Perhaps it's just the specific coffee taste and not any bitterness that you dislike?
I like the smell most of the time. It's the taste, which I perceive as bitter no matter how amended. Coffee flavored candies and tira misu (however that's spelled) I find vile. Just one of my particular foibles I suppose. My wife drinks coffee regularly, but I don't hold that against her until she has to buy it instead of make it at home (I object to the price paid compared to home brewed).
As far as vegetables go, I was raised eating many home-grown veggies raw. My parents tried to get us to eat cooked veggies, and that's when I discovered I can't stand the slimey-in-my-mouth feel, no matter what the taste (my mother has many strong points; cooking is not one of them). So I've gotten good at steaming and substituting and making two versions (with and without veggies) of many dishes, and I really don't mind. But when I go to a restaurant, I'm a fussy eater, for sure. So I'll eat things like zucchini (well, small amounts anyway) raw, but as soon as it starts to wilt in some dish, fuhg-ged-aboud-it! Like I said - just one of my foibles. Y'all can have my share, I'd really rather starve. Really. It saves tossing my cookies at the table, or seriously wanting to.
Beer is the same thing - I liked Bubbles description of IPAs. Between the bitter from the hops and the fact that I've too many alcoholics in my extended family, plus the fact that I apparently have the gene that allows one to metabolize alcohol at high speed so I don't ever "feel the buzz", well I just avoid alcohol. I'll have a glass of wine with a meal once in a great while, but that's more about toasting and being sociable than it is about enjoying the liquor. It's way cheaper to eat out without paying that tab too.