Of course, sometimes a hammer is just a hammer.
Claw or Ball-pein?
Ball Pien -
Brass - Club - Dead Blow -
Framing -
Rubber Mallet -
Sledge -
Tack - Blacksmith - Blocking -
Brick - Bushing - Cross peen - Cross peen pin - Chasing -
Drywall - Electricians - Engineers - Hatchet -
Joiners - Linesmans - Mechanics -
piton - Planisher -
Rip -
Rock - Scaling - Scutch - Shingle -
Soft-faced - Spike Maul - Stone Sledge -
Tinners - Tool Makers - Trim -
Welding -
Wood Carpenters MalletAll those in italic I actually own though a majority I inherited from my dad. The underlined ones are one I bought and paid for to give you some idea of my "hobbies".
Man I do have a lot of hammers, especially when you consider some come in a variety of sizes as well.