Ah, Melon! So wonderfully full of good intentions and love and so woefully unable to communicate her needs to people around her!

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that this Oolong Tea is going to be a Chekhov's Gun of some sort. Roko is going to try sniffing it and whatever hallucination it generates is going to trigger something. What in particular I'm not sure but it's going to happen.
Meanwhile, Dora is looking beautiful today. She's also looking
confused and Emily is not making it any easier. Just when she'd more-or-less decided that customers are just weird and she shouldn't try to get them, Emily comes along and plants the seed in her head that everyone else is
normal and that
Dora's the one who is somehow out-of-step with reality. When Jeph mentions Fairy Girl in the footer text it does remind us that there's something intrinsically crazy about QC Northampton that means the sane may be out-of-place there!
As a final PS, Jeph has clearly heard the complaints that Dora and Emily are occasionally hard to tell apart and that's why he made today's strip. Emily is taller, has different-shaped eyes and a more angular face.