Why, if George Lucas wants to redo the Disney triology, I'd say sure, knock yourself out.
As a YouTuber (Shadiversty) stated recently, the Disney triology isnt actually canon anyway. Its just poor fanfiction. Thats how I see it, too.
The first of these movies was bad enough, being nothing more than a variation of the original movie A New Hope. But the other two movies have been plothole galore. And they destroyed the original characters, too.
I bet 95% of the people reading this posting could do better than that. And so can George Lucas.
Personally I never objected to the prequels. I dont even dislike Jar Jar Binks. So you really cannot claim I'm an overly critical watcher. But the Disney triology is utter garbage, makes no sense whatsoever, and is highly disrespectful to the originals.