Yeah, I can tell you from experience that comic could be renamed 'Horror stories for people with social anxiety problems'. I by far prefer to deal with people via text or email than over the phone. When I do have to talk with someone on the phone I keep it as short as possible. The worst was the time I've spent working in call centers, at tech support, customer service or order departments. Nothing like spending 8 hours dealing with angry people on the phone to drive my stress levels through the roof.
Yeah this is very much the same for me.
Customer service training is a nightmare when you have social anxiety.
Honestly, working in call centres and in customer service has actually helped ease my social anxiety. It's like aversion therapy. When the options are 'have an anxiety attack' and 'fail to pay rent or feed self,' I realise how relatively mild my anxiety issues are when compared to other people's.
But to this day, I need that professional veneer to talk on the phone. If it's not a work call, then unless it's my girlfriend I'm talking to I HAAAAAATE talking on the phone with the fire of a thousand suns.
And I remember watching a video at a customer service training course I went on recently with the 'good customer experience' and the 'bad customer experience.'
The bad one was a dream for me because it was lonely. The good one found this poor bastard being accosted by sales staff at every fucking turn. They had five items in their fictional basket by the end and they'd spoken to nine people. You realise what a nightmare that is for me on a bad day? On a good day I'll chat to the checkout people quite happily, but on a day when I'm so desperate to be left alone that I'll walk 20 minutes out of my way to go to the OTHER Tesco that has automatic scan checkouts rather than actually make eye contact with someone, I don't want someone greeting me at the door, and at the butcher counter on the way past, and at the till, and on the way out, and on every fucking aisle, if I get greeted by some arsehole on every fucking aisle then I'm going to get greeted THIRTY TIMES as a conservative estimate.