As a QA line inspector, I can very much relate to the negative experiences with stoners (and other drug-addled sorts). Suffice it to say that following simple rules (generally regarding PPE) is quite difcicult for some of them. Unfortunately, we're too short-handed on my shift at the moment to simply just can all of them.
Go on, by all means - please tell me exactly how you feel about 'sorts' like me.
Firstly, it should be noted that I didn't say "all" or use any blanket statements. Secondly, it should be mentioned that we have and had employees that actually used pot
responsibly (i.e. didn't become a hazard to themselves and only smoked a little on break) [1].
Being that
we work with food[2], constantly having to remind the same small handful of people to where their hairnets and/or beardnets or reminding them that they need to wash their hands after touching their faces[3] ~5x more often than everyone else gets pretty annoying pretty fast. Especially when they start acting like I'm 'the man' and I'm 'just keeping down' instead of trying to help them remain employed. For some of them, it doesn't matter how diplomatic I'm being [4]. Granted, that one is more likely to do with those individuals' temperaments.
The singular upside of the new owners deciding to drop the temp service [5][6] is that we don't have to deal with the bottom-of-the-barrel temps we were getting anymore[7]. Now if only we could get rid of the cokehead who keeps coming in hopped up on that mixed with whatever else.[8] The only reason she's even still employeed in the first place is because she's she's sleeping with her supervisor[9] and he's
also a cokehead. His unwillingness to enforce the rules for the last decade also happens to be the reason why it's generally such a pain in the ass to enforce the rules (for the rest of management and myself).
[1] Naturally, this doesn't include the guy who stumbled in high as balls, hopped on his forklift and promptly backed into one of the concrete safety posts, narrowly missing one of the palletizers.
[2] A now pat response that I should really just get printed on some shirts.
[3] Or one of the other upteen thousand things grown-ass adults shouldn't have to be told or reminded about literally every day (short of a disibility).
[4] Samples include: "Oh hey, you're beardnet fell" (it didn't fall, I watched them pull it down). "Oh [name here] looks like you forgot your hairnet. It happens, I forgot mine earlier." (May or may not have legitimately forgot it. It was a struggle with some.)
[5] the reason we're short-handed rn.
[6] The new owners were getting tired of the steadily increasing number of customer complaints and bad/wasted product. The temps got the blame.
[7] Unable or unwilling to follow instructions, unwilling to follow proper procedures, general insubordination (not my call on that one), and generally shitty attitudes toward being expected to actually work. Many of them were also rather bad at actually showing up to work. Unfortunately, it was the temp service that was unwilling to work with those who had extenuating circumstances (we lost at least 10 really good temps to that).
[8] Results in tachycardia, confusion, excessive sweating, mild paranoia, and general anxiety. May or may not also be the cause of a number of cognitive dysfunctions. All of her other issues (includes severe auditory processing issues and mild hallucinations) are from all of the other hard drugs she took too much of for however long.
[9] They both make painfully obvious and one of the few rumors at work that I'll actually believe.
But, of course, this is all hearsay. And, since no names of any sorts were used, this is innactionable by HR