Okay now they're approaching hazing territory. Although, IMO, it's still fairly harmless teasing. I would say that it's only hazing if there's an element of planned ritual humiliation to it and they let Sam find out that the doohickey is a shelf bracket on her own after taking it to the police station for 'disposal'. This, on the other hand, was just a spontaneous outburst of humour.
FWIW, I like the idea of 'Code Fuchsia and I wonder how its name came about. For some reason, I can see Mess Orderly 2nd Class Bubbles chasing a yappy dog around the mess hall with a purple dishcloth. Well... it wasn't really purple as much as fuchsia, hence the name.
I can also see Mechanic 3rd Class Bubbles, just starting out at the Motor Pool, being sent for a can of headlight fluid and a left-handed spanner whilst knowing that there's no such thing but realising that this is a sort of initiation and that, if she didn't do it, Master Sergeant Bully would just get madder at the 'tin can soldier'. That, by the way, is hazing.