And/or came out at school. Didn't she go to a very small Christian university, she said? They often have morality clauses.
I can attest to that. I had a girlfriend who went to a Christian college (one of those real strict ones, I went to a Catholic college, but all that meant was they didn't sell condoms on campus, had a chapel and I had to take 3 theology classes with only 1 of them having to be about Christianity) and those rules were goddamn ridiculous. From the top of my head: people must have their feet on the ground at all times while in a room of the opposite sex (you're not going to be transgendered and go to this college, so yes, sex), door open, of course; pregnancy out of wedlock is grounds for expulsion, a large amount of apologizing and penance is required to be accepted back in, only after the baby is born; only married couples are allowed to show any signs of a sexual relationship - and even then it's basically hand holding.
Also, people in those schools get married so fucking fast.