and would certainly moderate more.  Or maybe her tolerance magically has increased, hence the hypothetical "hollow leg".
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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Edit: And I just realised how incredibly creepy that sounds. It sounds like I would want Claire to get drunk and do something stupid. Please note that that is not what I meant.
You'd be happy to see Claire do something sensibly stupid. Like maybe getting a tattoo (still small and tasteful, knowing her), or her ears pierced a second time (we are talking about a woman who doesn't push her inhibitions too far, for obvious reasons (at least to Clinton, Marten and Emily). A second set of studs or rings in her ears would probably be some crazy shit).
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Claire is not drunk. No drunk bubbles. Claire should be wary of Faye by now, so I do not really expect her to come along.
I don't feel I know Claire well enough to guess whether or not she'll take that risk. It will be interesting to find out.

There will also be confession time, I guess. Faye will let out all her anxieties regarding her relationship with Angus. Marten will tell about his lack of success in life. Both will get spectacularly drunk.
...and Claire might get discussed in her absence. Though if Marten is remotely interested,  he's hiding his cards well.
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Or she will be discussed while everyone forgets she is standing right there to the left of the camera.
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Or she will be discussed while everyone forgets she is standing right there to the left of the camera.

Those are the best discussions to listen in on.

Just one thing though - where's Hannelore?  She was at the bar earlier, but not now, seemingly.  Is she off camera, did she decide to go home early, is she still inside, or (cue ominous music) did she leave with someone else?
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It would make sense for Hannelore to walk home with Marten and Faye since they live in the same building. But that could have made any Marten-Faye-Claire interactions awkward, from a dramatic standpoint. So maybe Jeph made Hannelore go home early because she had to organize her cleaning supplies, or clean her organizing supplies, or something.
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One of them other than reveals to the other(s) about their "secret", and in retaliation, the other(s) do likewise.

Example: Marten blurts out that Sven still has the hots for Faye. Faye retorts by saying that Claire has the hots for Marten. And in a bit of drunken stupidity, Marten "outs" Claire.

Goddamn it, I better not be right.


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You won't be. I just don't believe Jeph would do that.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Jeph has LONG said Claire's status wouldn't be used in that kind of manner.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Jeph has LONG said Claire's status wouldn't be used in that kind of manner.

Yep.  But that doesn't mean he won't address Claire's challenges, given her unique context. 

Knowing how artfully, and carefully, he's presented Claire so far, I trust that he won't be afraid to tell her story, wherever that leads her.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing things develop.  Jeph's got the chops, the smarts, and nowadays, the budget to do this right.


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No, Claire outs herself.
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Whatever bad things are still to come, they dodged quite a bullet there now that they've left the bar and ended the possibility of an awkward encounter with Sven, who iirc is a regular at THR.


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I don't think they were at THR. The decor doesn't match, and they don't apparently have a dart board.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Just one thing though - where's Hannelore?  She was at the bar earlier, but not now, seemingly.  Is she off camera, did she decide to go home early, is she still inside, or (cue ominous music) did she leave with someone else?
Hopefully, she did not leave with the Blood Fukk man. Although he is probably quite harmless. Steve is another possibility. But I agree, it would be natural for her to wait for Faye and Marten to walk home. She may be waiting just off camera, perhaps talking to Sven who happened to walk by?


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Hanners can't leave until the bar is spotless.


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Did Dora have an accident with the chin sharpener?


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Of course, Hanners has means of transportation not available to the others, so I guess she can suddenly be gone. Her friends are used to it, so they make no fuss about it.


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Oh god that 4th panel, the last two bubbles are EXACTLY what happened at my birthday party last week, I'm still trying to repair the social damage (and damage to my house, garage is a mess). I really should stop drinking spirits, they go down waaayyyyy too easy.


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Maybe they'll both puke on him this time.
Claire is not drunk. No drunk bubbles. Claire should be wary of Faye by now, so I do not really expect her to come along.

I was just noticing that.


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Jeph has LONG said Claire's status wouldn't be used in that kind of manner.

Yep.  But that doesn't mean he won't address Claire's challenges, given her unique context. 

Knowing how artfully, and carefully, he's presented Claire so far, I trust that he won't be afraid to tell her story, wherever that leads her.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing things develop.  Jeph's got the chops, the smarts, and nowadays, the budget to do this right.

Notice I didn't SAY that. cesario presented a situation wherein Claire would be used more or less as a punch line, reduced to a stereotype. Jeph has not done this so far, and will, with any luck not do so now, and I would venture to say for Herr Trollmaster, would not do so intentionally in any context in the first place. This doesn't mean her story won't be told, especially as she seems like the intern most likely to join the main cast just on screen time alone.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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I already considered Emily and Claire at least semi-main cast since the just after the house party and the wedding arcs respectively. Although that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
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So...are the comics not showing up for anyone else? Specifically any comic before today's? I just get blank blue pages or constant loading tabs. >.>

Edit: nevermind, apparently they're just loading really, really slowly for some reason. Strange.

I was seeing the same thing. was having a problem, and your browser didn't want to display the page until it had timed out. (No relation to indietits.) Seems better now.
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.

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So Claire's still not drinking? Interesting. But aww at hair scratchies :wow:
They call me Mr. Madness.

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Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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cutecutecutecutecutecutecutecutecute! cute!

Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Faye's reading more into this than she should. 

That's one mistake. 

More are about to be made, methinks! 
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I called already, but I'll do it again: Tomorrow is definitely going to be a cliffhanger.
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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I can't even figure out Claire's expression there.


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She's melting  :-D

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that at least now she might crush for Marten.  :roll:

But headscratches doesn't mean anything. There's a woman at our hackerspace who headscratches anyone. It's nice. Everybody should get their head scratched every once in a while.
« Last Edit: 24 Sep 2014, 18:29 by ankhtahr »
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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and I would venture to say for Herr Trollmaster,

Just because I suggest a possible plot point doesn't give you the right to call me names.

I can't even figure out Claire's expression there.


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Ahhh her face in panel 4, so cute!


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Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.
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