Figured I'd get the new thread started a touch early in the event of additional drama escalation.
I was originally going to ask whether dealing with someone who had youngest child syndrome or only child syndrome was worse, but that'd have required a disclaimer that I wasn't referring to the birth order hypothesis or using a blanket application of the terms to everyone who's an only child/youngest child, and was instead referring to interacting with those individuals who actually hit all of the negative hallmarks of both questionable syndromes in a supremely negative fashion. For example, my own younger brother (the youngest of us three) is lazy, incredibly narcissistic, manipulative, and a unashamed self-entitled mooch who literally throws fits when he doesn't get his way (he's in his thirties, BTW).
So I opted for this simple poll instead since I couldn't think of anything comic related that hasn't already been done and didn't amount to vague posting. I think of a better poll, I'll swap this one out.
EDIT: typo fixes and some typographical emphases (completely blanking on the word).
EDIT 2: Some slight rephrasing to hopefully eliminate some redundancies and maybe make things a little clearer. Yes, that is a long run-on sentence.