I watched it, and was excited. My misgivings stem from the feeling of watching my country basically relearning knowledge and experience that was allowed to molder on a shelf because of various flsvors of politics . A comment that brought me up short was the comment from the Orion engineer/manager who said, "Apollo was before I was born."
And here we are again. I remember what the Shuttle was sold as, and the station was sold as, and seeing both wasted instead as multipurpose and occasionally duplicative efforts. I kept wondering why weren't, by now, testing out a multilayered space program with a deep=space element, a true shuttle for earth-to-orbit and a way station in orbit linking both, so that the tail end of a long and arduous deep space mission doesn't involve trying to thread a fiery needle at insane speed.
I'm sure the more technically savvy people on this forum --the ones who are, in fact, rocket surgeons -- will hasten to tell this here journalism-degree holder why he doesn't have it right, but it's never made sense to me.