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Author Topic: 2 songs you think everyone should hear:  (Read 55349 times)


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2 songs you think everyone should hear:
« Reply #100 on: 22 May 2005, 17:06 »

You know I liked your old avatar a lot better


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2 songs you think everyone should hear:
« Reply #101 on: 22 May 2005, 17:35 »

Now, at first, I'd think of this as quite a challenge... picking two good songs out of the god-knows-how-many GB of music on my computer, not to mention the hundreds of old LPs that my parents gave me (since they have no turntable anymore, I inherited automatically when I bought one).

But no, the decision, once I set my mind to the task of whittling down the choices was pretty easy. Well, not really, cause I've got 3 instead of 2... :'[

Praise The Day, by Flashlight Brown Fsck... this is an awesome song... it's about a dude who, when he's a kid, is mistaken for a girl by all his teachers and classmates, and he's all pissed off until he gets old and find's out he can get into ladies night(s) for free.

Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels), by The Arcade Fire Sure maybe it's only because it's playing right now in the background, but this song is my favourite of the album, and Arcade Fire is one of my favourite bands (best live show ever)... it's even higher on my list than before because of the fact that someone stole my CD and the autographed case...

Pulmonary Archery, by Alexisonfire I saw them live, and this was by far the best song of the set (I missed Waterwings, that's why... that's the best moshing song by Alexisonfire), and I've had some good times screaming it with my buddies as we cruised aimlessly on those boring summer nights.

So I cheated... so what? I'm not the first, and probably not the last <O.o>

Johnny C

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2 songs you think everyone should hear:
« Reply #102 on: 22 May 2005, 17:36 »

Jeridus = Canadian?
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2 songs you think everyone should hear:
« Reply #103 on: 31 May 2005, 14:37 »

Have to resurrect this just to say...

Quote from: 3point14
the first one that pops into my head as -life altering- is "I Know You" by Henry Rollins (Nine Inch Nails "A Warm Place" is the music, Rollins just supplied the perfect voice for it).

Does ANYBODY have this and can send it me somehow, or let me know where to find it? Have looked everywhere and, since 'A Warm Place' is currently one of my super faves I must have it, heh.

Two songs everyone should hear... firstly I'd say 'The Great Below' by NIN, blows me away every time.

Secondly... hm... most of the songs that affect me the most have personal memories attached to them while the song isn't particularly groundbreaking in any way... I'd go with Rob Dougan's 'I'm Not Driving Anymore'. Much good.

Tartar Martyr

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« Reply #104 on: 31 May 2005, 23:07 »

Pixies - Broken Face
Weird Al Yankovic - Albequerque

Vin Diseasel

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« Reply #105 on: 01 Jun 2005, 00:38 »

Uh oh, the new kid on the blocks about to deposit his tuppence!

Mclusky = Lightsabre Czcksucking blues. which I first heard at instantly bought the CD


Pillow = Happy Van they need to hurry up and release their full length, and can be heard here


since everyone else is doing it, and I cave ever so easily topeer pressure, a third

Smashing Pumpkins - ...Said Sadly. If you can find it, great for you. This is my favoerite song ever, period.

Sorry if theyve been pointed out already, i kinda browsed the topic, but mightve missed it.


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« Reply #106 on: 01 Jun 2005, 07:32 »

Just two songs? Well I believe everyone has to have heard a maiden song in their lifetime, and it still depresses me that some have not.

So here's the first Iron Maiden song I ever heard.

Iron Maiden - Rainmaker

Next is, I think, the first song I ever heard from Iced Earth - part of the Something Wicked trilogy. It gets better every time I listen to it.

Iced Earth - The Coming Curse

I'm glad people won't be rating these - to rate negatively would mean certain death.


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« Reply #107 on: 01 Jun 2005, 07:59 »

At this very moment, I'd have to say

Mayday - Captain


The Decemberists - Shiny.

They're both just gorgeous songs.


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« Reply #108 on: 01 Jun 2005, 09:27 »

Elliott Smith - Come Out Now
Iron & Wine - Upward Over the Mountain

the second track is easy to find. the first is unreleased, but you can find it on the official elliott smith website.


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« Reply #109 on: 01 Jun 2005, 09:36 »

Happy Cycling - Boards of Canada

It's beautiful and you're a tin man if it doesn't pull some strings.

Steinbolt - Squarepusher

I don't know... It's not the most insane piece of music I've ever heard, but I think it treads the line of rhythm, chaos, energy, and melody very well. It also holds a place in my heart for a personal reason. So maybe not everyone would think it was as good as I do.

I have another song that I would love to put down, but it would be terribly weak of me to divulge.
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i realise that i am slightly buzzed on coffee in the toliets of a boeing 737 rubbing a wet rock on myself. if you've ever had a similar moment of clarity i think you may be able to relate to the feeling.


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« Reply #110 on: 01 Jun 2005, 11:59 »

Quote from: Johnny C
Jeridus = Canadian?

Yeppers Jeridus = Canadian... Canadian music completely pwns... Hot hot heat, DFA1979, and metric deserve to be on my list too, but w/e


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« Reply #111 on: 01 Jun 2005, 12:22 »

Downloaded that Eels song and listened to it, and my but you all have crap taste in music.
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[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #112 on: 01 Jun 2005, 12:30 »

And you listen to Metal.

Guess it works both ways, huh?


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« Reply #113 on: 01 Jun 2005, 12:36 »

Quote from: KharBevNor
Downloaded that Eels song and listened to it, and my but you all have crap taste in music.

You know I sometimes really do suspect that you just decide to not like things. What did you think was crap about it, apart from the fact that it sounds nice?


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« Reply #114 on: 01 Jun 2005, 12:46 »

And I'd say the same about some people, some of the time. And yeah, I'd be wrong to. If you really think that's how the mind of someone like Khar works, you're just hoping for things to be stereotypes, rather than people "really" disliking stuff like Eels.


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« Reply #115 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:00 »

Quote from: Merkava
And you listen to Metal.

Guess it works both ways, huh?

Blasphemy!  The metal gods will strike you down!!!!

In all seriousness though metal > everything other than classical and maybe jazz.  

And yes my opinion is right and yours is wrong.


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« Reply #116 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:05 »

It's just that it's a song that I can't imagine anyone objecting to. The only reasons I could think of that someone would say they didn't like it would be that it didn't "ROCK!" enough, or something like that, in which case I think that's more the fault of the listener.


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« Reply #117 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:12 »

Well, people do object to it, and not just because it doesn't "ROCK!" enough...what about those that dont think it's "old enough" for Classical purists, or that electronica is the way to go, etc, etc.

Consdering I listen to some very low-fi ambient stuff, I dont think it being too soft is an issue for me. Specially when some of what you consider to be "HEAVY ROCK!" is some of the stuff I think of as soft.


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« Reply #118 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:13 »

Quote from: Signum_Tenebrae
Quote from: Merkava
And you listen to Metal.

Guess it works both ways, huh?

Blasphemy!  The metal gods will strike you down!!!!

In all seriousness though metal > everything other than classical and maybe jazz.  

And yes my opinion is right and yours is wrong.

I guess you're comfortable with failing then, such as missing the point of my post. The point was relativity. She likes metal, so if she doesn't like something, it's because she likes Metal, which I'm guessing is a lot different than that.

The Metal Gods and I are on fine terms. I love Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Dream Theatre. It's called variety...and not liking some asshole cookie-monster impersonator making me laugh when the music is supposed to be dark and powerful.


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« Reply #119 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:14 »

Well exactly, and I thought Khar listened to that kind of stuff as well, which is why I was quite surprised at his "you all have crap taste in music" comment.

*replying to Robbo's post*


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« Reply #120 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:15 »

Yeah, I would have been happy with an explanation as well. I'm kinda used to people being smacked down by some force after posting the equivilant of "your taste sux lol"


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« Reply #121 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:19 »

*Shrug* doesn't mean we view Eels as a good example of anything like that.

Merkava, if Khar doesn't like something, it's not gonna be just because he "likes Metal" as you he likes more that just that. Will be something to do with the fact it doesn't fit his idea of good music.

Man that cookie monster comment has gotten old real fast though. People use alternate vox for a reason, because they suit the music and they're part of it. Just like Opera.


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« Reply #122 on: 01 Jun 2005, 13:40 »

Quote from: Merkava
The Metal Gods and I are on fine terms. I love Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Dream Theatre.

no they still don't like you since Manowar wasn't in that list.



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« Reply #123 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:11 »

Damn, I knew I should have qualified that. But I was just heading out to the pub.

It didn't make me go all 'AAAGGHRRR I MUST TURN MY SPEAKERS OFF AND LISTEN TO SARCOFAGO AND MAYHEM BOOTLEGS AT THE SAME TIME TILL MY EARS BLEEEEED' or anything like that, it's just it's....well...why on earth would it be a song anyone would need to hear? I mean, it was pretty boring. I mean, it was kinda like Simon and Garfunkel, except if  they were on Ketamine. That's my opinion of it anyway. It's's just not revolutionary or even really interesting. I mean, there's tracks that have just hit me in the face, like the first time I listened to 'Strange Volk' by Ewigkeit, or 'Born to the Fight' by Waylander, or the first time I properly listened to a Burzum song, stuff like that. Compared to which that was a vert light biff on the nose. With a feather. That's why I made the comment about musical taste: because that would qualify as a 'MUST LISTEN' track. Surely a 'MUST LISTEN' would be something insanely revolutionary, or astonishingly profound, or mind-blowingly virtuous, or something?
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #124 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:20 »

I chose it as a must-listen song because it's the most positive-outlook triumph-through-adversity song I know, sure, your sister may have killed herself and your mum's just died of cancer, but, you know, maybe it's time to live. I personally think it *is* astonishingly profound, the way the music and the lyrics just perfectly capture what is (as I've just demonstrated) quite a hard-to-describe emotion. It's positive without ignoring the bad stuff, happy without being joyous, just, amazing, really.


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« Reply #125 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:33 »'s not uplifting at all? It's a dull does that stir and inspire you? I don't get it man, it's not even a particularly happy mood...I mean, this may sound a bit one minded, but compared to the songs that uplift me, that's nothing. It's like a cup of weak tea to an amphetamine addict. I'm talking about stuff like, I dunno, Nightwish - Elvenpath, Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay, Finntroll - Slaget Vid Blodsalv,  Waylander - Sunrise, Skyclad - Polkageist!, Blackmore's Night - Village on the Sand, ANY Hammerfall song, not just rock stuff, folk and so on as well...I dunno, stuff that's really uplifting, powerful, mighty, the much mentioned 'power of metal' comes into it I suppose...I know many may not get it, but how can you argue with this?

Hammerfall - Hammerfall

Silent screaming, you're on your own
Balancing on a blade
Between what's right and what is wrong
Don't loose your faith, don't sit there in silence
Show your strength, let's hail the metal Gods,
Bare your heart

All for one, our burning hearts will live forever
One for all, together standing strong

Hammerfall - we will prevail
Hammerfall - let us hail

Hammerfall - we will prevail
Hammerfall - let us hail

We share a dread, the future is ours
A Metal Heart is hard to tear apart, heed the call
A flash of light calls out the providers
We run this race, but we will never crawl, all hail

All for one, our burning hearts will live forever
One for all, together standing strong

Hammerfall - we will prevail
Hammerfall - let us hail
Hammerfall - we will prevail
Hammerfall - let us hail

Just follow your heart, don't listen to the crowd
The wisdom, the voice is calling from inside
The time long forgotten will soon come again
Prepare for the meeting, the Gods of Metal reign

I mean, seriously. Add to that some good soaring choirs and uplifting guitar...that's how to live.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #126 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:40 »

But that's the point! It's about accepting the reality of a cruel, heartless world, not creating some fantasy where everything is fantastic, but realising that, when it all comes down to it, maybe it's better to live. I could think of thousands of songs that are happier than that one, but if you're feeling really depressed, and you play one of those songs, you just can't relate to it, it just doesn't fit your mood. This song does fit your mood, yet leaves you thinking that maybe everything will be okay


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« Reply #127 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:43 »

See, that Hammerfall is fucking uplifting. That makes me want to live. That Eels song, I wouldn't have see as uplifted without being told it was. It seems a waster song of "hey, ignore problems, you dont care, enjoy your little life."

And I think I know what songs fit my mood and which dont. Lots of other stuff about over coming life, about balance, etc.

El Opium

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« Reply #128 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:47 »

I certainly wouldn't insist on everyone listening to them but here are some picks of mine.

Skullflower-Annhilating Angel

The Fire Show-Pleae Kill the Barium Swallows


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« Reply #129 on: 01 Jun 2005, 14:54 »

No no, you've missed the point! The Hammerfall song isn't about living in a dream, it's about sticking a big middle finger to the world and then doing whatever the fuck you want with your life. Basically, the whole point of metal is dissatisfaction with the world, beyond a sort of teenage 'boo-hoo, nobody loves me'. It seeks not to fit in with the world and live in bland, boring obscurity, it seeks to get out there and go toe to toe with everything it doesn't like, to bite it's armoured thumb at every value, creed and event that it doesn't like and, most importantly, to Keep rocking the fuck on. If metal ever becomes safe, boring, and pedestrian, then it has either succeeded and transformed the world, or it has failed totally.

The reason metal is never going to change the world, of course, is because it is a vastly political and philosophically disunited force. But it doesn't fucking care. It keeps rocking on, and extols it's fans to keep rocking the fuck on too. And everyone not rocking and breaking the envelope? They can bugger off.

Really, this could be expanded into a vast essay. But, basically, metal is awesome and rocks. I'm listening to Wuthering Heights - Land of Olden Glory atm, and ye goodness, do I feel great.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #130 on: 01 Jun 2005, 15:28 »

Jesus Christ, can we please have one topic that doesn't involve the incredible revelation that some people like metal and others don't. Oh my fucking God! Stop the presses! Not everyone has the same musical taste! How has this happened?!? It's like my world has been shattered. Just like it was in every other thread that makes it to about 3 pages.


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« Reply #131 on: 01 Jun 2005, 15:42 »

Oh, shut up. Please. We are having a proper discussion here.
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[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #132 on: 01 Jun 2005, 15:43 »

If you read what Khar just posted and still don't get it, you are now officially stupid. Damn right, Khar!


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« Reply #133 on: 01 Jun 2005, 16:29 »

Quote from: KharBevNor
The Hammerfall song isn't about living in a dream, it's about sticking a big middle finger to the world and then doing whatever the fuck you want with your life.

Hmm, but it's still kind of fighting against the reality of a cruel world (or whatever it was that I said), instead of accepting it. I mean, it's just a different approach to the same problem, and I suppose some people are more inclined to one or the other. But maybe, if you (in the general sense; 'one') ever get tired of fighting the world (which, I presume, will not happen so long as there is ROCK! to fuel you), then that Eels song will help :)


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« Reply #134 on: 01 Jun 2005, 16:38 »

It shall be on a tape on my long-boat, between a bottle of Jack and my Iron Maiden albums. I will listen to it on the way to VALHALLA!!!

[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #135 on: 01 Jun 2005, 16:59 »

As a fan of both indy and metal and just about everything else, I'd like to say that the music one listens as compared to the music of others doesn;t really matter. What's really important is that you love the music you listen to, not what other people think of it. Especially living here in lack-luster LA. Oy Vay. Anyone who thinks this ass-town is cultured, go get shanked; hard, fast, and mercilessly.


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« Reply #136 on: 01 Jun 2005, 17:49 »

Quiet man, you sound like you may be talking moderation, maybe even sense!
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« Reply #137 on: 01 Jun 2005, 19:01 »

See, dude... where I listened to the Eels song and didn't particularily like it too much (finding it a bit uninspriring... don't kill me, hero :(), I'm not going to run out and say the person who suggested it has a bad taste in music based on that song alone... hell, I wouldn't even have brought it up if not for the insane twist this thread suddenly took... prolly woulda just raised the horns and said, "Rock On, Eels fan" or whatever...

Just 'cause you dislike something doesn't mean you have to piss all over that something, to which a certain group - whose views may just differ from yours - has shown devotion...

Now, Khar, given that you are perpetually extolling the virtues of Metal - which, to be fair, you've suggested some pretty killer music, I must admit - and under MOST circumstances no-one tells you your music sucks (I can't know for sure, I haven't read all the threads), it was probably a bit hasty to jump out and start Eels-bashing...

But oh well... whatever.. can't really change the past... but maybe (hopefully) we can get back to the core issue of this thread (read: Suggested Listening)... 'cause there's been some pretty good music suggested so far.

(I'm probably going to get attacked by everyone involved in this argument for writing this, but oh well)


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« Reply #138 on: 02 Jun 2005, 03:28 »

You'll only be attacked if everyone involved is a retard, which I don't think they are. Given that this thread is probobly about one mod read-through away from a lock, it's high time it headed back on topic.

Two songs, eh?

Boards of Canada - Turqoise Hexagon Sun
65daysofstatic - Retreat! Retreat!

Damn. No Hip-Hop. Oh well, I guess times have changed.

a pack of wolves

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« Reply #139 on: 02 Jun 2005, 03:38 »

Submission Hold - Source of Fuck
Fugazi - Merchandise

Oh, and since Skullflower were mentioned a little while ago, I'll just add that they're fully mint. Listen to them people, for they are good.
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« Reply #140 on: 02 Jun 2005, 06:04 »

@ Jeridus: You're obviously not a cunt! Get more angry and bitter! RAAGGHR

I can't remember what I picked now.


Burzum - Ea, Lord of the Deeps

Skyclad - Vintage Whine
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #141 on: 02 Jun 2005, 07:59 »

angry huh?

GRR... *anger sounds*, */me yells*!

*Jeridus' brain suddenly explodes with the feeble attempt at anger*

Now, even though I've already put two songs (well, actually, three... :$), I
ve got a couple more:

Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets -- The Math Song ... ... it's actually about math, and the whole song is a big, hilariously done equation where you try to figure out the value of Y... fun stuff for people like me who are out of school right now and trying to stay smart(ish) until university starts back up


Rush -- 2112... okay, you can hate the vocals (Geddy Lee may be high pitched for some, but given that I listen to Coheed and Cambria, it's not an issue for me), you can hate some of the miscellaneous synth that gets thrown in, hell, you can even hate the guitar at times... but listen to the drums, people... Neil Peart is goddamn amazing


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« Reply #142 on: 02 Jun 2005, 08:07 »

I shall politely step over the debate and rejoin as the now on-topicness that has begun on the other sid... ;)

I did a couple ages ago, but time for more...also, Asturge has made this easier by using two tracks which are high on my list, so..

Maria Taylor - Song Beneath the Song (so pretty! Even prettier than Azure Ray! And I get to include a song with Bright Eyes cunningly guesting on it without it actually being Bright Eyes!)


Flying Burrito Brothers - Hot Burrito #1 (I want to marry Gram Parsons for his voice alone, though I think I missed the boat by a few decades. Oh well.)


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« Reply #143 on: 02 Jun 2005, 08:36 »

Quote from: Jeridus
Rush -- 2112... okay, you can hate the vocals (Geddy Lee may be high pitched for some, but given that I listen to Coheed and Cambria, it's not an issue for me), you can hate some of the miscellaneous synth that gets thrown in, hell, you can even hate the guitar at times... but listen to the drums, people... Neil Peart is goddamn amazing

Please, I listen to Power bands that make Geddy sound like a manly man~! 2112 rocks all kind of shit, like lots of Rush does.


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« Reply #144 on: 02 Jun 2005, 08:43 »

hmmm....two eh? Hard choice. I will have to say

Mad Season- Long Gone Day(My favorite song of all time, simply amazing)
Grateful Dead- Touch Of Grey

And since everybody's doing it, the third would be

Mother Love Bone- Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns(not just crown of thorns, must be the full version)

so many more I want to add...


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« Reply #145 on: 02 Jun 2005, 08:44 »

tom mcrae - you only disappear

slowdive - dagger

too fucking beautiful.


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« Reply #146 on: 02 Jun 2005, 09:47 »

Quote from: Robbo
2112 rocks all kind of shit, like lots of Rush does.

They certainly do... me, I like the Necromancer, but most people tend to pass over The Caress Of Steel, cause it's seems so nerdy


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« Reply #147 on: 02 Jun 2005, 09:55 »

I thought that debate was quite well-conducted. I'm surprised at everyone implying it was some kind of flame war, or that it would get the thread locked


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« Reply #148 on: 02 Jun 2005, 10:30 »

Indeed, it's one of the better cival convos that I've seen. People just want to think talking about Metal is banned it seems.


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« Reply #149 on: 02 Jun 2005, 11:47 »

Man, this thread is so impossible. Today, I am in a space rock mood, and am totally convinced that it is an act of severe criminality to go to ones grave without having heard:

Pink Floyd - One of These Days

Hawkwind - Masters of the Universe
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted

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