Difficult to say since I don't see how she could drink or eat while she was in metabolic stasis and yet she is not skin and bones. As such I don't think she'd sweat or expel any other waste. At least I hope not because the poor girl has gone through enough. Knowing that Alice or worse yet Ardent was giving her sponge baths while comatose would just be another grievance to add to the pile.
After three weeks without drinking and eating she would not only be skin and bones, but also six feet under the ground. Without drinking you die within a few days. There is no sign of intravenal nourishment, so the group must have gotten something into her. Water and soup, likely. A rather messy process with an unconcious person. And yes, there must have been some bodily waste. So cleaning her has been unevitable.
Caring for an unconcious person outside a hospital is a very difficult and unpleasant process, a fact mostly ignored by writers in fiction. A word that immediately comes to my mind here is "diapers". So I donīt blame Jeph for ignoring it too.
But the picture of Gavia crying really got me today. The pain of loss must be overwhelming for her, so I rather go for denial here.
The artwork is really impressing. Jeph made an excellent job of illustrating Gavias emotions and pain here. Billiant!