Sven was almost forgotten when he returned to say he loves Feye, then Dora decided to do a "svenctomy". I really can't see how he can make sufficient contact with Marten and Claire to do any harm.
And I'm not sure if anyone will be the "ignorant person". In the past few years we had a lot of "you probably will be scared by..." and the response was "this is totally awesome!". Our cast is very open minded. And if I must bet, the "ignorant person" will be ignorant to a third person, not directly to Marten or Claire. As I said, Jeph seems to prefer to show the good examples instead show the bad to confront them, and this reduce the chance of a "ignorant person" make some real damage.
And I just remember there was a comment I was willing to respond and forget. Some pages earlier someone said Claire was a lot of brave in telling Marten she was trans so earlier.
My opinion is she must have think Marten was making a move on her, and my opinion is she was right. He goes to her in a pretty "private" place, what Faye called to be good for makeouts when chased them out. Maybe he went just to make some company, without the intention to make a move, but I think if none of the distractions showed up, he must made it. So I don't know if was bravery or if was fear, sometimes courage is only the fear to run out. The medals don't discriminate, why should I? The point is not this.
The point is we had a theory about the slow growing of affection that leads to this week and maybe the right theory is about the slow growing of acceptance. Besides the affection really grew this whole time, the difference is "Marten was ready to made a move on Claire in the deck if she is cis, but take him a time (and some more affection) to accept she as trans".
The benefit of this line of thought is Marten is acting a bit more in character if it's true, because we move the point when he is ready to make a move from the couch of last week to the party, and when he noticed that was natural hug Claire and he was willing to kiss her, he decided to confess.
But this is only conjectures, a lot of them. Maybe tomorrow I change my mind again.