1. Disagree, she might be the best. She has consistently been shown to have a good handle on things when it comes to relationships and sex, even if she is crude.
2. AIs obviously have the ability to physically sense things, why would they not be able to derive pleasure from physical activities?
3. Nope, you are correct here.
4. Here too, fuck Google.
5. Her post-coital reaction might be (I'm hoping) a reaction to feeling a bit less casual about the encounter than she wanted to be. Casual sex is neither as simple as she made it out to be, nor as complicated as it has developed in Sven's head. Sven seemed to take the reaction pretty lightly, I'm guessing its not the first time he's seen it.
6. Magic!
7. Was someone deeply ashamed? I don't think May is ashamed of having sex, but rather that she had a more emotional reaction to it than she intended and she'd rather keep it private. Especially since her "power down" left her vulnerable in a way that she isn't used to. Shame is probably one of the most complicated emotions that exists, and sometimes things that you are ashamed of are the best things to do.
8. Momo is definitely fascinated by sex, as has been shown a number of times in the comic. She's previously had an infatuation with Sven but I don't think she has any real attachment to him besides a physical attraction.
1. Obviously that's not my read on it. She always seems to have the shallowest, least-nuanced view, after Pintsize. For example, with her specific advice to Sven, that's not how sexuality works for most people. The psychology of it is complicated, and feelings almost always get involved.
2. The, um, activities she's described in the past generally aren't too rewarding for human women, either. In my relationships, women have done those things because they were interested in giving me pleasure, but derived no particular pleasure from it themselves, and they weren't so, um, enthusiastic about it. The usual expectation was reciprocity, and that it wouldn't happen otherwise. I think May's made clear that reciprocity isn't physically an option for her.
I gather some women do enjoy those things for the activity's own sake, though I've never met one. Being a "giver" sexually doesn't really seem to fit May's personality.
7. Our hopes or reading hidden motivations aside, her immediate reaction was definitely "I don't want anyone to know we did this because they would think less of me." That was quite explicit.
Sven responds that he gets that a lot, which I'd personally find a soul-crushing assessment of my worth, if I had experienced that.