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The Adventure Continues

Return fire from the Moon levels Sedna's cabin - she is not happy as she now has no clothes!
Gavia the mortal
A terrible invasion by War Machines from space
Pissed off, Alice and Sedna declare war on the Praeses - which is what they were aiming for
Ardent is angry - Don't make Ardent angry, you wouldn't like him when he's angry
Hijinks as Gavia has learn to cope without her Nanotech
The Praeses finally put in an appearance
Alice has terrible flashbacks to the war
The arrival of the flying restaraunt serving Spathe Pizza, Ham and Waffles with Coffee
Purple Space Monkey Dishwasher
Whaterver happens, you can bet it won't be in this Poll

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Author Topic: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016  (Read 106461 times)


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #150 on: 30 May 2016, 19:53 »

She's pushed it aside. That doesn't mean that the reality and pain of it won't strike again at odd moments to come.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #151 on: 30 May 2016, 22:54 »

Not denying Gavia's pain or anything that has been said about it. But I think that
  • she will realize that even though she "defined herself" with nanos, she realizes that her true self is still there. And also
  • it will be played for LOLs for a few times when she tries to do something and simply forgets that nanos won't do it for her any longer.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #152 on: 30 May 2016, 22:55 »

Come to think of it, though, if she had no skin pigment then her skin should have a kind of pinkish glow, due to blood in her capillaries actually showing through the skin.

Which is how she's shown.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #153 on: 30 May 2016, 23:31 »

Difficult to say since I don't see how she could drink or eat while she was in metabolic stasis and yet she is not skin and bones.  As such I don't think she'd sweat or expel any other waste.  At least I hope not because the poor girl has gone through enough.  Knowing that Alice or worse yet Ardent was giving her sponge baths while comatose would just be another grievance to add to the pile.

After three weeks without drinking and eating she would not only be skin and bones, but also six feet under the ground. Without drinking you die within a few days. There is no sign of intravenal nourishment, so the group must have gotten something into her. Water and soup, likely. A rather messy process with an unconcious person. And yes, there must have been some bodily waste. So cleaning her has been unevitable.

Caring for an unconcious person outside a hospital is a very difficult and unpleasant process, a fact mostly ignored by writers in fiction. A word that immediately comes to my mind here is "diapers". So I donīt blame Jeph for ignoring it too.

But the picture of Gavia crying really got me today. The pain of loss must be overwhelming for her, so I rather go for denial here.
The artwork is really impressing. Jeph made an excellent job of illustrating Gavias emotions and pain here. Billiant!

Relax, it's just a comic.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #154 on: 31 May 2016, 07:16 »

Difficult to say since I don't see how she could drink or eat while she was in metabolic stasis and yet she is not skin and bones.  As such I don't think she'd sweat or expel any other waste.  At least I hope not because the poor girl has gone through enough.  Knowing that Alice or worse yet Ardent was giving her sponge baths while comatose would just be another grievance to add to the pile.

After three weeks without drinking and eating she would not only be skin and bones, but also six feet under the ground. Without drinking you die within a few days. There is no sign of intravenal nourishment, so the group must have gotten something into her. Water and soup, likely. A rather messy process with an unconcious person. And yes, there must have been some bodily waste. So cleaning her has been unevitable.

Caring for an unconcious person outside a hospital is a very difficult and unpleasant process, a fact mostly ignored by writers in fiction. A word that immediately comes to my mind here is "diapers". So I donīt blame Jeph for ignoring it too.

But the picture of Gavia crying really got me today. The pain of loss must be overwhelming for her, so I rather go for denial here.
The artwork is really impressing. Jeph made an excellent job of illustrating Gavias emotions and pain here. Billiant!


Absence of an intravenous drip it would have to be water and soup if that's even possible for a group that's not looking after her in a primitive hospital, but traveling in a wagon.  Even if it was possible to feed and keep her hydrated she would be extremely emaciated, but aside from her hair being mussed up and circles under her eyes she's about the same size and weight she was 3 weeks ago.  Moreover, her clothes lack any dribble stains and she looks to be wearing the same shorts she had on when she lost her frock not a diaper. 

Perhaps the metabolic stasis is matter of plot convenience, but I accept it since this is someone who's had 5000 years of augmentation and could recover from something that would kill a normal human.

But I do agree that Jeph has excellently illustrated Gavia's emotional pain.       


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #155 on: 31 May 2016, 11:56 »

Moreover, her clothes lack any dribble stains and she looks to be wearing the same shorts she had on when she lost her frock not a diaper. 

Well, ardent is also sporting the same briefs he had when he came. Maybe they are self-cleaning.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #156 on: 31 May 2016, 14:11 »

I for one am unconvinced a few frames of sick room nursing would have advanced the plot very much, and I am grateful to have been spared the graphics.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #157 on: 31 May 2016, 14:44 »

"If you wonder how he eats and breathes
and other science facts (tra-la-la)
Just remind yourself 'It's just a show,
I should probably relax'..."
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #158 on: 31 May 2016, 16:05 »

We've got movie sign!


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #159 on: 31 May 2016, 17:06 »

Good Neko. You get a cookie.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #160 on: 31 May 2016, 17:36 »

yay a cookie! nom nom nom


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #161 on: 01 Jun 2016, 11:45 »

Moreover, her clothes lack any dribble stains and she looks to be wearing the same shorts she had on when she lost her frock not a diaper. 

Well, ardent is also sporting the same briefs he had when he came. Maybe they are self-cleaning.

Possibly.  I remember a story line in Times Like This where time traveler Cassie Wells discovers that people in the future wear underwear that is self cleaning which makes using the toilet unnecessary, however, I believe this was possible through nanotechnology so if the Night Walker took everything Gavia had on her person it probably took any that were in her clothes.  It took her frock so I assume so. 


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #162 on: 05 Jun 2016, 07:44 »

Strip is up!

It would seem that in addition to her being able to physically heal Gavia has miraculously coped with her loss quickly enough.  The wonders of genetic engineering.

Good for her.  I wasn't really looking forward to a whole bunch of strips with her mopey and depressed.  She's determined to get back home and get what she lost.

I think it's a miracle she can move as well as she can. My sister was in and out of consciousness for 2 weeks at a hospital and had to have rehab throughout the summer to properly walk again. Some of it was because she had broken her arm, too, but she really did need a lot of help getting around for a bit.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #163 on: 05 Jun 2016, 07:51 »

After three weeks without drinking and eating she would not only be skin and bones, but also six feet under the ground. Without drinking you die within a few days. There is no sign of intravenal nourishment, so the group must have gotten something into her. Water and soup, likely. A rather messy process with an unconcious person. And yes, there must have been some bodily waste. So cleaning her has been unevitable.

Caring for an unconcious person outside a hospital is a very difficult and unpleasant process, a fact mostly ignored by writers in fiction. A word that immediately comes to my mind here is "diapers". So I donīt blame Jeph for ignoring it too.

I was thinking/wonderin the same... But since this is sci-fi the theories as to why are endless.

Perhaps the shock of nanobots leaving her body temporarily slowed/stopped her metabolic state. She may also had been partially conscious—enough to eat/drink, but not to talk or be coherent. As for diapers? Perhaps she's wearing them. If we are far enough in the future for fancy weapons and nanobots and super-enhanced (possibly immortal) ladies, I would not be surprised if someone had a stash of futuristic super-thin adult dipes kicking around for emergencies.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #164 on: 19 Jun 2016, 21:46 »

Come to think of it, though, if she had no skin pigment then her skin should have a kind of pinkish glow, due to blood in her capillaries actually showing through the skin.

Which is how she's shown.

Maybe on your monitor, but I'm not seeing it. She looks pure white to me.

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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #165 on: 20 Jun 2016, 13:17 »

May's over, Benergy.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #166 on: 20 Jun 2016, 15:43 »

Maybe on your monitor, but I'm not seeing it. She looks pure white to me.

I used a colour checker (browser add-in) on her face: #FFEDE1 (= R:255, G:237, B:225) - clearly pink.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #167 on: 20 Jun 2016, 16:07 »

... clearly pink.
More a sort of tan colour if you ask me...

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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #168 on: 20 Jun 2016, 16:11 »

Paul - You sure you didn't check her eyes instead of her skin?
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #169 on: 20 Jun 2016, 22:18 »

... clearly pink.
More a sort of tan colour if you ask me...

Very pale skin colour, not pure white, is the point - names are imprecise.

And yes, I can distinguish eyes from the rest of the face - I selected a random spot in the middle of the cheek, in the picture of her beating up Ardent (unfortunately over a third of the archive images don't load, so I couldn't use the one that triggered the discussion).
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #170 on: 20 Jun 2016, 22:28 »

I am with PW. There is a subtle but definite touch of pink in there.

It's obviously not pure white. You only need to compare with the top she's wearing to see that.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #171 on: 21 Jun 2016, 09:48 »

Nah, it's white and gold.
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #172 on: 22 Jun 2016, 20:37 »

... clearly pink.
More a sort of tan colour if you ask me...

Very pale skin colour, not pure white, is the point - names are imprecise.

And yes, I can distinguish eyes from the rest of the face - I selected a random spot in the middle of the cheek, in the picture of her beating up Ardent (unfortunately over a third of the archive images don't load, so I couldn't use the one that triggered the discussion).

I'm actually more curious about the color of Gavia's clothing what there is of it.  When she was dropped from the Night Walker her underclothes appear to be a dark gray color and when she awakens she appears to be wearing a white tank top and shorts that are a lighter gray color.  Perhaps the fabric is affected by the light and looks darker at night or Alice or Senna lent her something while she was unconscious.  It may not matter, but after all the discussions about biological functions while comatose it's possible that what she was originally wearing was too stained by failed attempts at feeding and keeping her hydrated so they dressed her in something else.     
« Last Edit: 22 Jun 2016, 21:19 by brasca »


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #173 on: 22 Jun 2016, 23:56 »

My guess is that, in the original script, Gavia was meant to be completely naked in that panel because her nanotech was all of her apparel. I suspect that Jeph changed his mind late in the creative process, maybe because he felt that he'd already pushed the envelope far enough with Sedna sleeping topless. He may have also been concerned by the general consensus that Gavia is underage.

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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #174 on: 23 Jun 2016, 00:34 »

My guess is that, in the original script, Gavia was meant to be completely naked in that panel because her nanotech was all of her apparel. I suspect that Jeph changed his mind late in the creative process, maybe because he felt that he'd already pushed the envelope far enough with Sedna sleeping topless. He may have also been concerned by the general consensus that Gavia is underage.

There is that and the aspect that leaving her naked would make it on par with a sexual assault.  Her ordeal is heavy enough without getting into that territory, but what I'm referring to is her clothing when she was released by the Night Walker is dark gray and yet what she is wearing now is similar, but lighter in color.  It could be a decision by Jeph to change the colors without retroactively changing the previous strips, or her undergarments may change colors because it's futuristic technology or Alice or Sedna lent her something else to wear. 

It's interesting that you bring up age since it's not firmly established.  It might be possible that Ardent and Gavia mature quickly and are only a few years old or they are actually much older than the average baseline human, but youthful because of said augmentation.  At the very least Ardent has proven to be sexually active and there doesn't seem to be any taboo with who he slept with so I suppose that's evidence that he is of the age of consent whatever that might be.  As we have just seen with Gavia changing her skin color concepts such as race and age may be irrelevant to the space dwellers. 


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #175 on: 23 Jun 2016, 08:00 »

Surely an instant tan would not be a feature you'd bother with if you anticipated spending your entire life in space,, and never being on a planet.


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #176 on: 23 Jun 2016, 08:08 »

It's more of a case of fully-adaptable consciously-controlled anatomy. It would be interesting to see if this is more than just being able to control melanin levels in the skin. Could Ardent make himself look like a normal young man (literally in a matter of moments) if he chose to do so?

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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #177 on: 23 Jun 2016, 12:04 »

Surely an instant tan would not be a feature you'd bother with if you anticipated spending your entire life in space,, and never being on a planet.

There's still a lot that we don't know about the space habitat.  Perhaps there are sections with natural sunlight that enters through massive windows or artificially generated light that requires space dwellers to alter their melanin as need be. 


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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #178 on: 23 Jun 2016, 15:18 »

Of course you realise you're Posting in last months Thread don't you?
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Re: Alice Grove MCDLT - May 2016
« Reply #179 on: 23 Jun 2016, 20:56 »

Of course you realise you're Posting in last months Thread don't you?

Yes, but the topic was active so I responded.
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